Tuesday, May 3, 2011

go Go GO!

I hit the ground running today. Man, we accomplished just a whole lot!!! First I went to workout. YAY! Extended my time to 40 minutes on the elliptical and kept a good speed almost the whole time. Watching Law and Order helped keep me going. I wanted to see who done it. I figured it was the dad. He was too nervous.
THEN... we went back home and prettied up. I called the school and had the secretary have the girls ready and waiting. I signed them out about an hour early and we went to get our military ID's. Emma and I were really the only ones who were supposed to get one. But I asked really sweetly if Allison could get one. I could tell her feelings were getting hurt. (they only give them to kids over age 10) The little guy was a softie and printed one for her too. William was like, MY TURN. But I told him I would take his picture when we got home. He seemed fine with that. And let me just say... my picture is AWFUL! The coloring is off because the little guy's printer was messed up. So, he had to compromise and adjust the contrast - white face and jet black hair. I look very close to a fat Morticia from the Addams Family.

So, new ID cards in hand we thought we'd take advantage of the rainless afternoon and drive to Murfreesboro! LOL! There is a reason for this. I had to get my cap and gown and I needed to sell back some books.

Since the kids were so good about everything and I had some cash from selling my old text books, we splurged and went to Chuck E. Cheese. It was a wonderful time! Emma who is teetering on the edge of being too old to enjoy the rides and games took William around and helped him play all the games. And then when Will got tired of that, Allison took him up into the playland area. I sat in the booth just watching everything as I rested. LOL!

By this time it is close to 8 pm and we still have an hour and ten minute drive home. So.... we go to Best Buy. HAHA! I wanted to complain about the phone they sold me and get a replacement. But there was a good five or more people in front of me. So, I think I am just going to go to the cell phone store tomorrow in town.
We got home and everyone is TIRED.

Speaking of tired, I can't help but wonder how Billy is. No news from him. But I do have a couple tidbits for you.
This is the Fort Jackson page for the company and platoon he is in. 3-34th Infantry Regiment Fort Jackson

And as of Friday, Billy is in the Red Phase of Basic Training.
Weeks 1-3: Red Phase

Welcome to BCT! Soldiers meet their Drill Sergeants and begin training. While often considered a difficult week for Soldiers due to the adjustments, it is actually pretty easy compared to later weeks. Most classroom-type training occurs in this period where Soldiers learn about:
Ballistics and Rifle Marksmanship Fundamentals
Personal financial management
Law of Land Warfare
Uniform Code of Military Justice (Military Law)
Dismounted Land Navigation (using a map and compass)
Fundamentals of Physical Readiness
Rappelling and navigating rope bridges
Drill and Ceremonies (marching)
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Defense (often referred to as the Gas Chamber)

One more thing and I'll be done. LOL! The other day we went to the park. Allison and William spent a good deal of time on the merry go round. When William got off, he was down right drunk. He kept falling over. It was hilarious!!!! On his third stumble, his face got in a fight with the mulch. The mulch won.

So to sum up the day... I got my cap and gown. I worked out and felt like a million dollars. I finally got my military ID. I sweet talked a young military fellow into giving my 8 year old an ID even though she doesn't need one. I took my kids to Chuck E. Cheese. And now everyone is home feeling just a little happier. If only we could hear from our soldier..........

1 comment:

HeatherandTanner said...

There is nothing wrong with looking like Morticia! I think that she is awesome! Especially Angela Bassetts version of her :)