Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Blackburn Family vacation - in three parts

Good grief!! I am a organizational FREAK! And it only become magnified when I'm doing something like packing for five people to go on a 10 day trip. Getting everyone enough clothes, underwear, swim suits, and everything else... it is a LOT of stuff! But I did it. We are 99.9% packed and ready to go. YAY! I can't pack my phone chargers and such until Saturday... but other than that... I'm all set! WHOO HOO! I managed to get everything into three suitcases (one big, two small), I got Billy's stuff in a small tote bag, and then I have all our entertainment devices (DS's and Mobi-Go and MP3 players) tucked into a back pack. Not to mention I'm bringing my monster big purse. I still feel like I've had to leave several things behind, but oh well. We'll just do without.
So, here's how the trip will go... It is basically separated into three parts. Part one is spending 4 days with our good friends, the Prices. This is Billy's best friend and his family in North Carolina. They have three small girls and they also have the sister staying with them - who also has a small one. If you do the math... that's a lot of kids! And I think Will's the only boy - not that this is a problem. He almost always is the only boy. Part Two is going to Fort Jackson, South Carolina for Billy's Family Day and Graduation. Family Day is basically the day we all get to hang out with Billy on base (he's not allowed to leave). He has to remain in uniform and can't do any 'public displays of affection' like holding hands or kissing. However, he is allowed to 'escort' his wife or mother (kinda sweet) and carry his children. If he wants to go swimming (Fort Jackson has a lake, a water park and two swimming pools) he has to wear his PT uniform which is a t-shirt and running shorts. Then he has to report back to his barracks by 7 in the evening and we have to go back to our hotel. THEN... the next morning is graduation. We get to witness a really awesome ceremony that few men get to experience. (Heart is swelling already) After his graduation I will have to sign him out and then we have 24 hours to get him to his next training station - Newport News, VA @ Fort Eustis. SO... Part Three will be traveling to VA. Once he gets there and checks in, there is a chance he will get a weekend pass. So we get to either hang out with him there in VA until Sunday or if he doesn't get his pass, we will just have to drop him off and say our goodbyes then and there. I'm seriously praying for that weekend pass!!!
So we'll just have to see how this all plays out. It is going to be an adventure for sure!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Four sunburns and a wasp sting

My house smells like a big vat of aloe. For some reason, I just don't think the spray sunscreen works. I've used lotion (Banana Boat - For Kids - SPF 50 - Waterproof) every time we've gone to the pool and we've never had a serious problem. Today I chose to use the same thing (Banana Boat - For Kids - SPF 50 - Waterproof) but in the spray version. We all came home today with some seriously pink and stinging shoulders. Well, except Allison who soaks in sun like a brown paper bag soaks in water - it just turns browner. However, she did manage to attain a super nice wasp sting. Bless her heart. We went to visit some friends who live out on a farm not too far from us. She got up on the saddle swing (a more sophisticated version of the tire swing - using a saddle) and she was swarmed with wasps. Considering all the screaming we both did trying to get her to safety, she only got one sting. I was unscathed - but completely freaked out. So two lessons learned today... ONE - don't go for convenience when buying sunscreen and TWO - shake the saddle before you try to ride.

I have made my list of things to take on our trip. I am taking Billy the laptop so he can keep up with us while he's at AIT. I think I'm also going to get him an iTunes gift card so he can get himself some new tunes. The only other thing I can think to take him is a batch of my chocolate chip cookies.

Day 51of 57 "something you love about yourself"
My chocolate chip cookies. I can make some seriously good chocolate chip cookies. They are a total pain and I hate to make them, but I'm always ever so glad when I did. YUM YUM YUM!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

