Thursday, February 3, 2011

What time is it?

Before I begin... I want to add another funny TV show title game in continuation of the last blog. It is "The men who stare....obsessed" LOL!!! Anyway, so Billy went for a whole 24 hours thinking he was going to become the new physical training leader at his weekday outings. He was a little freaked out. The two guys who used to lead it are shipping out next week and that left Billy as the highest rank. Yeah, but then tonight he goes in and they said that one of the Sgt's would lead it from now on. WHEW! But he got set up with his army email and online access for his tests and such. Another thing we've had to wait on. But that's ok. And just to brag on him a little - going into this he could barely do one sit up, maybe 3 or 4 push ups and couldn't run to down the road to the next house up. Now, he's running around the mall, doing like 60 or so sit ups a day, and 60 or so push ups. And he's still got 79 more days to go. (every time the counter rolls down another tens spot, my tummy jumps) Allison did the funniest thing today. Her homework is about telling time. At this point in the game, they are doing "a quarter after" and "half past" while figuring up the time. Well, the question on her homework was "What are two ways you can write this time? 3:35" She writes down "the time is 3:35" and "3:35 is the time." HAHAHAH!!!! She was like, WHAT, I don't get it!! Army Tidbit of the Day:

If you have any crazy questions that you need answered and don't want to ask us (frankly, I don't think we could answer them but...) there is a great website for parents and families to communicate with others going through the same things with our soldiers. Everything from basic training to deployment to normal everyday stuff. Anyway, its You should check it out. I'm going to save it to my favorites.

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