Friday, August 5, 2011


Yup, we're still waiting to get any news. It's like the climax of knowing "where" we are going has completely faded into the anxiety of "when" or "how." So, hopefully we will know something soon.
I have booked our travel arrangements on how to get Billy home. So, we'll be coming home on September 3rd. He's going to get to be here for two weeks and from there... no clue. blech!
The girls have now completed their first week of school for this year. They are both pleased with their teachers and the friends in each classroom. So much so, that I feel just horrible having to pull them out in a few weeks. I just don't know how all that is going to play out. Sad for sure. I almost think this will be harder than when we moved from Murfreesboro two years ago. They are older and have a network of friends here. And such a strong group of friends. Kinda breaks my heart.
Anyway, not much else going on. Just waiting and wondering - like always. I'm telling you... very soon when we finally get some concrete answers, it's going to be all heck breaking loose! And I promise you, I'm ready. So BRING IT ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!!

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