Wednesday, April 13, 2011

gotta do this first

So today is my get-r-dun day. I have a TON of homework to catch up on. And I plan on just doing a marathon essay writing session until I'm done. I've had my coffee and I've got William all cuddled up on the bed next to me with his cartoons. (we're going to ban TV during the day once we get past this heep of mess called school)
Billy's on his way to physical training in a bit. I don't know how he's going to do it though. He has run and walked so many times around the mall the past couple days, his legs are beyond sore. He can hardly walk. He reminds me of Tim Conway as the Old Man on the Carol Burnett Show. Pretty funny stuff!!!!

But anyway, I just had to get these thoughts out of my head so that I could start this marathon with a clear mind. Thanks for listening. : )

If you need me today - wait til tomorrow.