Friday, December 30, 2011
The TV troubles
I've been wanting Billy to invite his "girl friend" (the girl he works with and met at AIT and the one we went to Christmas dinner with) over for a long time. He talks about her all the time and I just really wanted to meet her. So, after we ate Christmas dinner with her and her family, I thought I'd invite them over to our house. Billy said we were too boring and that no one wants to hang out with boring people. I admit, we aren't like real big on partying or whatever. But I didn't think we were that boring. So, I invite them over for pizza and games. We had gotten a new Xbox Kinect for Christmas (thanks Papaw) and wanted to play some games. So they were going to bring over a few games and guess what... Billy's TV dies. Dead. Dead Dead. It won't turn on at all. Thank goodness we still have the extended service agreement and we can get it fixed for free. But the bad thing is we have to wait a whole week. Or maybe longer. So, here we are about to have our new friends come visit out house for the first time to play the Kinect and now we have no TV. Billy was flipping out. So, we ended up taking the TV out of our bedroom and bringing it downstairs. We went from the 56 inch screen to a 30 inch screen. None of us could read anything on the stupid screen. Lord, have mercy! We are so spoiled, it is nuts. But before we decided to bring the TV from the bedroom down, Billy was convinced we needed to go buy a new TV. Just the thought of that made my stomach hurt. Because I know him and I know he's going to want to buy something bigger than what he's already got. Which is nuts. I'm still thanking God for that extended warranty. Mainly because back when we were shopping for washer and dryers, he kept getting sucked into the TV room where there was a 92 inch flat screen up on the wall. He was like moaning with excitement over this monster of a TV. This thing was ridiculous. And what didn't help matters at all is that on this exact day, three of the six ladies whom I drink coffee with every day all got new TV's for their husbands. We're talking like 70 inch smart TV's all bought on the same day that I refuse to let Billy buy a new one. I suppose I am the mean wife since I won't let Billy buy a new one as long as this one is still under warranty. So, yeah, anyway, we ended up playing games on the smaller TV and still managed to have a nice time with Billy's friends. She and I got along well. So despite the TV trouble, we enjoyed our visit with our new friends. And if they thought we were boring, they never let on. Well, they did leave before 9 pm. So, maybe we were a little boring.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Drama Drama Drama
I completely understand that sometimes kids (mainly girls) are mean. I get it. I hate it, but I get it. Kids are mean. The occasionally bragging or showing off of new toys is in a way, I guess, understandable. But when the kids start spreading lies about my child and then telling all the other kids on the street to not play with me child.... UM... NO! I have very little patience when I catch a kid in a lie. Be it my kid, or someone else's - very little patience.
Needless to say, there's been a little bit of ridiculous drama going on with some of the kids on my street. It kinda revolves around one particular girl and my daughter. But see, I know that my child is not innocent and not some victim here. But this other child... OH. MY. GOD! I have no patience for the crap that goes on. So, I've spent the past few days putting out fires up and down the street because these kids keep starting junk that just isn't going to fly with me. I'm kinda over it. I'm sick of the drama. But I don't know how else to get it to stop unless I tie them all to their beds.
Needless to say, there's been a little bit of ridiculous drama going on with some of the kids on my street. It kinda revolves around one particular girl and my daughter. But see, I know that my child is not innocent and not some victim here. But this other child... OH. MY. GOD! I have no patience for the crap that goes on. So, I've spent the past few days putting out fires up and down the street because these kids keep starting junk that just isn't going to fly with me. I'm kinda over it. I'm sick of the drama. But I don't know how else to get it to stop unless I tie them all to their beds.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Star Trek
Billy and I were sitting here watching the new Star Trek movie (well the newest one) and I was just super confused through the whole thing. See, I have never watched nor really understood any of the movies, the shows... none of that. I'm more of a period romance type of gal... not so much a science fiction spaceship kinda gal. Anyway, Billy is giving me all the details about how it is possible for Spock to be old and young and how Kirk really wasn't a deadbeat and that his dad never actually died. I was totally lost. So, I look on Facebook later that afternoon and here is what Emma posted...
"[My parents] are watching Star Trek and mama is so confused daddy is trying to explain it and all I hear is blah blah time travel blah blah dead blah blah blah ramen noodles?? blah blah blah volcan blah blah its confusing"
Ramen noodles - Romulans. I thought I was going to pee in my pants! She just totally cracked me up!!
And then later on that day I said to Billy because I'm so super smart, "Hey they should make a star trek where the new generation meets the old generation." He just looked at me like I had horns. He says, "they already did that." Well DUH! Like I'm supposed to be all current on the Star Trek information. PPPPBBBLLLTT! (that's me blowing a raspberry)
"[My parents] are watching Star Trek and mama is so confused daddy is trying to explain it and all I hear is blah blah time travel blah blah dead blah blah blah ramen noodles?? blah blah blah volcan blah blah its confusing"
Ramen noodles - Romulans. I thought I was going to pee in my pants! She just totally cracked me up!!
