Monday, February 28, 2011


We have 54 days left. Seems long enough, but it's coming faster and faster. I'm just super overwhelmed lately with everything. Midterms are this week and my head is just not in it. We've got cats to get neutered (because they are acting friggin nuts and driving the big cats crazy). We've got to start shedding some of the crap we manage to keep stocking up on. I want to have a super major yardsale, but don't know when or how I'll have the time or energy. We've got to get Billy in shape and yes today we did go to the Y and worked out. It was nice. William got a timeout in the YPlay room because he tried to beat up another kid over a toy. Nice, right? And I almost killed myself on the elliptical machine. Oh and Allison has this insane dinosaur project to do over the next two weeks. We're having to dip into savings b/c we can't seem to stop being stupid with our money. And that savings will probably be wiped clean because most often soldiers don't start getting paid for 30 -45 days. I start crying over the dumbest things. (I promise this isn't a woman thing either) But I have these moments of awareness that Billy won't be here all that much longer. I've gotten so used to his company everyday and we've really enjoyed each other's company. Of course he's in there snoring like a freight train - but even that I think I'll miss. And when I ask him to reach something in the top cabinet it occurs to me that I'll be climbing on counter tops again to reach stupid crap. It's like I won't have his help on anything. And not even big things like mowing the fields, but little things like opening the dang garage door. I have so much homework coming up and no will to do any of it. I'd rather just cry about it. It's just breaking my heart because I know I'm going to just really miss him so much. Even now, I can't stop the tears. I'm a mess. It's just a very hard place for me to be in right now. I got a letter from MTSU saying I needed to come in on Saturday the 23rd to do my final presentation. I totally lost it. The last damn thing I want to do on my last day with Billy is to drive to Murfreesboro for something for school. I emailed them asking to reschedule - and yes I played the army card. So, we'll see. Not to mention there are so many things that need to get done before he goes. I keep saying I'm going to make a list and just start at the top until everything is done. I'm really just vomiting out thoughts right now. I don't even know if I'll post this one. But I do feel better. Tears have cleared for the moment. Gotta get something done now. But first, a cookie. : )

Saturday, February 26, 2011

He's back!

Ok. So today was wonderful!! Allison had her last game and they ended with a win. Great game, too! I could tell the coach was trying to get her some ball time. She was in for just about the whole game. She got it a couple times, but never got a chance to shoot. Oh well! She was pretty tired from being sick all week. So, that kinda stunk. But she did fantastic and I love it when she plays hard like she did. Go Girl!! After the game, the kids and I went swimming and Billy went to work out. He ran/walked 4 miles and cycled for a while too. He was back to his gungho self again. I knew if I could just get him out of the house he'd be alright. He asked if we were going back tomorrow and I told him we couldn't b/c Allison's friend is coming for the afternoon. So, he decided to go tomorrow anyway. YAY! Love it!!!!!! Anyway, I was just walking around the house because it got awfully quiet while I was writing my paper for school and saw that everyone was sound asleep. Didn't even realize it was close to midnight. (school is really wearing me down folks. I want it over so bad, but if I wish it over that just means that I'm wishing my time away. and that means losing time until Billy leaves) Anywhooo, my point to this was that I found Emma and William all cuddled up together in his bed. She took on the mom role tonight so I could write. I'm so proud of her. She's such a wonderful young woman. And she did a great job because William never even came in here to talk to me. Amazing!! AND Allison fell asleep in my bed watching television. So, it looks like I'll be doing the couch thing tonight. yay me. No army tidbit... too involved with mass media and cultures today. But I do have a great movie quote sent to me via text message from Billy during my essay writing frenzy....... "Ain't this place a geographical oddity, two weeks from everywhere!!" O' Brother Where Art Thou

Friday, February 25, 2011

Watch out!

