Ok I'm seriously thinking the clock took a medication or something. Really??? How is it that the time is SOOOO slow here lately? Everything is slow actually. My internet is driving me crazy. Which according to the AT&T expert, it is because the trees are in full bloom. I swear to you, that is what he said. This, of course, was after an hour of clicking here and there and everywhere. So, his only explanation was "the trees are in full bloom." Whatever. I just feel like my patience is being tested half the time.
I think the irritation comes from knowing that in just a week or so we should be finding out our new destiny. I'm scared and nervous and excited and impatient. I just want to know for goodness sake. Billy said there are 15 possible companies he could get in and 6 of them are in Virginia. It is really looking more and more like that could be a real possibilty. So, I'm trying not to freak out. He didn't tell me how many were overseas. I'm probably glad he didn't. I do know that one of them is Fort Hood, TX. And that scares me. According to some of the things I've read, if you don't speak Spanish in that part of the country you might as well be in a foreign country. If I have to learn another language and not even get to leave the country... ugh!
But enough of that.
Allison declared last night that today would be a lazy day. I think she was just worn out from swimming for two days straight. Even though I would have liked to have gone for a work-out, I appeased her and we stayed home - in pajamas all day. Problem was she came up to me at least 400 times saying she was bored. And William has decided that he doesn't need to wait on his momma to get him a snack. He now just pulls a chair up to the counter, hauls himself up and helps himself to whatever he can find in the cabinets. He brought me the pop-tart box this morning for breakfast. I wish I had a TV security system so I could watch all my kids' movements in the house.
I did manage to sort out all mine and Billy's books today. I threw out a bunch of books that we just don't read ever. Stuff like the 'household encyclopedia" - who needs that when you have google? But I cleared out two whole shelves of books. It felt wonderful! I also need to clear out some of Emma and William's books. Allison already has hers down to a minimum. But we're back to clearing out spaces. I feel a move coming on. So, we're doing another household purge soon. Anybody want a china cabinet or antique dresser? I might actually try to do a yardsale this time. I don't know though. I could sure use the extra cash.
And that reminds me... did you know Southwest has flights on weekdays at odd hours for $40?? I'm seriously thinking about booking my ticket for when I go to get Billy from AIT. We're kinda waiting on the information as to when he gets to leave and all that. When he gets his orders in a couple weeks, it should have some sort of reporting date. So, who knows.
Anyway, I'm just rambling now. Just looked at the clock and hardly any time has passed. Not sure if I should try to think slower or type slower - or both.
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