Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 14 ~ Health

Actually I am very thankful for ALL of my family to be so healthy. Yeah, we'll get the occasional bug that puts the family down for a couple weeks about once or twice a year... but normally, we're just a healthy bunch. My kids always have wonderful check-ups at the doctor. They have never had a cavity at the dentist. We've managed to go almost 11 years with children and have only ever had one broken bone (Allison at age 2). We had one good scare with Emma with a really high temperature that led us to the ER when she was five. And earlier this year, William drank some benadryl and that sent us to the ER, too. I'll never know how he got that top off... but whatever. All it did was make him drunk. Allison spent the first 15 days of her life in the hospital and then came home on a heart monitor because she was just too little. I've known Billy 15 plus years and we've only ever had to take him to the doctor for a real sickness (like fever real) once. I mean... come on! Of course, I've had my own little things here and there - almost always involving the birth of a child... but nothing I couldn't handle. So I know we are so blessed! I pray that we continue to stay as healthy as possible.

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