This morning we woke up to the loudest most insane thunder I've heard in years. We literally jumped when it struck just right outside the house. It was the loudest crack!! It reminded my of when Billy and I were on our honeymoon. We rented this tiny little cabin in the mountains of East Tennessee. We were in a pretty high altitude and this one afternoon a storm rolled in that I'll never forget. We were right on the edge of the Ocoee River and the cabin was up on stilts. I didn't really understand the real point of that until the river started to rise. Within minutes, the yard was full of rushing river water. But that wasn't the crazy part. The thing that blew my mind was the electricity in the air. You could feel the lightening before it struck. every hair on my arm would tingle - just like someone was walking past me about to shock me with static. And the thunder was so loud, it was deafening. Billy refused to stay indoors. He was having a BLAST on the porch of this cabin ~ just loving it. And since I was too afraid to be inside by myself, I ended up sitting on the porch with him. And really it turned out to be an amazing sight to behold. And not to mention totally romantic. *goofy grin*
That was almost exactly 12 years ago. This Sunday, Billy and I will be celebrating our 12 year anniversary. Hardly seems possible. LOL!
We started out being just like any married couple. Poor and stupid. HAHA! Oddly enough, 12 years later, we are still poor and I'd like to think not-so-stupid. We've had our ups and downs, but I think that because of some advice I got many many years ago from a very happy married again, I will always understand the power of marriage. They told me that no married couple stays in love 100% of the time. You will fall out of love and back in love over and over again. Sometimes when a couple goes through the "out of love" moments, they give up and call it quits. But they don't put faith in the fact that they will fall back in love again. Billy and I have certainly had these moments. It's funny but I didn't always see it at the time (like when I wanted to kill him) that we were just in a rut. But looking back, I see each time we were 'rutting' it out to be a learning experience.
Having said all that, I feel that right now ~ all things considered ~ I don't think I've ever been more in love with my husband than right now. Of course, his absence has surely made that most apparent. Only because I do not have his snoring, dirty socks on the living room floor, seven loads of towels each week, and other things that drive me crazy. But I think if I had all those things back, I'd be the happiest person alive right now because that would at least mean I have him back home. However, I'll sacrifice my happiness for my incredibly insane amount of pride I have for him now. You have no idea how excited I am to be so close to seeing him and hugging that man's neck!!!!

Day 50 of 57 (7 more days!!!! EEEEE!!!!)  "a favorite photo"
I have many favorites...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bouncing OFF the walls!

Today was a super day! Even though I still didn't get a phone call from Billy (which means we won't hear from him again until we see him next week probably) we still had a great day! This morning we woke up and went swimming first thing. Then we went to the dentist and everyone got a wonderful report ~ no cavities!! Even William sat in the chair and let the lady scrape and polish his teeth! Such a Big Boy!! He was so excited about the whole thing! I'm just so proud of my children and their healthy mouths! Then it was off to get about 3 days worth of groceries. And came home to a long afternoon nap.
Now I am spiked up full of coffee and going about a hundred miles a minute. I was just talking to my mother on the phone and I'm sure giving her whiplash from my non-stop chatter. She had to stop me mid-sentence to say, "Becky, before you do anything else... go pour out that coffee!" HAHA! It was hilarious considering it was soooo true. She knows me too well!
So we are leaving to go see Billy in four days. I am excited beyond words!!! I have about 6 things knocked off my list of 76 things to do before we go. If I clean too much today, I'll just have to re-clean Friday. So, I might as well let it all pile up and do it all at once rather than wear myself out. I think that makes perfect sense. Kinda the same sense as eating oatmeal cookies for breakfast. It's oatmeal - a breakfast food. So, why not eat oatmeal cookies for breakfast?!?

So I don't think I ever posted what Billy will be doing the last couple weeks of training... now that he's done. But I was just looking at it and thought it looked interesting. I decided to share.
Weeks 6-9: Blue Phase

The culminating phase of BCT, Soldiers combine the skills they learned in earlier phases of training to complete advanced combat tasks.

Advanced Rifle Marksmanship (close combat and use of aiming tools such as lasers)

Patrol and attack as a squad

Maneuver and engage targets as part of a team

Employ "crew-served" and more powerful weapons

M240B Machine Gun

AT4 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher

M203 40mm Grenade Launcher

Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT - Fighting in a city)

Convoy Defense

Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Defeat

Long-distance Road Marching with combat load

Foward Operating Base (FOB) operations

Control Point operations
And here is a little thing I found on what Victory Forge is
It's a 72 hour tatcial exercise that combines everything they've learned during basic training.
Victory Forge

The Army took the Crucible and changed it in ways to suit their needs. At Fort Jackson, Victory Forge was the result. "All Army basic training sites have a culminating event like Victory Forge," said Army Maj. Gen. John A. Van Alstyne, commander of Fort Jackson.

Basic at Jackson once climaxed with a classic field training exercise. "I got here in July 1997 and I took a look at the FTX. It became clear to me we needed to do a lot of work," he said. "The recruits were bused out to a point, there was a short road march and then they went into an area and established positions. Drill sergeants referred to it as a 'Dig-X.' In other words, they did more digging than anything else."

Van Alstyne and his planners visited Parris Island's Crucible. He said they changed it to fit their situation. Victory Forge starts with a 10-kilometer march out and lasts 72 hours in a tactical environment. Though Marine recruits carry weapons during the Crucible, their environment is one of training.

