Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Monday!

Hello! Today has been interesting. I've not done much except chase William around the house with a big mixing bowl trying to catch him if he starts to throw up. Sorry... that was probably TMI. As a mom, you start to lose that filter of what is just not something to talk about in normal company. A group of moms may appreciate a good vomit story... but not the general public. My apologies.

But no more news from Billy. I did make our hotel reservations for his graduation. I'm super excited about it! We have a whole week planned. Heck, the whole month of June and into July is jammed packed with stuff to do. That makes for a very fast paced month. Which just makes it that much closer to July 6th - when we get to see our soldier!!

So, today's useless Becky fact is "post a picture of someone who has influenced you"
That isn't hard. There are many names of people who I know have encouraged me... but there is one man who just always tried to drive his advice into my thick skull. I wish I had listened to him a little more closely when he was alive. But his words still echo in my heart.

My BBear
William F. Barnes

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