So according to Billy's online Army source, he got orders to report to Bragg in early October. NOW... this is the unofficial order. And we can't really do anything until he gets the official papers in his hand. But until then "WE'RE MOVING TO NORTH CAROLINA!!!!!" Ok... Sorry. This was just such great news. And shocking news. And scary news! But I've known since Tuesday morning, but couldn't announce it really. I literally woke up every hour that night to check. I finally saw it at 4 am. I was so shocked. Fort Bragg was not at all what we imagined. I was dead set on Virginia or Korea. Thank GOD it wasn't Korea! But then Billy called me early that morning at 5 am. I thought he had got my message and was calling to talk about it. But he was laughing and cutting up with a bunch of guys and when he was able to talk, he told me he had just passed his PT test!! WHOO HOO!!! And he didn't have a clue about our FDS (first duty station). But when I told him he was like, "Oh." I am sure it shocked him too.
So the good news is this... we are going to be close to his friend Jonathan and my cousin Mariah. We are going to get to be together!! It isn't Korea!!! We are only 9 hours from home (easy drive home for holidays). Bragg is an Airborne division - and Billy's decided he wants to go to Airborne school. (Yes, I know. I can't believe it either. But hey, if he wants to jump out of an airplane with a full set of gear on his back - not once but five times... then ok by me!) A couple of his friends are also going to be stationed there (unofficially).
I've been doing my research like crazy all day. Looks like a really awesome place!! I'm getting more excited about it every hour. Billy is excited about it, too. And it isn't KOREA!!
So, where are we going to live?? Well, that is to be determined. BUT... I found the most awesome little neighborhood that I want to get into. But here's the catch - we can't do anything until he has papers in his hands. This neighborhood I found is considered Fort Bragg, but it's actually located about ten miles from the gate. The land is owned and controlled by Fort Bragg. It has a gated entrance with MP's patrolling the area. There are two elementary schools inside this neighborhood. And they are talking about building a PX (post exchange AKA Army walmart) there too. So, it will still be considered on-post housing, but without the on-post confinement. Looks like there is a two month waiting period to get into one of these houses. But if Billy gets his orders like a couple weeks before he graduates, and we get on the list immediately after that, and we don't have to report for a few weeks... the two months may not even be a big deal. Some houses on that post had a nine month waiting list. Anyway... this is the link to the "neighborhood" - really it is more like a little community. Here is the official Fort Bragg link to this neighborhood. It has more statistics and less pictures, but you can actually see the floor plan on the houses. (almost 2000 square foot) And YES we will get four bedrooms!! WHOO HOO! If this all works out and we can get into this place, I'll be one happy momma!!!
Speaking of me being a momma... yes, the kids know and the more we've explored online, the more they are getting excited. We've checked out the schools (they are Dept of Defense schools) and they don't look scary or anything. Middle school has a VERY strict dress code and that's got Emma all tore up. But she may not have to worry about that until next year. And the high school is a public local school. And it wasn't the one in the kinda scary area of town. So, that makes me feel better, too. Can't find anything about a band program... hmmm... Surely the army has a beginning band program. How else are they going to train those Army Band players?? And there is a child care center in the neighborhood, too. So, if I decide to actually use my degree and find a job, William will have a place to go.
Again, as you can see, I've not done anything until I have Billy's papers in my hand. (whatever!) I'm being very patient and taking things as they come. (ppsshhttt!) And of course, the kids may or may not get the school we were looking at. That is going to depend on what neighborhood we get into. And then we can't even think about getting into that neighborhood until we have those stinkin papers! So, therefore I'm just going to occupy my time by researching and getting a feel for what life will be like in North Carolina. I mean, really, to plan it all out down to who gets what bedroom and where the couch is going to go would just be silly. And I'm a very silly person. =)
Honestly, I'm just glad to have something to do rather than sit here wondering and worrying. At least now I have a bit of a purpose.
1 comment:
Wow... you did a lot more searching than I did!! Looks like you are really prepared, and that is great! I am excited for you guys!! :) (wow that is a lot of exclamation points)
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