Friday, March 18, 2011

36 days

Well we decided to sell Billy's truck before he leaves. So, in a willy nilly attempt we placed an ad out on Craigslist and have gotten several inquiries in just a little over a day. Insane. A guy even came out to look at it this afternoon. Maybe he'll be back this weekend to take it for a drive. I hope so. I'll be ready to get that done with. As much as I want to sell it, I can kinda tell Billy feels a little weird about not having a vehicle. Of course, he is always welcome to take my car anywhere anytime... but I do understand his emotion. Like a 16 year old having to ask the mom for use of the car. suck. But he's not got that much longer and I pretty much have decided that he won't be out of my sight between now and then anyway. So, we'll just have to go everywhere together (we do that now anyway) This weekend we are doing a Solo Weekend with Emma. Tonight we just piddled around town and could find nothing to do so we came home and now we're watching a Harry Potter Weekend. We know these movies by heart and yet we still watch every time they come on. : ) But Will and Allison are back at Memaw and Papa's until Sunday. That should be fun. Tomorrow we are taking Emma to the mall to get her build-a-bear and find her some Easter shoes.

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