The general gathered his brigade and battalion commanders and drill sergeants and charged them: Implement Victory Forge and make it the high point of basic combat training.

The result is a combination of team-building events and tactical lanes. "We wanted to finish with a night infiltration course and a long road march on the way home," Van Alstyne said. The final march started at 12 kilometers, but now averages 15.

"Soldiers now feel like they are pushed both physically and mentally, and they are proud of what they have done," he said. Training companies, he added, routinely come out of Victory Forge looking like rifle platoons that just finished two days of combat operations.

Victory Forge ends at night, and the soldiers gather around a forge. Flames spew from the top as the battalion commander puts the soldiers' experiences into perspective. He holds up a rod of iron and likens it to them when they arrived at Fort Jackson -- metal with a lot of potential but unshaped. But then, he says, they went through the fires of Victory Forge. And as he speaks, he reaches into the forge and pulls out a sword.

Then the drill sergeants go down the line and congratulate the soldiers. "When the drill sergeants walk down the line and tell [the soldiers] they've 'done good,' many of them break down," Van Alstyne said. "They are being told this by someone they really respect. It means a lot to them."

I can't wait to hear how this goes for Billy!! And I'm going to get to hear all about it in about one week!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why was I surprised?

Billy said they should get to make their "blue phase" phone call this weekend and then didn't. I really hope that little one minute phone call the other day wasn't it. And they are headed out for their final journey - Victory Forge - this week. So it is a guarantee he won't be calling this week. I just don't even know. I don't guess I should really be bothered by this since I'm going to see him in 9 days. But I really wanted to ask him a very important question about our trip. I just want this week to be over already. UGH!

But we DO have a very busy week... AGAIN. Monday is swimming and then the dentist... or maybe the dentist then swimming. Tuesday is swimming. Wednesday is creek stomping. Thursday is swimming. Friday is packing. Saturday is FLYING!!! WhooHOO!!!! And somewhere in there I have to clean my house and mow that stupid yard. BLAH!

I guess I'll just pray for an early morning phone call from my dearest husband.

Day 46 of 57 "a picture that makes you happy"

This has to be one of my favorite pictures of my kids EVER!
May 2009 - Mirandrew's Wedding

Day 47 of 57 "something you wish you could change about yourself and why"
I don't know... I guess my weight. I was a super skinny child (like Allison). And then after having three babies, a desk job for 10+ years, and a love for good yummy fried foods and chocolate... my once skinny self sees pictures of my now chunky monkey self and I get all BLECH! Although I do have to say, I've done pretty well. Over the past year, I've shed almost 30 pounds. So that is something worth cheering about!! I still get a shock when I see a picture of myself. In my mind, I'm that skinny 10 year old. But in reality, not so much.

Day 48 of 57 "a picture of yourself a year ago and a picture of yourself today, and how you've changed since then"
wow! This goes right along with day 47...

July 2010

May 2011

Day 49 of 57 "something you dislike about yourself"
Yeah... again... I'd say my weight.

Wow this 57 days of posting was kinda depressing tonight. Jeez! So we all know I am a chunky monkey now. Secrets out! But on the bright side... this morning I was getting dressed and Emma gasps and says, "Whoa Mom!" I thought she was making an issue of my outfit choice, but she said, "You look like a teenager! You really have lost a lot of weight!"  I love that child!!! And apparently my outift choice was a thumbs up as well! So not such a bad thing in my mind.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

So much to do

I made myself a list of things to do over the next six days that must be done before I go see Billy. And then I sat on my butt the rest of the day while the list stared at me from across the room. But I do have to say, I feel as though simply making that list was an accomplishment considering the mood I'm in today. We needed a lazy day after the week we just. Well after the past few weeks we've had. However, the double edge to that sword is that due to the fact that we've neglected all household chores since May, they have kinda caught up to me. Like mowing the yard. Or making William's bed. I know I know! That is horrible. Going that long with the poor baby boy's bed not being made, but he sleeps with me since his dad's been gone. So who cares! He wet his bed a while back during a nap. So I took the sheets off the bed, washed them, and just never put them back on. LOL! And I wonder why I'm surprised when they never nominate me for mother of the year award.
ANYWAY, today was just what we needed. A fun little Bruno Mars kinda day. However, I will have to mow that yard before too long. I wonder if I could pay someone to come over and do it... that's how much I do NOT want to mow that yard. In my next house, I want to live on the beach. I want sand instead of grass. Billy will disagree I am sure. Did you guys know that there was sand everywhere at Fort Jackson?

