Thursday, July 21, 2011

PT Tests and Rule 5

Tomorrow Billy has his big PT test. This one does count and he's got to pass. So, lots and lots of prayers going to him!! I told him that God would not have put him there to watch him fail. And that he just has to believe in that and in himself. He said that the night he had fireguard (where you sit in a chair and guard the hallways for two hours) he did push ups. He said he did 40 in what he thinks was a minute. And he only needs 36. So, I'm hoping his situps are just as good. It's got me a bit on edge. But not as much as seeing his "Rule 5" pop up today.
Let me explain... Rule 5? You say? Well, I thought the same thing. What the crap does that mean? Well, I found out that when a recruit is in training, they are in a Rule 2 status - "in training." But once they are in their advanced training and about to be assigned a permanent duty station, they move to Rule 5 - "pending assignment." So, that means that we will have an assignment within the next few days. It being a Thursday... I'm not looking for it to show up until Monday or Tuesday. Now the catch is, this is all according to an online account that we have to sign into. And the Army says you can not believe anything until you have it in writing and in your hands. So, when he gets his real paper orders... it could change. Nice, right?
So between Rule 5, the PT test, my kids, bills, and everything else I'm back to being a big old raw nerve. I am so wound up, I couldn't even tend to the kids today. They went and hung out with their granddad at the creek this afternoon so I could just sit in a quiet house for a few hours. I wonder how I'll manage when Billy is deployed and I'm in some strange state a gazillion miles from anywhere and have nobody to just take the kids for an afternoon... sigh...

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