Monday, January 30, 2012

So Long, January!!!

This has been the LONGEST month in the history of the world. Or at least it feels that way. See, Billy gets paid in the middle of the month and the end of the month. And since this month had a holiday on the mid-month pay day... he got paid like 4 days early. Which usually isn't a big deal. But since the end of the month is like 20 days later.... that's incredibly hard. Now, I am a planner. And I knew this was coming. I looked ahead and realized that I would have to make every single dime and nickel and penny stretch as far as I could. But daggum! We are scraping the bottom of the pantry this week. As Billy put it, "we're putting Old Mother Hubbard to shame." And that's even after buying three weeks worth of groceries, staying home and not driving anywhere to save gas, and even with the extra cash coming in from babysitting my neighbors kids. So, I'll say this... yes, the military has LOTS of perks. But the pay is crap. It's ridiculous! For anyone to say we're in it for the money... they need to think again. However, the perks are great. So, I won't complain. It's just this month has been a bit tough.

Speaking of January... why is it 73 degrees outside??? My kids are outside in shorts and t-shirts. I've had my windows open the past couple days. It's just gorgeous outside! I look at the weather back home and see it's barely 50. So, this is crazy!!! Again... not complaining. I LOVE it!! I hate it for the folks back in TN and KY. I love it for me! But hate it for them. Yup... LOL!!

Anyway... I've decided that I need a new kitchen table and chairs. I need it more than I need a new couch. And that's saying something. See, the kids I've been watching this month... well, they decided to go all destructor on me last week. On top of the book ripped in half, a beheaded Buzz Lightyear, about seventeen plastic army guys (whom they fed to the dog - with crayons, of course), and a toy cash register... they also busted up my kitchen chair. Sigh...... So now three of the five chairs are now broken. And then the other two are wobbly as crap. So, for my birthday, I either want a new dining set or new chairs. I just can't risk someone coming over and sitting in my busted chair and ending up in the floor. I've already put this bug in Billy and the kids' ears. They all just laugh at me. And then I hear Billy mumble something about getting me an Xbox controller. I swear to you... if that man buys me a video game controller for my 35th birthday, he'll be sleeping in his truck for a week. So Billy, if you're reading this... be warned.

But yeah, we went back to church this weekend. It was, again, a nice quiet service. Met a couple more ladies who invited us to a prayer group for military wives on the main post. I'd heard of the group before. So, we'll see. Emma seemed to enjoy it better. She invited a friend this time, so I'm sure that helped.

Billy had a nice lazy weekend and rested well. So this morning when he texted me after his run, he said he got to lead the group and they were all telling him to slow down. Um... really? One week of hard core training and he's already a different person. AMEN!! Oh and did I mention I've gone to the gym three days this past week? I'm starting the Couch to 5K program. It's a guide that takes you from basically couch potato status to walking to running in a few months. Not that I need to run any marathons any time soon. But it is a good workout and it is a gradual thing, so I can do this!! Oh and we also went on a family bike ride Saturday evening. Now, that was awesome! William on his little big wheel just blasting down the road. Too cute!!! The girls kept getting distracted with their friends and would stop and chat for a while then catch up to us later. I'm not sure we were all five together for more than a couple minutes at a time. But it was a really nice little ride through the neighborhood. Only down side... my butt is all kinds of sore!!!
**Note to self: buy a fat-bottom bike seat... and soon.**

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