Monday, July 22, 2013

Order of the Bullspit

Ok.... prepare yourself for a major vent session about this thing called Army politics. OMG! So, I think I mentioned how Billy just really hates his job. I lied. He really loves WHAT he does, just not the people he works with. Now for the record, I'm not there at Billy's job nor do I know everything that goes on. I only get the snippets that he shares with me which may be enough or may be tainted with bias. I don't know. All I know is that Billy is PISSED and OMG we need to get away from there before he has some sort of heart malfunction due to stress. Which is ironic because the reason he is so mad is over a doctor's appointment. The office made the appointment for him. He did not request the time of day. It was given to him. It just so happened to be during PT which really upset his Sgt. A woman we shall call Umbridge. (this is not her real name, nor does she favor the Umbridge in terms of looks... but certainly in attitude and character). OK... so Sgt Umbridge tells Billy he has to come in and do PT before he goes to his appointment. Error Number 1 - Billy should have just gone, BUT he decided to make a fuss and pissed off the wrong people. His complaint was that he would not be able to make it to his appointment on time and would then get in trouble for being late or missing an appoinment. So, he tells his squad leader who then tells him to go straight to the appointment and not worry about PT. Fine. Done. That was two weeks ago. Well....... Umbridge pulls Billy aside today and tells him that he missed an appointment which is a HUGE big no-no, and unless he can prove that he was there he will get a counseling statement. What the crap? So, fine. He goes to the clinic and asks for some sort of documentation that he was at the appointment to which he is told they do not give such documentation. Error Number 2 - he didn't demand something or explain why he needed it. So, he goes back empty handed and Umbridge decides that Billy is lying and said he went to the appointment when she thinks he didn't. "I must not tell lies" tattooed into the hand - can you see it? Yeah.... Ok so Umbridge tells the squad leader to write out a counseling statement saying Billy missed an appointment. He refused. Good old Neville trying to stick up for his friend. So, then comes Error Number 3 - Dumbledore (the commander for all intensive purposes) sees Billy all upset and asks him what was bothering him to which Billy responds "Nothing, sir... I don't want to talk about it." COME ON! He was the one person who could have saved his neck and pleaded a good case up against the ministry, but Harry... I mean Billy... didn't want to bother him with his problems. So, Umbridge meanwhile tells good old Neville that if he doesn't write up this counseling statement he is being insubordinate and could get a demotion. OMG. So, Neville does it. He brings the statement to Billy to sign and apologizes for not being able to stop the insanity. But Billy is so upset at this point that he refuses to read it or sign it or take a copy of it. [update: absolutely nothing happened with this by the way. He got another counseling statement the next week for his monthly review and there was nothing about this incident on there. It was almost like it never happened. I don't know if she figured out she should have just gone about it a different way or something else. I am just waiting for someone to pop out with some truth serum].

Speaking of Campbell, he is trying to get another Sgt  - one that is actually very nice and helpful  - to help him get his early report date paperwork started so we can get out of Bragg as soon as possible.

Meanwhile I'm still here in Kentucky. It is day 18. I have to say that last week was wonderful. Yes, I was up and down taking care of mom at all hours, but it was quiet. And calm. And QUIET. Now, my kids are back. Which they spent 12 of these 18 days in Tennessee with their other grandmother. But they're back with me now and you just forget (how is it possible to forget) just how loud and messy they are! I missed my kids, but now I miss the clean and quiet house we had for all that time. And then to add insult to injury, we were supposed to leave and go home to my husband this weekend. BUT... my replacement care giver (we'll call her CAT) came by today to inform us that she was headed out to California for two weeks on a business trip. So...... looks like I'll be staying at least until the 31st for mom's last appointment. It just makes me so sad and I just miss Billy so much. Especially when I know he is so stressed and we are seriously broke as a joke. So he's stressed and broke. Not a good combination. Like we have a whole 8 days until we get paid and he literally has $12 to his name.



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