Sunday, April 14, 2013

Trying to clear my head, vacation, and avoiding homework


So, I'm writing this post as a means to clear my head in order to write a paper on regression analysis of which I could care less. I'm just not in a mood to analyze anything, much less regressively. hence, a new post in my very abandoned blog. I suppose I can write about our recent vacation.

Vacation! it was lovely! Truly Lovely! We spent six wonderful days in Florida and two days on the road between there and home. We got to stay in a family members condo out by Clearwater beach and we had the brilliant idea to go during Spring Break. Someone must have sent out that memo because everyone else in the world had that same wonderfully brilliant idea. Sigh... despite not being able to breathe due to the crowds, we enjoyed ourselves very much. The ocean was still in the mood for winter glory and was beyond freezing. We'd let the kids play in it for about 30 minutes and when their lips started turning blue, we had to pull them out - kicking, screaming and trembling uncontrollably. But the sand was neat to play in and a nice alternative to frost bite. The sun was warm and breeze was cool.... there were quite a few moments that I literally felt my body relax for the first time in months. That was worth it right there.
During our trip we also went to see Sea World. What a fun amazing day that was! We were there 30 minutes before they opened and stayed 30 minutes after they closed. A whopping 14 hours. Not to mention we drove there (2 hours away) and back all in the same day. So from 5 am to 1 am the following morning we were doing the boot scootin boogie - All. Day. And if I heard the word Orca once, I heard it 1000 times. OMG! William was OBSESSED with seeing the whales... oh excuse me, orcas. He'd correct anyone he heard calling those big black and white giant sea creatures by the term whale. Heaven forbid!! He corrected me in the middle of a crowd of people, "Mom, I already told you they aren't whales, they are ORCAS!" Which created a chuckle from those around us. Man oh man, that child. My favorite moment was the Turtle trek where we watched this really cool 3D movie showing the day in the life of a sea turtle. I cried. I can't help but admit that one. I just loved it so much.
Other things to mention about our vacation include: how we ate practically free at Outback one night, we ate a ton of crap all week, we visited the turtle park which was totally cool, we did some shopping, and basically just enjoyed our time as a family. Note to self: next time we go, we will not go in April when the water is freezing and the crowds are crazy.

In other news, looks like Billy got semi-official orders to report to Fort Campbell in February. We've told our loved ones and such, but he told me today not to get too excited because it is months away and he still doesn't have papers. So, I'm of course already packing.