Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So, Billy's PT test isn't Friday. It's tomorrow. I think he'd be just fine except he got a super horrible migraine this afternoon. So what was supposed to be a night of chugging water and pasta to boost his energy up for his run in the morning... has now turned into me trying to keep the house quiet and dark and I seriously doubt he'll even eat anything tonight. This is not a good thing. He's not had a migraine in weeks and now I'm starting to agree with his mother that this is probably stress related. But at the same time, I'm really kind of mad at him because he just refuses to take anything when he starts getting these headaches. He had three hours off this morning and rather than go to the store to get some medicine when he felt the headache coming on, he sat in his truck in the freezing cold. I swear. I do not understand that man sometimes. He could have even come home during that time... but nope. He'd rather eat his bologna sandwich alone in his truck and let his migraine grow into some horrible mess. I don't know what to do.

And not only that, but I have had a bit of a stressful couple of days watching my neighbor's kids. Three four year olds... (well almost) are a lot of handle. It's just that when they are around, William has to act like the world's biggest terd. It's hard when a bunch of kids come in and just take over his toys. I get that. But then when the little kids come over and bring toys and then refuse to share... it just sets everyone off. I'm probably going to be OK. But I am trying to get used to their behavior while trying to not hang my son out to dry. It doesn't help when Williams' been sleeping like the weirdest hours. He's not getting enough rest and it's about to wear on all of us. Plus, my attitude in the afternoons when the girls get home isn't the best and that's not fair to them. But I'm not going to quit. I just need to figure out how to balance it. I'll probably get it all figured out about the time they leave.

So I've got that on my shoulders and Billy's test tomorrow. My stomach is turning and I'm just about to scratch my eyeballs out.

I made myself a promise that I wasn't going to make this blog a vent fest. But today... I really just needed to vent.

1 comment:

HeatherandTanner said...

I will pray for you guys!! And isn't venting what blogs were designed for? :)