Friday, January 21, 2011


Second night in a row when I look up and it's 10:00 pm and all the kiddies are fast asleep. This is a major accomplishment considering William's crazy sleeping schedule the past couple of months. WHOO HOO!!! Nothing new on the Army front. Billy's workout got canceled again because of the snow. He woke up this morning kinda in the dumps. I think he's starting to freak himself out about not being able to do the physical requirements. I know he can. He can't do it in a week. But he's got 13 more weeks until he leaves. And even then, he'll be there for 10 weeks. The drill sgts give them plenty of chances to pass the PT tests. I think he's just having mood swings about it. I try and be as positive as I can. I know he can do it. I'm not lying to him. I see those guys on The Biggest Loser and think... wow! That's Hard!! Billy is gonna be just like that... without the weight to lose. Well, he needs to lose about 10, but that's nothing. He'll have that gone way before he ships out. So, I was a total "student" all day today. I had to watch Dances with Wolves for an assignment and then write a paper on it. A 1200 word paper. Here's the fun part. I had to Netflix it. It didn't get here until today at 1:30 and I had to have the paper submitted by 11pm. It was a four hour movie!!!!!! You do the math. And here it is 10:15. I watched the whole movie, and wrote the paper in about 6 hours. I'm tired. My brain hurts. And the paper wasn't total crap either. My professor may disagree. I don't have much to update you on the kids. I really didn't spend much time with them today. I do have one awesome story though... LOL! William gets a "go"gurt (tube of yogurt) every time he poops in the potty. So, sometimes he'll MAKE himself go. Crazy. Only a man could poop on demand. Anyway, yesterday he 'said' he pooped but had no evidence of it. So after the interrogation process, I finally just gave in and let him have a gogurt. But we both know there was some doubt. Well, the next time he pooped, he came in and said, "Mom! I pooped in the potty! See! (pointing at his buttcrack) I pooped right there. It came out. I pushed it! It came out right there! Come see! Quick, so I can get my yogurt!!!!"

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