But we DO have a very busy week... AGAIN. Monday is swimming and then the dentist... or maybe the dentist then swimming. Tuesday is swimming. Wednesday is creek stomping. Thursday is swimming. Friday is packing. Saturday is FLYING!!! WhooHOO!!!! And somewhere in there I have to clean my house and mow that stupid yard. BLAH!
I guess I'll just pray for an early morning phone call from my dearest husband.
Day 46 of 57 "a picture that makes you happy"
This has to be one of my favorite pictures of my kids EVER!
May 2009 - Mirandrew's Wedding
Day 47 of 57 "something you wish you could change about yourself and why"
I don't know... I guess my weight. I was a super skinny child (like Allison). And then after having three babies, a desk job for 10+ years, and a love for good yummy fried foods and chocolate... my once skinny self sees pictures of my now chunky monkey self and I get all BLECH! Although I do have to say, I've done pretty well. Over the past year, I've shed almost 30 pounds. So that is something worth cheering about!! I still get a shock when I see a picture of myself. In my mind, I'm that skinny 10 year old. But in reality, not so much.
Day 48 of 57 "a picture of yourself a year ago and a picture of yourself today, and how you've changed since then"
wow! This goes right along with day 47...
July 2010
May 2011
Day 49 of 57 "something you dislike about yourself"
Yeah... again... I'd say my weight.
Wow this 57 days of posting was kinda depressing tonight. Jeez! So we all know I am a chunky monkey now. Secrets out! But on the bright side... this morning I was getting dressed and Emma gasps and says, "Whoa Mom!" I thought she was making an issue of my outfit choice, but she said, "You look like a teenager! You really have lost a lot of weight!" I love that child!!! And apparently my outift choice was a thumbs up as well! So not such a bad thing in my mind.
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