Tuesday, February 22, 2011

From Bonkers to Crazy Town

So, I signed up for this forum for army spouses. After reading about 10 posts of various experiences I have more questions than answers. Good heavens! First of all, I understand the need to abbreviating everything. But these women kept referring to their DH's. What the crap is a DH? Well, someone finally asked that very question on on the boards and it means "dear husband." Really? It's hard enough to remember what BCT, AIT, DEERS, XP, MEPS, MOS, and about a thousand other acronyms mean, so is it really necessary to shorten dear husband?? Wow! Anyway, I just got super confused about how things are going to go down once Billy leaves and I'm not a person who likes to be in the dark. Not only that, but any time you ask a question there are at least 10 variations to each answer. It's enough to drive a woman bonkers. Oh wait, too late. I drove straight into Bonkers about an hour ago. Need to find some sort of turn about to get the heck back to Crazy Town. I can handle Crazy Town. I've lived there most of my life. But Bonkers? It's a bit too much for even me.

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