My house smells like a big vat of aloe. For some reason, I just don't think the spray sunscreen works. I've used lotion (Banana Boat - For Kids - SPF 50 - Waterproof) every time we've gone to the pool and we've never had a serious problem. Today I chose to use the same thing (Banana Boat - For Kids - SPF 50 - Waterproof) but in the spray version. We all came home today with some seriously pink and stinging shoulders. Well, except Allison who soaks in sun like a brown paper bag soaks in water - it just turns browner. However, she did manage to attain a super nice wasp sting. Bless her heart. We went to visit some friends who live out on a farm not too far from us. She got up on the saddle swing (a more sophisticated version of the tire swing - using a saddle) and she was swarmed with wasps. Considering all the screaming we both did trying to get her to safety, she only got one sting. I was unscathed - but completely freaked out. So two lessons learned today... ONE - don't go for convenience when buying sunscreen and TWO - shake the saddle before you try to ride.
I have made my list of things to take on our trip. I am taking Billy the laptop so he can keep up with us while he's at AIT. I think I'm also going to get him an iTunes gift card so he can get himself some new tunes. The only other thing I can think to take him is a batch of my chocolate chip cookies.
Day 51of 57 "something you love about yourself"
My chocolate chip cookies. I can make some seriously good chocolate chip cookies. They are a total pain and I hate to make them, but I'm always ever so glad when I did. YUM YUM YUM!!!
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