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's ketchup day!

Well, really it is just catch-up day. But ketchup was clever, I thought. No? Ok, sorry.

But before I start that... I got a one minute phone call from Billy today to tell me a quick little piece of financial business. It was almost like he'd been at work all day and just needed to check in with me. It wasn't like my heart jumped into my throat or I got all weepy. I suppose that is hard to explain. But it was just a mundane little phone call like "hey honey, I gotta tell you this one thing. Oh and we did a ten mile march today and I'm real tired. Well, I gotta go. I love you, bye!" Maybe this is a sign that I am starting to finally de-float. That one little 52 second phone call was the most normal feeling thing that has happened since he left. How is that possible when this is the most un-normal thing we've ever been through?? When the weird begins to feel normal... it's probably because the weird is now becoming the normal. This may be a good thing.

OK so... time for the ketchup.

Day 38 of 57 "someone who has made your life worth living"
I'd have to say my kids. I'm not clever enough right now to think of some unique reason why. And to get all "they are the center of my life" may sound cliche... but I mean, it really is true. I knew that being a mom would be something I would love. And I do.

Day 39 of 57 "a picture of somewhere you've been to"

This is our vacation we took back in 2009 to Largo, Florida (just outside of Tampa)
I considered putting a picture of the bathroom - because it is certainly somewhere I've been... but decided against it

Day 40 of 57 "a picture of your family"
well that was dumb. I should have read ahead before started this post... I could have combined a couple of these. Now, I have to go hunt up another picture of my family... Nah, I don't mind. I love to brag about my family...  So here is our latest family portrait

Aren't we cute!?!

Day 41 of 57 "a band or artist that has gotten you through some rough days"
I think of all the bands I've ever been a fan of... U2 is probably one my favorites. But has U2 really gotten me through some rough times? Well, I don't guess so. I mean that is kind of a weird thing to say. "Bono was here yesterday and he held my hand while I cried about not getting any letters from Billy. He totally understands what it feels like to be 'with or without you'" Or Jon Bon Jovi called to check up on me and asked if I was still "living on a prayer" while Billy's away. And Michael Stipe, the lead singer from REM, sent me a Facebook post that said, "hey, just remember that 'everybody hurts sometimes'" Yup... that's weird.

Day 42 of 57 "a favorite YouTube video"
I have a couple. I really like the ones that make me laugh.

Day 43 of 57 "something you wish you had done in your life"
Danced on my wedding day

Day 44 of 57 "your last five facebook statuses"
1. Just picked Emma up from 4H camp. She can hardly keep her eyes open and yet still can't stop talking. Eyes still closed she just informed me that someone left wet clothes in their cabin and it smelled like dead hermit crabs.

2. I have one hour until I pick up Will from vbs. I live too far away to go home. I could probably eat but don't know what to eat. I could go work out but I'm wearing jeans and flip flops. I could go shopping but I don't have money to spend on what I want to buy. So I guess I will sit in my truck and update my facebook status.

3. When people in the bank give me a hard time and act like I don't know what I'm talking about, I want to tell them that I was doing their job before they were even out of junior high. Ugh! However I just smile and let them think they know more than me.

4. Billy called tonight!!! 12 whole minutes!! And he said he MIGHT get to call on Sunday too. YAY!!!

5. Hoping my Emma is doing well at her first night of a week long over-night camp. Eh.. what am I saying... of course she is.

Day 45 of 57 "five things about you nobody really knows"
1. I have a best friend named Nunya.
2. I used to live on Nunya Street right next to Nunya
3. I have a whole box of secret Nunya stuff in my closet
4. I am a very private person really - you can ask Nunya
5. Nunya's last name is Business
(I mean, come on, if nobody knows something about me... why would I post it on here for the world to read?) I'm just kidding... ok let me think
1. I have very strong fingernails
2. I used to live in a one room house that was about 200 square feet. One big room and a bath. The kitchen was a mini-fridge with a toaster, microwave and portable electric stove.
3. My first job was at Burger King and I went home and cried the first day because they made fun of me for wearing sandals.
4. Billy and I were in the same wind band at a regional wind band conference and never knew each other until years later AND his mom had a picture of me from when my High School band visited Billy's High School for a band contest - again, years before we ever met. You can only imagine the oddity of looking through old pictures of your husband in high school and finding a picture of yourself.
5. I got slapped on the bus by a big big BIG girl because she was making fun of my friend and I told her to shut up. So she slapped me. I was too scared to tell the bus driver until after the big big BIG girl got off the bus and by then he said it was too late to do anything.
Well, that's enough for today. We are leaving in one week to go see Billy!!!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

