Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day Eight ~ Food

Yup. I'm totally thankful for food. I'm a big fan of food. Food can completely make or break my mood. Too much food can make me miserable... too little food can make me miserable. Yummy food. Hard to prepare food. Food that other people prepare and bring me. I love me some food. But seriously, there is just something about eating a fantastic meal with my family all around me. Just makes my heart and my tummy big. I just thank the Lord for providing for my family every single day. I know there are so many people out there who just do not have enough in their cupboards to feed their family. I've been there. It's not fun. So, when I am able to prepare a meal (even if it is frozen chicken nuggets and a can of green beans in the microwave) I hope to always give thanks for what has been provided for us.

Speaking of being provided for... looks like the mission may not be called off after all. We'll know more soon. I hope. Until then, we're just patiently waiting.

1 comment:

HeatherandTanner said...

It is amazing how alike we are.... this is my Thankful Post for Thanksgiving :)