Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bunch of hoowee

Today was a bunch of hoowee. I have no idea what hoowee is, much less how to spell it. but there you go. Today was a BUNCH OF HOOWEE! Not hearing from Billy just stinks. He tried to call three times and kept getting cut off. Finally this evening he gets a signal on his phone and only gets to call me for a few minutes because their lights out was thirty minutes early. What a bunch of HOOWEE!!!!!

But here we are folks. On the absolute edge of the end. Tomorrow I am cleaning, washing clothes and packing. Tuesday, I'm dropping off children at their respected places of temporary residence for while I'm away. Once all the kids are settled, I'm off to Nashville to stay with a dear friend who is kind enough to let me crash on her couch so I won't have to make such a long drive on Wednesday morning. Because Wednesday I'm leeevin ooonn a jet plane!!!! I'm just ready to get there already. Apparently, the hurricane knocked down lots of trees and millions of people lost power for a day or so. But things are already back on track. So, yay! Irene only tried to threaten my trip.

And the excitement of moving seems to be bubbling up more and more on the inside. I know I have plenty to do to get it all accomplished before we actually move. Stuff like do one last clean sweep of the house. There is still so much more that we can take off to Goodwill - like old ride on toys down in the basement. Or the gazillion and twenty toys in William's toy box. I can't even close the lid. That is my goal- to just be able to close the lid.

Allison spent the night at a friend's house last night and this child's mom told me that she had a bit of a meltdown in the middle of the night over Billy. Allison asked me tonight if I thought she was a momma's girl or a daddy's girl. LOL! I told her most definitely a daddy's girl. She said that she looked like me and not daddy. So, I told her just how much her sense of humor was like her daddy's and her temperament - basically her whole personality is like her dad's. I could just see the wheels turning in her head after that one.

I just can't wait to bring their daddy home. That's a HOOAH not a HOOWEE!!

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