Alright. We did it! WHOO HOO! Billy and I joined the Y. Turns out when you ain't got no job and ain't got no money, they really help you out. That's gotta be a blessing if I ever heard one. So, we're in for practically nothing. A third of the price of cable. I'm just saying. But we had a great day. Got a lot of errands ran. Oh and I gotta tell you... we ended up going to a local seasonal consignment sale in town. Some people amaze me with how they price their kids' clothes. A ratty old faded tshirt for $4?? Really???? UGH! I only bought stuff that was marked for $1 or was something nice that could be worn to church. Speaking of... I'm soooo excited! Last year at this same sale, I got Emma a dress - turned out to be too big. This year, I found Allison one to match it (same material and color - different style) and William a little three piece suit all matching!!!! And Emma's fits now. SO excited! We have Easter outfits out of the way. And probably even outfits to wear to Billy's graduation. And heck my graduation too for that matter. : ) And yeah, I've been reading my army spouse site again. Apparently at basic training they try and tell the men that their wives are all back home cheating on them. I know this is just a tactic to stir up emotions. But dang. That's just mean. Billy and I had a big fat talk about that one. Good grief. The stuff I'm learning!!!! Army TidBit of the day: Billy is going in as an E3 - private first class. He won't be able to get another promotion for one year or six months of excellent somethings or others. But what I find interesting is if you enter in as a E2 or E1 you can get a rank promotion for just doing things like referring a new recruit or taking some online tests. Really? That's whack! I still don't really understand it. This has been a super informative tidbit, huh? Sorry.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Change is Coming

My brain has been 100% fully and completely occupied with this new website for Army Spouses. I've been on there for about 2 days and have already learned a great deal of information and met some really wonderful women. I'm learning stuff that Billy didn't even know. But hey, I did find him a couple Army training apps for his iphone. LOL!!! Now, when his hands get tired of tictactoe he can go in and memorize the creed like he's supposed to. : ) Speaking of, we've been kinda blah this week. Billy especially. I think he really misses working out with the guys and I can't seem to motivate him into doing anything at all. So, I end up getting mad at him because he won't get up and do anything. It's like this black funk that creeps in on him when he isn't doing something constructive. And when I have a ton of homework and can't entertain him, he just sits there and sulks. Where is the spark of excitement he had a few weeks ago??? He was above and beyond gungho. Now he's all blah and blech. So... I'm determined. Tomorrow we are going to join the Y. I am going to make him go or threaten to turn off the cable. Ultimatum!!! No working out = no tv. I could care less about TV. I don't ever get to watch it anyway. So, I told him I will allow him one lazy day a week (preferably Wednesday so he can watch the weekly NCIS marathon on USA and I can catch up on homework while William just runs amuck) but other than that, he's mine and he will do what I say. I'm his new pain in the a$$. TAWANDA!!!!!! (that's a chik flick reference, don't worry if you don't get it) I'm his drill sgt at home. His commander in cheif. His motivating, taking no for an answer, get your butt off that chair before I kick it out of that chair, do it now now now kind of woman!!!!! Wow... maybe I need to take a few days break from the Army Spouse website. LOL!!!!! Army TidBit of the Day: The minute Billy ships out for basic, our insurance kicks in. However, you have to have a military ID in order to be seen and you can't go get your ID until you get the paperwork back from the reception station and you won't get that back for anywhere from 2 -5 weeks and when you do get your paperwork back you have to call a military base and make an appointment to go have your ID made and sometimes they have a waiting list so you end up waiting another week or so to even get that done. How 'bout dem apples????

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

From Bonkers to Crazy Town

So, I signed up for this forum for army spouses. After reading about 10 posts of various experiences I have more questions than answers. Good heavens! First of all, I understand the need to abbreviating everything. But these women kept referring to their DH's. What the crap is a DH? Well, someone finally asked that very question on on the boards and it means "dear husband." Really? It's hard enough to remember what BCT, AIT, DEERS, XP, MEPS, MOS, and about a thousand other acronyms mean, so is it really necessary to shorten dear husband?? Wow! Anyway, I just got super confused about how things are going to go down once Billy leaves and I'm not a person who likes to be in the dark. Not only that, but any time you ask a question there are at least 10 variations to each answer. It's enough to drive a woman bonkers. Oh wait, too late. I drove straight into Bonkers about an hour ago. Need to find some sort of turn about to get the heck back to Crazy Town. I can handle Crazy Town. I've lived there most of my life. But Bonkers? It's a bit too much for even me.

Jiggety Pig!

So, we're home. And we weren't home 3 hours when Allison started running a temperature over 102. It's been a long night to say the least. I'm not sure what's wrong with her, just a high fever and feeling puny. I reckon we'll just all stay in bed today to make her not feel left out of anything fun. LOL! Had a great little visit with the family. My sister and her girls were as lively as ever. I don't think my mom has laughed that much in months. She was worn out when it was time for us to start heading home. But in just a matter of a couple days we managed to get in visits with the whole fam damily! It was exhausting and wonderful all at the same time! And no, I didn't get ANY pictures!!! Well, I did get one of mom (on my cell phone) of her sleeping. HILARIOUS! But I will refrain from any kind of parental abuse - especially online. (love you, mom) Well, that's about it. I reckon I need to check on the invalid. I just pray she keeps her germs to herself. But I know she's too generous to not share.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Road Trip!