goodbye television

I got our cable bill today. $105 for us to watch Nick Jr and the news in the morning. Um.. no. So, I called and since we technically have satelite... I had them reduce our channels from 300 something down to 50. But it cut our bill in half and I could probably reduce it more if I returned a receiver, but I'm too worn out to deal with that right now. So now we have the local channels and five disney channels and four nickelodeons. If Billy were here, he'd have a fit. He loves his History and Discovery Channels. But since I doubt he'll be living in this house again... I just went ahead and made an executive decision and Viola! Now if I can just figure out a way to reduce our phone bill. maybe I'll turn off the land line... I feel the need to reduce things today.
Speaking of things reduced. I not only found a super cute pair of capri pants at the Goodwill store for a whopping $4, but they were in a much smaller size than I've been wearing. My grin was a little obnoxious as I left with my treasure.

So, Billy graduates in less than 2 weeks. Hopefully soon he'll be able to access the internet. So, I think I'm going to switch the focus of the blog back to our daily stuffs so that he can keep up with us. Sorry for the whiplash. Plus, in just over 2 months, we'll be moving - maybe - and I'll want a way for the family and friends to keep up with us. That was more of an FYI than anything.

I'll have to do some major catching up on my 57 days of posting. We only have 12 days left until I go see my dear husband!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

oh the joy!

So I got to talk to Billy tonight!!! YAY! I swear when it rains, it pours. He said he'd been given 4 chances to call prior to this, but every time he gets to the phone - he gets called away for some reason or another. He wasn't too happy about that. But this time he got to call because he passed his final PT test. WHOO HOO! He did his run in 16:40 - and with a shoe untied at that! I can't remember how many push-ups and sit-ups but one was 34 and the other was 38. So, that is passing and he is GOLDEN now!
He said they were supposed to have phased over to BLUE almost 2 weeks ago, but just this afternoon did it officially. So, even this phone call wasn't his official Blue phase phone call. He said he might get to call again Sunday.
But here are some of the things we talked about:
  • He has lost 30 pounds
  • He wants me to bring his phone car charger and earphones
  • He wants me to bring him a pair of jeans, but he doubts he'll be able to wear them. Oh and a couple pair of socks and t-shirts (they should get some down time while he's at AIT and will have a chance to wear real clothes)
  • I kinda lost it and cried like a looney when I was trying to tell him that I hated not getting to hear from him (why I can't keep my stupid mouth shut I don't know) but he said he hated it too and that he had about 18 pages of stuff he'd been writing for me. (squish!)
  • He said they started getting privileges of blue phase last week even though they hadn't officially been phased over. So I guess that meant more personal time, and more phone calls, but just not him.
  • We talked about what we can do after graduation. He said I had to sign him out and I had to be with him when he reports to AIT in Virginia the next day. We discussed maybe renting a car so that I can take him up there and stay with him for the weekend if they don't let him leave. Still not sure about that.
  • He kept getting distracted and talking to other people. Apparently he was letting people use his calling card since I bought him one with 500 minutes and he only used like 10 minutes of it. LOL!
  • Oh his debit card won't work in the ATM because he bent it. So, I either need to bring him some cash or a new debit card.
I think that is about it. I really hope he gets to call back Sunday. The kids haven't talked to him yet. We were in the middle of Vacation Bible School when he called his time. There was no way I could have rounded them up. But maybe they can talk to him on Sunday if he calls. Even if he can't, we only have 9 more days until we leave to go see him and then 14 more days until we see him!!! WHOO HOO!

Monday, June 20, 2011

So SO SOOO Busy!

Ok well... I finally heard from my dear husband. I have posted his letters in the "letters from billy" tab.

We've been so busy the past few days and don't intend to slow down until at least Sunday. So... enjoy the letters. I didn't comment too much since they were so long.

But I will say this... he is doing AMAZINGLY WELL!!! I am so proud of him!!!  I can not wait to hug his neck!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Like a broken record

Day 37 of 57 "A Favorite Movie"
OKOK if I say I have too many to pick one, I sound like a broken record... I know. But it is TRUE this time! So, I will list a few and the reasons why...

Ok First - I love "Legends of the Fall" because it was the first movie I went to that the audience cheered at the end. I'll remember that forever.

