Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Apparently we are getting the slug slime of the winter storm moving across the US today. slug slime= the nasty junk that drags along the bottom of a big snow storm. My sister in Michigan is getting at least 15 inches - tonight. YUCK! I hate that for her. It's raining like crazy here. And, of course, I sent the girls to school in skirts today. They are probably freezing. ugh. But yeah, the warm weather we've been having mixed with the blizzard conditions just north of us is likely to cause some thunderstorms tonight. So thunderstorms plus snow - thundersnow!!!
Anyway, to explain the whole housing situation... Our landlord rented us this house and we went in and totally cleaned it out and fixed all kinds of junk on it only to find out his sister put it on the market to sell the week after we move in. I am not happy about this. However, they have it priced soooooo incredibly stupid high that someone would have to be just really dumb to buy it. Unless some lumber company comes in and offers it up just for the billion and a half trees out there, I seriously doubt anyone would buy it. And yet, people are still coming out here to look at it. That really makes me nervous. So, I wrote our nice little landlord a letter asking him to please let us stay at least until we know where the Army is going to station us in September. I really really really hope he lets us stay here. Moving is total crap. And see when we move to where the Army makes us move, they come and do it for us. I mean, that's huge!! Billy will likely still be in Virginia when the time comes to find a place. So, the Army comes in and does it all while I stand there with a clipboard making sure all my stuff is accounted for. So everybody say a big fat prayer that we get to stay where we are for now.
In other news, I filed our taxes yesterday. One good thing about being broke with lots of kids is that you get a pretty good return - thank you W! That's even with Billy claiming the highest he could on his paycheck last year. So it is going straight to savings. My ultimate goal is to be able to buy a new-ish car for before we leave. And we will pay cash for that sucker! So, it will be nothing but save save save for the next seven months. (another reason I hope we get to stay here, b/c the rent is super low) I reckon we'll have to sell Billy's dinosaur b/c I doubt it would make it across the TN border, much less across the country. It's a good truck. Just not a truck you want to test on the open highway. So, he'll ultimately end up with the SUV and hopefully I can get a van. We'll see.
Oh and the best news of all!!!! My sissy is trying real hard to make a quick trip down here in about three weeks. I really hope she can. She's not been here since Jan 2010. So, come on Sarah - get your butt down here!!!
Army Tid-Bit of the day:
When writing letters to your separated soldier, only write positive things. Even words like, "I miss you," are considered negative. It makes the soldier long for being home which produces negative emotions. Only write positive things. A good alternative to "I miss you" is "I am thinking about you" or "I was thinking about a time when you and I went......." These kinds of words bring happy memories to your soldier and make the hurt not so hard. Also, write encouraging words like, "I couldn't be prouder of you" or "So many people talk about how brave you are" or "Just think, you are able to say you did something millions of other men could never do." Also, do not and I repeat DO NOT send candy or food to a soldier at basic training. It is considered contraband and will likely get the soldier in trouble and he'll just have to throw it away. Good things to send are: calling cards, socks, personal hygiene products, stamps, paper, envelopes, pictures, and cards. Also, do not send anything electronic or any kind of medication(prescription or OTC) It will be taken away.
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