Howdy! Today I am blogging to you from Bowling Green, KY - the Super 8 Hotel to be exact. We ended up getting a hotel because there is just too many girls at my mom's house and I think Billy needed an escape. LOL! But I have to say, that I just LOVE staying in hotels. There's something about staying in a room and if you want to make a mess - go ahead. If you want to take a 30 minute shower - sure, why not! If you want to jump on the beds until you can't breathe from laughing - go for it!!! And there's also something wondrous about having a TV and you aren't sure what channels you get. So, it's like constant TV surfing which always ends up providing some fabulous show about the local entertainment venues. Priceless. I think I should have gone into that line of work. Producing cheesy movies about things only senior citizens would watch. It kind of reminds me of the programs they show in hospitals - "how to have a happy heart" Good stuff! Anyway, it's Sunday and we're missing church this morning. But we've had two already fantastic days of family. My girls and my sister's girls love to fight. It's ridiculous sometimes. But considering how they used to act a couple years ago, I'm really not going to complain. There's not much on the agenda today except maybe some fried chicken and beer rolls (the most wonderful biscuits on the planet and don't worry the alcohol ends up cooking out). Last night, my aunt and uncle made dinner for us and we had a whole slew of family there. Grown cousins, baby cousins, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, kids and more kids. Lots of laughing, lots of food and lots of fun!!! I don't have any pictures yet because I keep forgetting to take out my camera. But I will try my darnedest to do that today and post some later. I have the prettiest nieces ever and I want to get some good pictures of them. Army TidBit of the day: Billy finally started getting emails from his military account. And in one, there was a link for spouses and family to sign in and link in with other spouses and family. I can't wait to see what that's about. It's (army family information center)

Friday, February 18, 2011

blogger hates me

I swanee! I've edited and re-edited that last post like seventeen times. My brain is fried. If you see sentences that do not make any sense - they did at one point. I think my 'erase the highlighted words' button decided to do the ole switcher roo on me and become the erase the whole word not just the highlights. GOSH! I'm annoying myself - I can't imagine how this must be for you readers.... I'll fix it. Just know that I'm not losing my mind. At least I don't think I am.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shouda kept my mouth shut

Boy howdy! When I said we were running out of things to do, I apparently jinxed myself big time. Today has been nothing but run run run. I'll spare you the details of the mundane. But it was packed full of errands, including three trips to town. Three. I don't want to drive anywhere tomorrow. OK, so that's a big fat lie. I can't WAIT to drive tomorrow. We are going to see my sister at my mom's house in Kentucky!!!! It is going to be 3 days of fun fun fun!!! I don't get to see my sister but maybe once or twice a year. So, this is a huge deal! YAY! So yeah, I got Billy something to distract himself when he gets too much time on his hands and starts worrying. I downloaded solitaire to his iphone. LOL! He's been GLUED to that phone for hours. I think he'll have a headache tomorrow. Or carpel tunnel. Neither of which will do him any good in the Army. Speaking of.... 65 days! SIXTY-FIVE days!!!!! That's nuts! I probably should have downloaded some sort of physical training app. I'll look tomorrow. : ) And poor Emma has had some drama at school. This is a tough one. Apparently her teacher has just about had enough of the fourth grade class as a whole. Not sure how things got so out of control, but the class has been sentenced to 'silent lunch' for the entire week. This means absolutely NO talking. From the classroom door, down the hall, in the bathroom to wash hands, in the food line, at the table, clearing the trays, back down the hall - you get it. NOTHING. No talking. Well, good grief. Tuesday - on her birthday no less - they were coming down the hall and a girl tripped over the own two feet and ran smack into Emma's back causing Emma to launch forward and step on another girl's foot. Apologies were given on all sides. However, those apologies were verbal. And the teacher said NO talking. So, now Emma and the other two girls have detention next week. I'm torn on this one. But I made my case to Emma tonight. Apparently one of the mom's is going in to talk to the teacher and dispute the whole thing. Well, I had to tell Emma that even though she did the right thing by apologizing, she did still break the rules. And a rule is a rule. She wants me to fight the teacher on this. Why would I fight the teacher on this? She set a rule and a very basic one at that and the rule was broken. Now, would Emma have violated some law of social manners if she'd just ignored the girl? I don't know. And, do I think the detention is a bit much. Yeah probably. And do I think that Emma is probably being made an example out of for the class. Well, maybe. But like I told her tonight... in the military - which is where we are headed - you don't break rules no matter what. I told her that I was on her side AND the teacher's side. But unfortunate for her, the teacher out ranks Emma and so therefore, I won't be questioning the authority. This time. Like I said, it's a tough one. Army TidBit of the day: Today the future soldiers all got together to learn how to march. Guess who had trouble?? Yup. My marching band expert. Private Awesome First Class himself. Now, he knows I love him and I'm not making fun. But this has to be the most interesting aspect of the whole process. Everything in military is different from marching band. First, no music. Second, no instrument. And no instrument means you have to move your hands too. That's WEIRD!! And then the moving of the feet between parade rest and attention is opposite from marching band. The only thing the same is that you step off on the left foot. Thank goodness for that. But with no music, how are you supposed to stay in step? There wasn't even a cadence or anything. I think mentally, Billy wasn't concerned about this one objective. But then to have to train your brain and your body to do something wrong from what you've always done..... I'd equate this to learning to drive on the right side of the car on the left lane of traffic - and then take away all the traffic lights (music) and then switch the gas pedal and the break. Oh and let's add a gear shifter and a clutch that you have to use with your left hand just for fun. That would mess with your head! But of all the things to worry about, marching should not be that high on the list. Certainly something to work on, but not anything I would seek out an iphone app for.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Too much time for not enough time