I love "Far and Away" because the soundtrack is amazing and because this is the first movie I went to without adult supervision - I went with my cousin and we were so pumped afterwards. Great memory!!

I love "Pride and Prejudice" the BBC version because it is a true version of the book and because Mr. Darcy changed my world!!!

I love "Office Space" because every time we watch it Billy cracks up laughing and I love his laugh.

I love "Beauty and the Beast" the Disney version because it was such a beautiful movie!

I love "Billy Elliot" because it makes my heart swell for that wonderful boy!"

I love "Twilight" because it was such a horribly made version of one of my favorite books, and yet I will watch it any time it comes on. (same thing for New Moon and Eclipse)

I love any Harry Potter movie because I just do. I'm beyond excited about the last one coming out next month.

I love "Titanic" because it was the first time I ever saw Billy cry. (don't judge - he wasn't the only one)

I love "The Color Purple" because no matter how many times I watch it, I bawl like a looney toon.

I love "Steal Magnolias" for the same reason... plus "PLEASANT!?! I'm pleasant. Da##it! I just saw Drum Eaton at the Piggly Wiggly and I SMILED at the son of b!%ch cause I couldn't help myself!"  LOVE THAT!

And so there you have it. I could probably name a bunch more... but my mind is blank now.

Oh and still no word from Billy. Again... sorry for sounding like a broken record.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Le Sigh

Day 36 of 57 "The meaning behing your blog name"

Um.... look up at the top of the home page... But if you don't feel like looking, I'll give you the short version. We've never done anything quickly. It took me 16 years to get a college degree, took Billy 18 years to join the Army, etc. etc. etc.

No calls from Billy today even though they should have phased to Blue this weekend.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Time to chill

Well, still no mail today. I've gotten increasingly more insane over the past couple hours. The more I wonder about what is going on in Fort Jackson, the more I look at web pages like Facebook to try and get some sort of information - and the more I find, the more I realize that all kinds of other people are getting mail or phone calls or pictures - and then my blood pressure starts rising higher and higher. It's enough to make someone CRAZY! So, I try and vent to some of the other army wives. And they understand - but when they start saying stuff like 'Oh I know how you feel. But my husband sent me over 30 letters and called me every Sunday while he was in basic' she might as well have said "my husband is better than yours so nanananaabooobooo!" UGH! That isn't helping. So, I was literally sitting here typing out my letter to Billy (all in capital letters and with lots of choice words - basically stuff like WHY THE $^$% HAVE YOU NOT WRITTEN TO ME IN THREE WEEKS???) when I get a phone call. Not from Billy. But from Billy's best friend. Jon's been in the Army for 10 plus years and was a Marine before that. So, he basically had to do the slap me across the face over the phone. He reassured me that Billy is fine. He had talked to Billy's command last week and that they said he was doing well and everything was still a go for July 7th's gradation. He said they've been in the field a lot over the past three weeks and probably just have no time to write. And the whole "no news is good news" thing really applies to what he's doing right now. So, I've got to chill. My emotions are in overdrive. I cry and then laugh at myself. I act like a total love sick teenager every time the phone rings (knocking over furniture and children to get to the phone) I plan my whole day around what time the mailman comes. I'm ridiculous. The kids think I've lost my last marble. We have three weeks until we leave to go see him. And these weeks are slammed packed with goodness. This week we are camping in Cincinnati with my sissy and her girls. Next week is Vacation Bible School and 4H Camp. The week after that is dentist appt  - wait.. that's not so fun. But anyway... we're not going to stop moving until I see his face on July 6th for Family Day. So until then, I've got to just breathe and float. My new motto... breathe and float. BREATHE AND FLOAT!!!!

Day 35 of 57 "Something you hope you never have to do"
Well, I can think of lots of things... but one that comes to mind right now is I hope I never have to help a cow give birth. I'm just saying.

Friday, June 10, 2011

More useless information

Ok... here are some more of my 57 Days of Postings

Day 34 of 57 - "A Favorite Song"
There are just too many. Seriously too many. But I do associate songs with people or places often times. I always seem to remember songs in combination with some life event or memorable moment. For example:

Anything by Dave Matthew's Band takes me straight to mid-90's at Starwood Amphitheater with Miranda. (good times...good times)

"Living on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi takes me back to late 80's at my mom's friend's house in the country of Sulphur Springs, KY

Anything by Phil Collins takes me to me and Billy's honeymoon in 1999.

