Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cheese or not to cheese

I'm sitting here "doing homework" and I'm hearing Emma and Billy talking about our new Army life. So I had to stop and jot them down before I forgot. She's asking him all kinds of questions. "Are we moving to Afghanistan? Will we have to learn new languages? Are people on Army bases protected from the bad people? Are we going to be able to take the cats when we move? Am I going to have to share a room with Allison? Why won't they tell us where we are moving to? When does school start in the Army? What if we have to move to Europe?" and on and on.... There is a slight panic in her voice with each question. But Billy's just answering everything with total patience. Love him... oh.... HAHA!! She just asked, "what time is it?" He said 19:58. She was like "ok, I got an hour before bedtime." See... she is learning something!!! But anyway, I found some good resources for kids and dealing with army life. I even found a book called, The Military House: Packing, Moving, and decorating. YAY!!! I need to go buy that one. : ) Are you wondering why I named this post 'cheese or not to cheese?' Well, I'll enlighten you just in case. Billy is now going to have to give up cheese. He isn't losing weight. He's still gaining. And it's just the weirdest thing! He's been jogging or walking like 6 miles a day and just eating the good stuff. So, it's got to be the cheese. At least that is my medically uneducated theory. (whatever that means) Anyway, I have managed to get a couple assignments in this afternoon. (because they were due today) But I still have my mid-terms. BLECH! I'm a great complainer, aren't I? Part of me is trying to figure out the total score needed just to pass the class so I can ease up on myself a little. I've been stressing out trying to get an A - and really I could do fine with a C. How many people look at GPA's anyway? There is one bit of exciting news though. I opened my Calendar and it says that I'll have to order my cap and gown soon. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and speaking of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That movie Billy and I loved just so darn much won best picture at the Oscars. YAY! The King's Speech. I can't wait until it comes out on video! That and Harry Potter DHp1. Very excited about that one too. All these movies are coming out in April. Next month. Billy leaves next month. BILLY LEAVES NEXT MONTH! ok, I'm done. So, I want to have a big ol' party before he leaves. To celebrate different things. Like Allison's pre-birthday, my graduation, Billy's leaving, hopefully Emma's baptism. But I just don't know when to do it. Or where. It's not like we live in the center of things out here. I wonder if we could rent out a room at First Family church or something. (like I need something else to do on top of the million and four other things I've got going on. but this is important) Yes, I've now successfully wandered away from school work yet again in order to post this unnecessarily long post. I'll go now. Army TidBit of the Day: The army comes and packs you up and moves all your HHG (household goods) for you. You don't do anything. But here's the kicker... it might take a few weeks to get your stuff to you at your new place. A FEW WEEKS! So, every post has a supply closet with everything in it. you just go and get what you need to survive for a few weeks and it's free. Blankets, pots and pans, baby beds, coffeepots, hair dryer.... isn't that nice of them? HA!

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