It seems like time is speeding up now that we only have just over 2 months left until Billy leaves. He is starting to freak himself out a little. Too much time on his hands and he keeps thinking. Thinking isn't good. He needs to stay busy busy busy. I'm doing the best I can trying to keep him doing stuff. But lately, we're just running out of things to do. And then when our days are boring I don't have anything fun to report on here. Hopefully, I will start to have better material. It just seems right now we are in this in-between phase. Not going anywhere, not moving forward, not doing anything. Waiting. And the more we wait, the more our balance seems off. Waiting. I heard a mother explain to her child once that having patience was being able to wait without complaining. Such wise words.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Emma!

So, Emma turned 10 today. She's just had an incredible past few days. We are all so exhausted. And the party doesn't end today. This weekend my sister and her girls are driving down to my mom's in Kentucky from Michigan. I am soooo excited to see them. It's just going to be so nice to get away for a few days. Billy's coming with us. I am so happy!! I finally caved and got William his first real hair cut today. I've been doing it this whole time, but he's gotten impossible to hold still. He is so incredibly ticklish that it's like chasing a greased pig just to cut his hair. So, we had a professional do it. She did a lot better than I ever could, but I still had to hold him down as he cracked up laughing. She said she'd never seen one this ticklish. But he does look tons better now. All clean and tidy. Like a little man. We got Emma's hair cut too. And she got these plastic press on nails for her birthday so we ended up giving her a total make-over as well. Billy said that Allison did a great job playing basketball at practice tonight. I wish I'd seen it. But he said she was playing real hard and got in a shot. Adorable!!! Billy's workout buddy returned but only for a week. He's not sure what he's going to do after next week. I told him he just needs to start running every morning - especially since the weather has warmed up a little. Running is his weakest link. If he could just run, he'd probably be able to pass most of the PT tests early on in basic. But, he's just not been motivated to do it. In fact, this past two weeks, he's not done a heck of a lot but eat horribly. He's going to have to snap out of it. Private Awesome needs a fire lit under his butt. : ) Army TidBit of the Day: I read this discussion board on questions people have on entering the army. One guy today wrote in and said, "Hey, am I going to be able to meet any girls when I get in the Army." Another fellow wrote back and said, "yes, the Army issues you one." LOL!!!! Just thought that was great!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Round two of birthday bashes!