"Ice Ice Baby" takes me back to middle school in Smyrna TN

"Friends" by Michael W. Smith takes me to Smyrna High School Band - our prayer groups before games in the music library.

"Cowboy Take Me Away" by Dixie Chicks takes me back to painting my aunt Trisha's house - dont' ask me why

Anything Beatles or Elvis makes me think of Billy

Opening Theme to Beetlejuice - five words - "Gold. Mazda. Sarah. Video. Camera"

"FunkyTown" - our trip to Florida in 1995

Anything from the "Phantom of the Opera" soundtrack takes me back to night my grandfather died in 1997

"When You Come Back Down" by Nickel Creek takes me back to the Ryman Auditorium with Billy

Anything by Harry Connick, Jr makes me think of Dawn

"Home" by Foo Fighters makes me think of Billy right before he left

I don't know if any of these are truly my favorite songs. But for some reason, the memories seem more of a treasure than the song itself.

Frustration doesn't even describe it

Not having any idea what is going on is KILLING me!! I've spent the past week at my mom's house trying to live off the distraction. And I know that being home would have been ten times worse - waiting on the mail everyday. I feel like Marianne in "Sense and Sensibility" hounding the postman every day. All she wanted was SOMETHING - some sort of information from Mr. Willoughby that could help her understand what was going on. I hate not knowing!! I think I've held my patience rather maturely until now. But now my patience is running thin. So thin, you could blow it and it would snap. Like a bubble in the wand waiting to burst.

If this is a test and God is testing my patience.... I get it. I will cast away all doubt that something is wrong and know that God is in control over this and all things. I do not need to burden myself with any worry or concern because I know that God is taking care of him. That is what my brain is telling me. I just wish someone would tell it to my heart.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Trying to get out of my funk

I LOVE that I am here at my mom's house in Kentucky. I HATE being so far away from the mailbox. BUT... I'm hoping that when we do hear from him... it will all be good news and that will just make the time go by even faster. AND... they say not to mail any letters 2 weeks before graduation because the mail might get backed up and they won't forward mail. So in order to keep mail from getting returned, they just say to stop sending it in enough time. Which would mean in two weeks, I can't send anymore letters. That just makes it that much faster!! I know I know... I'm counting down things again. But I can't help it.
BACK to my original idea for this post... I got some more catching up to do on my 57 days of postings game... So... here we go...

25 of 57 - "Next three things on your bucket list"
1. Go to Disney World
2. Go to Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios Florida
3. Apparently go to Orlando Florida.

26 of 57 -  "Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, or mad"
Happy - a mixed CD of weird mash-ups songs that my sister made me. LOVE IT!
Sad - I like to listen to soundtrack music. If my goal is to stay sad, I listen to the soundtrack for The Tudors. If I plan on trying to not be sad, I will go with the above mixed mash-up CD
Bored - whatever is on the iPod or radio - usually the same old crap which only further aggravates the boredom
Mad - I don't really have a mad music. Not even Billy's 'kill-yer-momma' music would do it.

27 of 57 "Nicknames you have and why you have them"
Well the most common is Becky Boo - my grandfather started calling me that and it just stuck. And then as I got older, the name transitioned into a more mature BBoo - which all my friends refer to me now. I've also been called things like Shorty (not sure why) and Hey You.

28 of 57 "Something you Crave"
Ummm... I usually only get a hankering for things like Chinese food. But I do sometimes crave reeses pieces.

29 of 57 "A Person you love"
Well of course, my Billy Wayne. In a couple weeks, we'll have been married 12 years. Doesn't even seem possible. What began as a friendship only grew into a stronger friendship. I miss him more than I can stand. I know he misses me, too. But I am sure this is only making our love stronger. (you may now throw up - sorry)

30 of 57 "What would you do if you were pregnant?"
First off, who came up with these questions??? LOL! But really, if I were pregnant I would probably have to go into hiding since Billy's been gone since April. teehee! Hypothetically if I were pregnant, I'd probably be thrilled but scared and then probably just get really mentally tired and then maybe sleep for nine months. I wonder if sleeping that much would keep my blood pressure down - then it might not be such a bad thing. But there are no more babies for us so... next question

31 of 57 "Something you want to buy"
Hmmm..... Luxury King Sleep Number Bed - yup. that's it!

32 of 57 "Something you hope to do in your life"
Have grandbabies that I can spoil and love!!!!

