Tuesday, July 5, 2011


WHY am I so nervous about seeing Billy tomorrow??? I feel like I am meeting a guy on a blind date. What am I going to wear? Should I wear my hair up or down? Will it be hot and will I be so super sweaty? What if my make up smears and no one tells me? Do I wear lipstick or not? Can't have him covered in lipsmack marks!! I'm just ridiculous! I can't calm down for anything! I mean after all, this is the man who has seen me at my worst (after all three of my c-sections, after having my wisdom teeth pulled, on a Saturday of deep cleaning the house, after a LONG day of marching band in the August heat) and yet he has stuck with me for all these years. I don't think he will care if I have on my funky sweats and ratty t-shirt with my hair dirty and day old make-up on. Maybe it is the fact that he will be all F I N E and I don't want to disappoint him or embarrass him in front of his new friends. So I gotta prepare like this is a first date. So when you see our pictures you can decide if I over did it or not. But if I did, don't tell me. I want tomorrow and Thursday to be perfect!!

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