Today we had family over for Emma's and my birthday. It was nice. Just a simple little dinner and I have to say I made the best potato casserole! I'm loving it. Thinking about getting out the left-overs. Seriously. During our little bash, we found out that the reason one of our neighbor's houses burned to the ground was because someone broke into it, stole all the guys guns and drugs, and then set the house on fire. Billy is really freaked out about it. We just aren't used to this kind of crime that close to us. Especially in Santa Fe. Nothing ever happens in Santa Fe. Plus the whole idea that the robber could be hiding out in our woods.... ugh. For some reason, I'm just not even worried about it. I think that guy was targeted specifically. Nobody is going to bother us considering who we are related to out here. They'd be real dumb to do that. I'm just saying. However, I am glad we got the front door fixed now. : ) In more important news - we went to Memaw's church today. It was great to be in such a lively service! And there are two huge praises here: Billy went with us - AMEN! And Emma asked about becoming a Christian so we are going to talk with the Children's Minister there and get Emma going on a program to prepare her for this big step! I could not be more thrilled!!! AMEN!! So, my new prayer is that we can start going to this church as a family and that Billy gets to see Emma baptized before he ships out. I just want to do this together. Anyway, I turn 34 tomorrow. No big deal I guess. Just another day for the books. I'm going to eat lunch with Allison tomorrow and then with Emma on Tuesday for her birthday. AND I'm supposed to go to Murfreesboro to do some stuff for school all day Wednesday. AND I have a ton of really involved assignments due this week. AND we are leaving for Bowling Green on Friday. AND all my laundry has been piling up with all the birthday parties and such. UGH! so... here I sit blogging about it rather than taking care of it. : )

Friday, February 11, 2011


Well, the slumber party is in full swing as we speak. I've blocked off half the house and told the girls to stay in their half. Billy and I are sleeping in the den tonight. yay. But they seem like a good group of gals. Not everyone came, but I guess you can't expect everyone to come anyway. I can tell Emma's a bit disappointed. But they are really having a blast. At least the insane non-stop cackling is what I am basing that assumption on.
Probably the cutest thing I've ever seen: William went missing again. We were sitting down to eat pizza and I had just sent him to the bathroom. He never came back. So we holler out for him. We start searching the house. Nothing. UGH! And he was sooooo super quiet. I finally found him. I was walking through Emma's room and something caught my eye near the foot of her bed. It was William. Underneath her bed. Playing a stolen DS with the volume all the way down. Now tell me he isn't the smartest little brother on the planet. His only fault was not tucking his feet in far enough.
Here are some pictures of our cupcakes we made. I let the girls decorate their own cupcakes. It was a lot of fun!!! And I did a celebrity make-over on the girls too. So, they all have tons of makeup on their faces. Kinda fun!!!
Nothing new on the Army front. Well there was one thing. Billy has been taking all these online tests that he has to have done before he leaves. The next one he has to take is something about when he is in hostile fire and he is the only one left alive. It talks about all the things he has to know in order to survive. Kinda freaky. But yet, I'm sure it is good information.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

If you don't ask you won't know

So, Billy's not been able to work out this week because nobody is coming to their sessions in the afternoon. But he goes anyway. Today he shows up and there's 8 guys and it's being run by the recruiter. HUH? I thought they said the recruiter wasn't doing it. Who knows? I sure don't. But Billy thinks he'll just show up again tomorrow and see what happens. He's afraid that this is going to be a weekly thing rather than a daily thing. So, now we don't know what to do. But whatever. They weighed him and he was over his limit but way under his fat percentage. He's just fine. Just getting all buff and stuff. He said that tonight at the workout he was able to do 50 something sit ups. YAY! I'm just wondering how the running is going to do. I hope it warms up soon so they will start running again. He needs that sooo much. Anyway, not much else going on. Kids were out of school today and thanks to Uncle Eddie, we got to play on our sleds. That is until Billy dropped his new phone in the snow and thought he killed it. But what's funny is the reason he dropped it was he was at the bottom of the hill to catch the kids as they came down on the sled. Well, Allison was FLYING down and he was trying to record it but she was going so fast he could barely stop her and ended up falling over in the snow too. It was quite hilarious until we realized all the sound stopped working on the new phone. But it started working again and we did end up playing with the sleds some more. Just not on such a steep incline that did not require a parental stopper. (I have to figure out how to get the pictures off Billy's phone to post... so stay tuned) So I made wheat spaghetti. I was so excited to try this new and healthy phenomenon. And guess what, everyone hated it. I didn't even tell them I changed anything. But they knew. They always know when I try and throw something good into their diets. But I do have to say that William at it like a mad man. That kid can put away the spaghetti. Emma's slumber party tomorrow night. Just pray. Pray hard. Allison's spending the night tomorrow at her friend's house and this is that little girls first sleepover. How fun!! I have so much homework these days, I am freaking myself out. But I am determined and as long as Billy can control the household, I will do this. I got a letter talking about how to order cap and gown. Whoo Hoo! I'm very excited. Oh and I looked at the army spousal employment thingy and there are some jobs out there for civilians in the HR field. I am very excited about that. Of course, I will have to wait for Billy's orders to know where we'll be much less to find a job. But... at least I know I'll have some options. And that's about it. No army tidbit today. I didn't even think about army today - well not really anyway.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Good-bye to a dear friend

