Thursday, September 22, 2011

Paper angels

Well, this is probably the craziest thing. But the other night while we are trying to unpack a few things, I kept hearing what sounded like a baby giant stomping through the woods. (think Hagrid's little brother) Anyway, I thought perhaps the kids were banging on the furniture or jumping off the beds upstairs. However, when I went outisde, I felt and heard it even louder. It wasn't very often, but maybe every thirty minutes. So, I asked Billy what it was. He says, "Oh that is just artillery." OH. MY. GOD! That is just artillery. Really? That IS JUST artillery??? I kinda laughed at him, but when he didn't really laugh back, I guess that meant he wasn't kidding. And then the next day on Facebook, the neighborhood wives who have a page, were talking about how their husbands got to play with the big guns and make all our houses shake. Wow. Just wow!

But things are slowly coming together here at the new house. We had a little mishap last night with the washing machine. It is upstairs, which I thought was going to be the coolest thing ever until the dang thing somehow wasn't connected right (my fault) and water dripped all over the floor for the entire night. Woke up the next morning to a nice little puddle in the downstairs bathroom and some pretty intense water marks all over the freshly painted ceilings. UGH! So, on our second day there at the new house, we already have the maintenance man come out. Now, we have an industrial size fan "The Tornado" upstairs in the hallway blowing on the carpet trying to dry out the water. Sigh.

Anyway, the funniest thing about the whole moving thing so far has to be the amount of packing paper we ended up with. Our living room is rather huge. And it was full - wall to wall and about waist deep - of packing paper. We filled an entire box of Glad Force Flex garbage bags, that's 30 bags, with packing paper. It is hilarious! Billy feels like white trash putting 30 bags of garbage out at the street. I find it quite amusing myself. We may have to find a dump somewhere. LOL!! But imagine if you will that much paper in the living room. And then imagine three children playing in it like it was Christmas morning in the pile of wrapping paper. William was making "paper angels" in between jumping off the couch in to the massive mound of paper snow. It was a FUN afternoon!!


1 comment:

HeatherandTanner said...

It started here a few days ago... I think it sounds more like a T-Rex or a very large Ogre coming to attack!