Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sweet and Sour

Well, first two days of school are under our belts. It's for sure going to be a change. I'm not really even sure where I am on it yet. I know that they have both made a ton of friends - some of which live right next to us. So, that is awesome. The girls come home and immediately want to go back out to play. Unfortunately, it is the homework that's got everyone tied to the house. It's a bit more than we had back in TN. Well, Emma's is a LOT more. I'm super nervous for her. There is a lot of stuff she'll be doing online and her teacher would rather her type up her assignments and email them to her. WOW! I'm having flashbacks from earlier this year when I was doing all my homework online. Nuts. Just nuts! But as far as teachers go... Emma's seems pretty nice. A little more relaxed than I'm used to, but hopefully that will not be an issue. Allison's seems a bit strict. Like I'm sure she keeps a ruler in her sleeve and goes around slapping wrists every couple minutes. Allison was telling me about snack time. Apparently a kid brought a blueberry poptart and the teacher yelled at the kid for not bringing a healthy snack. To which the kid that sits next to Allison whispers, "And that is why I just don't bring a snack." UM... wow! So, today I let her bring some carrot sticks, but she didn't even get a chance to eat them. I'm just trying to figure that one out. So... there are some great things going on and some things I'm going to have to figure out if they are issues or not. But considering how the kids are happy with the amount of friends they've already made...I'm not going to rock any boats. Well, not that I would anyway.

Speaking of rocking... guess who can ride a bike now?? ALLISON! She started to do it early this spring, but would only ride on the tiny tiny bike. I got rid of that tiny tiny bike and made her ride one her own size and it scared her. So she gave up and hasn't ridden in a long time. Well, now that every kid on the street has a bike and rides up and down the street all afternoon... she felt the need to get on the thing and try. And low and behold... it's amazing what a little peer pressure will do. Now we'll have to buy her some new tennis shoes because she wouldn't use the pedals to break... she used her toes. Yeah... I swear I saw sparks coming out of her Nikes once.

So... that's all I know for now. Billy's still doing his in-processing and hasn't done anything real exciting yet. And same goes for me really. I'm just trying to take in all the good and the bad with the girls' school and figure it all out. The sweet and the sour. Man, now I want Chinese Food.

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