I LOVE that I am here at my mom's house in Kentucky. I HATE being so far away from the mailbox. BUT... I'm hoping that when we do hear from him... it will all be good news and that will just make the time go by even faster. AND... they say not to mail any letters 2 weeks before graduation because the mail might get backed up and they won't forward mail. So in order to keep mail from getting returned, they just say to stop sending it in enough time. Which would mean in two weeks, I can't send anymore letters. That just makes it that much faster!! I know I know... I'm counting down things again. But I can't help it.
BACK to my original idea for this post... I got some more catching up to do on my 57 days of postings game... So... here we go...
25 of 57 - "Next three things on your bucket list"
1. Go to Disney World
2. Go to Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios Florida
3. Apparently go to Orlando Florida.
26 of 57 - "Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, or mad"
Happy - a mixed CD of weird mash-ups songs that my sister made me. LOVE IT!
Sad - I like to listen to soundtrack music. If my goal is to stay sad, I listen to the soundtrack for The Tudors. If I plan on trying to not be sad, I will go with the above mixed mash-up CD
Bored - whatever is on the iPod or radio - usually the same old crap which only further aggravates the boredom
Mad - I don't really have a mad music. Not even Billy's 'kill-yer-momma' music would do it.
27 of 57 "Nicknames you have and why you have them"
Well the most common is Becky Boo - my grandfather started calling me that and it just stuck. And then as I got older, the name transitioned into a more mature BBoo - which all my friends refer to me now. I've also been called things like Shorty (not sure why) and Hey You.
28 of 57 "Something you Crave"
Ummm... I usually only get a hankering for things like Chinese food. But I do sometimes crave reeses pieces.
29 of 57 "A Person you love"
Well of course, my Billy Wayne. In a couple weeks, we'll have been married 12 years. Doesn't even seem possible. What began as a friendship only grew into a stronger friendship. I miss him more than I can stand. I know he misses me, too. But I am sure this is only making our love stronger. (you may now throw up - sorry)
30 of 57 "What would you do if you were pregnant?"
First off, who came up with these questions??? LOL! But really, if I were pregnant I would probably have to go into hiding since Billy's been gone since April. teehee! Hypothetically if I were pregnant, I'd probably be thrilled but scared and then probably just get really mentally tired and then maybe sleep for nine months. I wonder if sleeping that much would keep my blood pressure down - then it might not be such a bad thing. But there are no more babies for us so... next question
31 of 57 "Something you want to buy"
Hmmm..... Luxury King Sleep Number Bed - yup. that's it!
32 of 57 "Something you hope to do in your life"
Have grandbabies that I can spoil and love!!!!
33 of 57 "Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself"
1. I have a texture thing. I can not stand to touch certain textures - two main ones are anything ceramic or any kind of velvety material - UGH! Gives me heebee jeebees just thinking about it
2. My middle name is Kathryn. My daughter's middle name is Katherine. But I didn't name her after myself, I named her after her great-grandmother Mary Katherine.
3. My birthday is Valentines Day - which I like to refer to as Birthentine's Day!
4. I played the clarinet for years and years - almost every day of my life for about 10 years. I haven't touched the thing (still in my closet) in about 15 years.
5. Most people have to drink coffee before they can start their day... I have to blow my nose.
6. I do not like to cook. At all. If I can throw something in a microwave or pull it out of a box... I'm a happy camper.
7. I've never had a speeding ticket in my life. The only traffic violation I've ever had was due to a car accident I had when I was pregnant with Emma driving a stick shift and couldn't hardly reach the stupid clutch.
8. I love to read. Love it! If I find a book I like, I might read it six or seven times.
9. I am HORRIBLE with names. I can't even get my own kids' names right sometimes.
10. I have never been west of the Mississippi River - heck, I've never even seen the Mississippi River
11. I flew to Michigan two weeks after 9/11
12. My best friend in the world is my sister - but that was not always the case
13. I moved my senior year in high school to another state (from TN to KY) but I still consider myself an alumni of Smyrna High School even though I didn't graduate with them.
14. I can buy cropped pants and pass them off as normal length pants. (I was so happy when cropped pants came back in style) and Bermuda shorts are like Capri
15. I took ballet from kindergarten until 11th grade. But in high school decided to pursue music over dance. When I was 12 I got to dance with the Nashville Ballet in their Cinderella performance.
And so there you have it... more Becky-toids to ponder to keep us busy until we hear from Billy. Still floating............. float....ing..........
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