Billy and I completely quit the coke thing today. We ran out of our diet dr pepper and made a run to the store today. However, on the way there, I looked at him and said, "Hey, what if we just don't buy any. What if we just quit and do it together?" He said he was going to have to give it up soon enough anyway. So, my last dr pepper was last night. And today, I'm OK. I have plenty of coffee to at least get me some caffeine, but as far as the soda goes - it's gone gone. I made it my goal to lose 50 pounds this summer while Billy's away. I want to look all gorgeous too - he shouldn't be the only one to be all slim and trim. Now, how am I going to do it??? No clue at all. We are thinking about joining the YMCA. Not just for me, but for the kids to have somewhere to go this summer. AND... apparently all the little dudes that Billy was working out with have shipped out. All this time I thought he was working out with his recruiters. Not so much. It was a bunch of other future soldiers. So, Billy hasn't had a workout since Thursday last week. He said he's going to start walking again tomorrow. And I think he was doing some push ups while I was at my prayer group this morning. And the only reason I know this is because William was pretending Billy was a 'cave' and every time he'd go up on his arms, Will would go into the cave. lol! So yeah, I think we could use some Y time. I can't walk out here because there are so many wild dogs. And I would love to just take William into the nursery and go master some stairs for an hour. Billy could run on the track. It'll be like a great big happy family. : ) In other news, more snow on the way. UGH! I have way too much to do to be stranded here in a blizzard. Not only was I supposed to spend the day in Murfreesboro doing some very important things for school, but I still have a slumber party to arrange for Friday. Emma's worried that it's going to snow so much, we'll have to cancel. I really hope not. She's looking so forward to it. So, say NO to SNOW! Army TidBit of the Day: The Army will not let women join unless they are 4'10" or taller - which almost rules me out apparently. Not that I would anyway. The weight limit for a 4'10" woman is 115 pounds. I laugh in the face of that one!!! but hey, maybe after a summer of mastering stairs and no more cokes.... I might just get there. We'll see.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

There was a Superbowl today?

Yeah, this is one thing that Billy and I really have in common - a total indifference to professional sports. I've never followed a team, do not know any of the players' names, or coaches for that matter. I just do not give a flip. I do like to watch an occasional MTSU game - usually only because we want to see the band - which they never show. But whatever. So, tonight instead of the Superbowl, Billy and I walked down memory lane. We acquired a scanner today (thank you Papa!) so we took it for a test run and started scanning pictures from the past. There were too many to even make a dent in it. So, I just picked a couple that I really loved. It was fun. More fun than watching football anyway. And despite my sudden struggle with a stomach bug in the wee hours of the day, it's been a nice day. I pretty much got to take an awesome nap (much needed after being up at all hours last night) and wash a few loads of laundry, take a test for some class, and play freeze dance with the girls. Freeze dance always brings out the giggle monster in all of us. I wish I'd made a video. Speaking of ***HILARIOUS STORY ALERT*** You know that Allison was having her solo-weekend this weekend. So, we let her sleep on our love seat in our bedroom. This morning she is still on the love seat watching cartoons, I asked her, "Allison, how did you sleep?" She said, "Like this" and lays down with her eyes closed. LOVE THAT GIRL!! Army TidBit of the Day: For Soldiers in Basic Combat Training: When dealing with drill sergeants, do not ever smile. They will say the funniest nonsense you have ever heard, but do not ever never ever NEVER EVER smile, laugh, or even wrinkle your eyes. They will tear you apart.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Introducing Zack!

