Thursday, February 17, 2011
Shouda kept my mouth shut
Boy howdy! When I said we were running out of things to do, I apparently jinxed myself big time. Today has been nothing but run run run. I'll spare you the details of the mundane. But it was packed full of errands, including three trips to town. Three. I don't want to drive anywhere tomorrow. OK, so that's a big fat lie. I can't WAIT to drive tomorrow. We are going to see my sister at my mom's house in Kentucky!!!! It is going to be 3 days of fun fun fun!!! I don't get to see my sister but maybe once or twice a year. So, this is a huge deal! YAY!
So yeah, I got Billy something to distract himself when he gets too much time on his hands and starts worrying. I downloaded solitaire to his iphone. LOL! He's been GLUED to that phone for hours. I think he'll have a headache tomorrow. Or carpel tunnel. Neither of which will do him any good in the Army. Speaking of.... 65 days! SIXTY-FIVE days!!!!! That's nuts! I probably should have downloaded some sort of physical training app. I'll look tomorrow. : )
And poor Emma has had some drama at school. This is a tough one. Apparently her teacher has just about had enough of the fourth grade class as a whole. Not sure how things got so out of control, but the class has been sentenced to 'silent lunch' for the entire week. This means absolutely NO talking. From the classroom door, down the hall, in the bathroom to wash hands, in the food line, at the table, clearing the trays, back down the hall - you get it. NOTHING. No talking. Well, good grief. Tuesday - on her birthday no less - they were coming down the hall and a girl tripped over the own two feet and ran smack into Emma's back causing Emma to launch forward and step on another girl's foot. Apologies were given on all sides. However, those apologies were verbal. And the teacher said NO talking. So, now Emma and the other two girls have detention next week. I'm torn on this one. But I made my case to Emma tonight. Apparently one of the mom's is going in to talk to the teacher and dispute the whole thing. Well, I had to tell Emma that even though she did the right thing by apologizing, she did still break the rules. And a rule is a rule. She wants me to fight the teacher on this. Why would I fight the teacher on this? She set a rule and a very basic one at that and the rule was broken. Now, would Emma have violated some law of social manners if she'd just ignored the girl? I don't know. And, do I think the detention is a bit much. Yeah probably. And do I think that Emma is probably being made an example out of for the class. Well, maybe. But like I told her tonight... in the military - which is where we are headed - you don't break rules no matter what. I told her that I was on her side AND the teacher's side. But unfortunate for her, the teacher out ranks Emma and so therefore, I won't be questioning the authority. This time. Like I said, it's a tough one.
Army TidBit of the day:
Today the future soldiers all got together to learn how to march. Guess who had trouble?? Yup. My marching band expert. Private Awesome First Class himself. Now, he knows I love him and I'm not making fun. But this has to be the most interesting aspect of the whole process. Everything in military is different from marching band. First, no music. Second, no instrument. And no instrument means you have to move your hands too. That's WEIRD!! And then the moving of the feet between parade rest and attention is opposite from marching band. The only thing the same is that you step off on the left foot. Thank goodness for that. But with no music, how are you supposed to stay in step? There wasn't even a cadence or anything. I think mentally, Billy wasn't concerned about this one objective. But then to have to train your brain and your body to do something wrong from what you've always done..... I'd equate this to learning to drive on the right side of the car on the left lane of traffic - and then take away all the traffic lights (music) and then switch the gas pedal and the break. Oh and let's add a gear shifter and a clutch that you have to use with your left hand just for fun. That would mess with your head! But of all the things to worry about, marching should not be that high on the list. Certainly something to work on, but not anything I would seek out an iphone app for.
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