33 of 57 "Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself"

1. I have a texture thing. I can not stand to touch certain textures - two main ones are anything ceramic or any kind of velvety material - UGH! Gives me heebee jeebees just thinking about it
2. My middle name is Kathryn. My daughter's middle name is Katherine. But I didn't name her after myself, I named her after her great-grandmother Mary Katherine.
3. My birthday is Valentines Day - which I like to refer to as Birthentine's Day!
4. I played the clarinet for years and years - almost every day of my life for about 10 years. I haven't touched the thing (still in my closet) in about 15 years.
5. Most people have to drink coffee before they can start their day... I have to blow my nose.
6. I do not like to cook. At all. If I can throw something in a microwave or pull it out of a box... I'm a happy camper.
7. I've never had a speeding ticket in my life. The only traffic violation I've ever had was due to a car accident I had when I was pregnant with Emma driving a stick shift and couldn't hardly reach the stupid clutch.
8. I love to read. Love it! If I find a book I like, I might read it six or seven times.
9. I am HORRIBLE with names. I can't even get my own kids' names right sometimes.
10. I have never been west of the Mississippi River - heck, I've never even seen the Mississippi River
11. I flew to Michigan two weeks after 9/11
12. My best friend in the world is my sister - but that was not always the case
13. I moved my senior year in high school to another state (from TN to KY) but I still consider myself an alumni of Smyrna High School even though I didn't graduate with them.
14. I can buy cropped pants and pass them off as normal length pants. (I was so happy when cropped pants came back in style) and Bermuda shorts are like Capri
15. I took ballet from kindergarten until 11th grade. But in high school decided to pursue music over dance. When I was 12 I got to dance with the Nashville Ballet in their Cinderella performance.

And so there you have it... more Becky-toids to ponder to keep us busy until we hear from Billy. Still floating.............

Four more weeks!

It seems like all I ever do lately is count down. Count down to when Billy leaves for Basic Training. Count down for Allison's birthday. Count down for when we go see Billy's graduation. Counting the days since we last got a letter from Billy. Count down until the new Harry Potter movie comes out... I'm counting every day waiting for the next. Sometimes it is hard just to make each day count if you are counting it towards something else.

So, here's to making it count!!! *CHEERS* (titanic reference here)

I really have nothing much to post... I'm at my mom's in Kentucky. We are being lazy good-for-nothings and we've not heard a word from Billy since May 25th. (unless you count the birthday card Allison got *winkwink*) But I'm just kinda floating through this last month. We've got lots more in store - lots more to do! Stay tuned...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Allison!!

We had a nice day. We all stayed super busy trying to keep our minds off the fact that Billy wasn't here with us on Allison's birthday. She had a great day though! Lots of fun and we're all just dog tired tonight.
But we didn't get any letters from Billy since May 25th. And now we're in Kentucky and not able to get our mail for at least another week. I'm kinda hating that a whole lot!
But.... this is just me fussing. I am super excited knowing that we are only a month away. And the fact that someone on Facebook whose husband is in the same unit as Billy said they were supposed to be moving to Blue phase tomorrow (Monday). I sure hope so. That means another phone call.

Must have patience. And now I'm back to floating.... just floating....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 24 of 57 - all about my boxes

"People compliment you most on..."

I would probably have to say my organizational skills. I am a anti-clutter nut. I basically have an entire house set up with Sterilite plastic boxes - all labeled and filled with very specific items. I have little boxes and gi-normous boxes. Boxes for crayons, boxes for Christmas stuff, a box for Easter, a box for Halloween, a box for old clothes, boxes of blankets and sheets, a box full of CD cases, boxes for the kids' paint, box for my paint, box of envelopes, box of stickers, box for office supplies, a box for tape and glue, a box for bags and purses, boxes for toys, boxes for barbie doll clothes, I even have a box for earphones... There are boxes with tops, boxes that roll, boxes with drawers, blues boxes, clear boxes, green boxes, even a set of pink and purple boxes. I have boxes for important papers and boxes for pictures. I have a box of boxes - I kid you not. (does the word 'box' sound funny at this point??)
Anyway... I say all this... but I also have to say that this in no way  means that my house is some kind of super clean wonderment. I mean, come on! No one can compliment me on my cleaning skills. I have three kids. If only I had a box to file away dirty dishes that could be replaced with a box of clean dishes - or a box that did the same for laundry. But alas, I'm not so fortunate. One bit of irony here is that there are times when we just can NOT find something. Say, a plunger for example... I still can not find that stupid thing and I bet if I had a box for it... I could find it. But, I digress.