We've done this a couple times before. We'll send two-thirds of our children away to a grandparent's house for the weekend and spend some one-on-one time with the child left behind. I think now more than ever, this needs to be a regular thing. Especially considering the kids won't have their daddy for a whole summer plus some and not too long from now. So, today we took Allison on her solo weekend. First, she played her basketball game. They won 44 to 15. HOOAH! And she was just dog tired after that one. But once she was done, we hit the ground running. Took her to the mall and let her do the Build a Bear Workshop. She got to make Zack. A basketball loving monkey. It was our first time getting to do something like that and it was just too cool! You can make any kind of animal with any kind of outfit. They even had some army uniforms there. I think I want to go make one of those for the kids. You can even get your animal eyeglasses. Some of the outfits were hilarious too. A Harley leather jacket - and you could even buy the motorcycle for your animal to sit on. Ballerinas, sports stars, nerds, preps, punk rock, everything. I can't wait to take Emma to make one for her. Anyway, we continued our solo evening just doing some window shopping and ate lots of cookies and cherry coke. She's now curled up sound asleep with Zack. So sweet.
So... this may not be as funny to you as it was to us, but something happened to us at WalMart yesterday that I'm still cracking up over. Browsing through the bakery department Billy notices the boxes of Snowballs (marshmallow balls covered in sugar) and says, "I wonder if anyone actually still buys those." "Well, I guess they do but I can't imagine why. They look horrid" and then just the thought made me literally gag. Not ten minutes later we are in the checkout lane. The gal is ringing up our goods and a man (a very Harley Davidson kinda biker lookin man) starts putting his groceries on the thinga-ma-jig behind mine. What is the first thing he puts down? SNOWBALLS! I immediately make eye contact with Billy and from my expression he knows something marvelous just happened - just wasn't sure what it was yet. I dart my eyes towards the snowballs and look back at him to see if he sees. He kinda shakes his head like, what? So, I turn my whole body and stare at the snowballs. Look back. He's smiling but I can tell he still doesn't know. After the third time of this foolish behavior, I get the giggles. I mean full out body shaking no noise church giggles. Cashier thinks I'm nuts. By this times, I've got tears coming down and can hardly scan my debit card through the stupid machine. That's when I hear Billy's snort. I don't even look up because I know he's finally seen it and if I look at him I don't think I can keep from bursting out. So of course going to the car was just lots of air-punching and stuff like, "that was so freakin funny!" See - dumb story. But we just had such a great laugh over it. I think I'm going to buy him some snowballs for Valentine's Day.
Army TidBit of the Day: (this comes straight from Billy's mouth)
"You know it's really kinda backwards if you think about it. We (the men and women in the military)are basically giving up all our freedom so that everyone else can have theirs."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What time is it?

Before I begin... I want to add another funny TV show title game in continuation of the last blog. It is "The men who stare....obsessed" LOL!!! Anyway, so Billy went for a whole 24 hours thinking he was going to become the new physical training leader at his weekday outings. He was a little freaked out. The two guys who used to lead it are shipping out next week and that left Billy as the highest rank. Yeah, but then tonight he goes in and they said that one of the Sgt's would lead it from now on. WHEW! But he got set up with his army email and online access for his tests and such. Another thing we've had to wait on. But that's ok. And just to brag on him a little - going into this he could barely do one sit up, maybe 3 or 4 push ups and couldn't run to down the road to the next house up. Now, he's running around the mall, doing like 60 or so sit ups a day, and 60 or so push ups. And he's still got 79 more days to go. (every time the counter rolls down another tens spot, my tummy jumps) Allison did the funniest thing today. Her homework is about telling time. At this point in the game, they are doing "a quarter after" and "half past" while figuring up the time. Well, the question on her homework was "What are two ways you can write this time? 3:35" She writes down "the time is 3:35" and "3:35 is the time." HAHAHAH!!!! She was like, WHAT, I don't get it!! Army Tidbit of the Day:

If you have any crazy questions that you need answered and don't want to ask us (frankly, I don't think we could answer them but...) there is a great website for parents and families to communicate with others going through the same things with our soldiers. Everything from basic training to deployment to normal everyday stuff. Anyway, its You should check it out. I'm going to save it to my favorites.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The big and little things

So, with Billy leaving in 2 1/2 months, we've been discussing all the things he's going to miss out on. Like - the biggies - Allison's birthday, father's day, my graduation from MTSU, our 12 year anniversary, Emma's first day of middle school. And then there are the little things, like the last Harry Potter movie, the season finale of his favorite shows, yard sales, going on the river with his dad, the Renaissance festival. He's going to be missing all this stuff, but this is all stuff that we're going to have to do in his absence. I don't think we'll be able to sit around idol. The busier we are, the quicker the time will pass. I'm even thinking of taking a couple weeks and going to my mom's just to be doing something.
So Emma got to ride last night at her 4H meeting. She had a girl holding the horse by a rope, but the only purpose was to help if something went wrong. Emma had to steer the horse, change directions, start and stop. And then she got to take the horse around a little coarse in the arena. She looks upset the whole time, but she was just really nervous. LOL! She told me later she was shaking all over. Bless her. But it was cool.

