Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jiggety Pig!

So, we're home. And we weren't home 3 hours when Allison started running a temperature over 102. It's been a long night to say the least. I'm not sure what's wrong with her, just a high fever and feeling puny. I reckon we'll just all stay in bed today to make her not feel left out of anything fun. LOL! Had a great little visit with the family. My sister and her girls were as lively as ever. I don't think my mom has laughed that much in months. She was worn out when it was time for us to start heading home. But in just a matter of a couple days we managed to get in visits with the whole fam damily! It was exhausting and wonderful all at the same time! And no, I didn't get ANY pictures!!! Well, I did get one of mom (on my cell phone) of her sleeping. HILARIOUS! But I will refrain from any kind of parental abuse - especially online. (love you, mom) Well, that's about it. I reckon I need to check on the invalid. I just pray she keeps her germs to herself. But I know she's too generous to not share.

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