Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 24 of 57 - all about my boxes

"People compliment you most on..."

I would probably have to say my organizational skills. I am a anti-clutter nut. I basically have an entire house set up with Sterilite plastic boxes - all labeled and filled with very specific items. I have little boxes and gi-normous boxes. Boxes for crayons, boxes for Christmas stuff, a box for Easter, a box for Halloween, a box for old clothes, boxes of blankets and sheets, a box full of CD cases, boxes for the kids' paint, box for my paint, box of envelopes, box of stickers, box for office supplies, a box for tape and glue, a box for bags and purses, boxes for toys, boxes for barbie doll clothes, I even have a box for earphones... There are boxes with tops, boxes that roll, boxes with drawers, blues boxes, clear boxes, green boxes, even a set of pink and purple boxes. I have boxes for important papers and boxes for pictures. I have a box of boxes - I kid you not. (does the word 'box' sound funny at this point??)
Anyway... I say all this... but I also have to say that this in no way  means that my house is some kind of super clean wonderment. I mean, come on! No one can compliment me on my cleaning skills. I have three kids. If only I had a box to file away dirty dishes that could be replaced with a box of clean dishes - or a box that did the same for laundry. But alas, I'm not so fortunate. One bit of irony here is that there are times when we just can NOT find something. Say, a plunger for example... I still can not find that stupid thing and I bet if I had a box for it... I could find it. But, I digress.

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