Speaking of cool, the Groundhog didn't see his shadow this morning. Looks like we're supposed to have a early spring. Maybe that will be the case since we've had nothing but blast after blast of non-stop winter for weeks. (well, I guess we did have a little break last weekend but whatever)

So, Billy and I play this game. We take the TV show listings on the guide of the cable box and pair up names of shows in order to create funny sayings. For example... at 7pm the movie "How to make an American quilt" comes on. Right after it the movie "Whatever works" comes on. So, on the guide it reads like a sentence and we put it together for "How to make an America quilt? Whatever works." Here's another... "Rebel Monkeys - Caught in the Act." Our favorites are show titles that are abbreviated. Like "Cop... Big Fat Liar" Here are some I jotted down tonight. "American Idol - Human Target." "Accused at 17. Dead at 17." "George Lopez, The Nanny." "Gone in 60 seconds Without a trace." "Little House on the Flower girl." "Romey and Michelle's mallrats." "Cougar Town, Off the map." and "Tootsie - some kind of hero!" See? Fun stuff!!! You should try it. : )

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Apparently we are getting the slug slime of the winter storm moving across the US today. slug slime= the nasty junk that drags along the bottom of a big snow storm. My sister in Michigan is getting at least 15 inches - tonight. YUCK! I hate that for her. It's raining like crazy here. And, of course, I sent the girls to school in skirts today. They are probably freezing. ugh. But yeah, the warm weather we've been having mixed with the blizzard conditions just north of us is likely to cause some thunderstorms tonight. So thunderstorms plus snow - thundersnow!!! Anyway, to explain the whole housing situation... Our landlord rented us this house and we went in and totally cleaned it out and fixed all kinds of junk on it only to find out his sister put it on the market to sell the week after we move in. I am not happy about this. However, they have it priced soooooo incredibly stupid high that someone would have to be just really dumb to buy it. Unless some lumber company comes in and offers it up just for the billion and a half trees out there, I seriously doubt anyone would buy it. And yet, people are still coming out here to look at it. That really makes me nervous. So, I wrote our nice little landlord a letter asking him to please let us stay at least until we know where the Army is going to station us in September. I really really really hope he lets us stay here. Moving is total crap. And see when we move to where the Army makes us move, they come and do it for us. I mean, that's huge!! Billy will likely still be in Virginia when the time comes to find a place. So, the Army comes in and does it all while I stand there with a clipboard making sure all my stuff is accounted for. So everybody say a big fat prayer that we get to stay where we are for now. In other news, I filed our taxes yesterday. One good thing about being broke with lots of kids is that you get a pretty good return - thank you W! That's even with Billy claiming the highest he could on his paycheck last year. So it is going straight to savings. My ultimate goal is to be able to buy a new-ish car for before we leave. And we will pay cash for that sucker! So, it will be nothing but save save save for the next seven months. (another reason I hope we get to stay here, b/c the rent is super low) I reckon we'll have to sell Billy's dinosaur b/c I doubt it would make it across the TN border, much less across the country. It's a good truck. Just not a truck you want to test on the open highway. So, he'll ultimately end up with the SUV and hopefully I can get a van. We'll see. Oh and the best news of all!!!! My sissy is trying real hard to make a quick trip down here in about three weeks. I really hope she can. She's not been here since Jan 2010. So, come on Sarah - get your butt down here!!! Army Tid-Bit of the day: When writing letters to your separated soldier, only write positive things. Even words like, "I miss you," are considered negative. It makes the soldier long for being home which produces negative emotions. Only write positive things. A good alternative to "I miss you" is "I am thinking about you" or "I was thinking about a time when you and I went......." These kinds of words bring happy memories to your soldier and make the hurt not so hard. Also, write encouraging words like, "I couldn't be prouder of you" or "So many people talk about how brave you are" or "Just think, you are able to say you did something millions of other men could never do." Also, do not and I repeat DO NOT send candy or food to a soldier at basic training. It is considered contraband and will likely get the soldier in trouble and he'll just have to throw it away. Good things to send are: calling cards, socks, personal hygiene products, stamps, paper, envelopes, pictures, and cards. Also, do not send anything electronic or any kind of medication(prescription or OTC) It will be taken away.