And then later on that day I said to Billy because I'm so super smart, "Hey they should make a star trek where the new generation meets the old generation." He just looked at me like I had horns. He says, "they already did that." Well DUH! Like I'm supposed to be all current on the Star Trek information. PPPPBBBLLLTT! (that's me blowing a raspberry)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Smallest World
So, we had a wonderful Christmas! Despite being so far from home, we were able to talk to the grandparents and even open presents over Skype; so that was neat! We ended up going to both Christmas dinners that day. For lunch we went to my lady on the corner's family's home in Falcon, NC. This is like the smallest little town on the planet. Very similar to Santa Fe, TN. And this is the most amazing thing... as we were sitting there after dinner one of the aunts asks me where we are from. I say, "About an hour south of Nashville." To which she replies, "Oh are you familiar with Santa Fe?" Billy and I almost fell on the floor! "That's where we are from!!" So, upon further discussion, we figure out that they have a cousin who was married to a fellow from Santa Fe. And then upon even further discussion we figure out that the fellow is the current husband (and ex husband to said cousin) to one of my dearest friends in Santa Fe. I could not believe it!! I mean, it was like taking two needles and throwing them in a haystack and then pulling them both out at the same time. Especially considering that Santa Fe and Falcon are two of the tiniest towns in the world! I just loved that! It was just really kinda awesome!
That evening we had dinner with the family of a girl that Billy has known since AIT. She has a sweet little family. Four kids and her husband stays home with the baby. I was extremely nervous about going to their house. I guess I just didn't want to say or do something stupid. Which is never a hard thing for me to do. I always seem to say and do stupid things. But anyway, we had a nice time. There were a few people there from Billy's unit and getting to finally meet the people that he talks about so much was a great thing. I even got to talk to one of the guys that is trying to get Billy to go work out with him. He told me he had plans on kicking Billy's butt! I sure hope so! PT test is Jan 6th. Sigh...
That night we got home and I was so tired I just completely crashed. It was a busy Christmas day, but we all had a super nice Christmas.
Oh and Billy bought me a new coffee pot. SQUEE!!! Love it!
That evening we had dinner with the family of a girl that Billy has known since AIT. She has a sweet little family. Four kids and her husband stays home with the baby. I was extremely nervous about going to their house. I guess I just didn't want to say or do something stupid. Which is never a hard thing for me to do. I always seem to say and do stupid things. But anyway, we had a nice time. There were a few people there from Billy's unit and getting to finally meet the people that he talks about so much was a great thing. I even got to talk to one of the guys that is trying to get Billy to go work out with him. He told me he had plans on kicking Billy's butt! I sure hope so! PT test is Jan 6th. Sigh...
That night we got home and I was so tired I just completely crashed. It was a busy Christmas day, but we all had a super nice Christmas.
Oh and Billy bought me a new coffee pot. SQUEE!!! Love it!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
I'm still alive... I promise
I've not posted in a while. I've just been trying to think of what to write. See, if I write about what I think is going to happen with Billy and the Army, it is always wrong. So then I wait to see if what I hear actually happens and by then it seems so dull, I don't think I should bore anyone with it. Am I making sense at all? Plus, we've got Christmas this weekend and I've just been kinda running around like a looney toon trying to get everything together. But I will give you a run down of the highlights from the last two weeks.
First, the president visited Fort Bragg. Billy got the honor of guarding a parking lot. Which apparently was kinda neat, because they only picked a few of them. So he gets there at 3 am and sits in his car for 12 hours (except for the 25 minutes he stood out and directed buses out of the parking lot) and then gets a nice pat on the back for it. He was offered tickets into the place where Obama was giving his speech and he graciously declined. At the time, he was trying to stay awake and wasn't sure hearing a 30 minute speech would keep him from falling asleep. Of course, now that it is over, he kinda wishes he would have gone. I mean, who gets to say they got to see the President speak live - even if he's not fond of the guy. But he did get to see Air Force One. The plane - not the movie.
Second, Billy got yet another counseling statement about his PT test. This is six now. From six different people. It's like, really? Every person in charge has to discuss it with him as if he's forgotten what he's done. But he gets a chance to do a diagnostic run on Jan 6 which if he passes should lift the flag and everything attached to it. If not, he'll have 30 days from that point to pass the real test and if he fails that one... he's out. Blah! And by out... I mean out of the Army. No pressure though. GRRR!!! So here's my problem with this whole counseling statement thing. On it, it says that Billy is required to do remedial PT. This is that special PT in the afternoons. Since he got put on this bar/flag, he's had ONE session of remedial PT. This is something that his command sets up. How is that going to help him? And I know, if he argues that point they'll just say he should have been doing it on his own. So whatever. He's going to start working out with another guy next week, I hope, and get ready for his practice test on the 6th. Everyone pray!
Third, me and my gal-friends had a little Christmas party at my house last Friday night. Everyone was impressed with my party hosting skills. LOL! I was kind proud of my self. It was loads of fun. Kids had a blast. And I got a really cute picture of all us gals and a new coffee cup. Fun stuff!! One of the girls' husbands took a liking to Billy and they chatted for a while. He's not really been involved with the husbands yet so that made me feel better.
Fourth, the kids are out of school and we've not stopped doing stuff. We went to Chuck E Cheese for William's birthday on Tuesday. He had a blast! You should see that kid play some Air Hockey! It was super fun!
Fifth, Billy's good buddy Jonathan came into town yesterday. We took him to dinner and I know Billy really needed that. Just to have a piece of home here for a while was priceless. Billy's just been so down lately with the whole PT mess and being stuck here for the holidays. So to have his best friend come in was just what he needed. Although, he's still not 100%. I'm just hoping things will turn around after this PT mess is over.
Sixth, I THOUGHT Billy and I weren't exchanging gifts for Christmas since we got the washer and dryer. Little turd went out and brought home a nice big box with my name on it. So, I did a last minute run to get him some new sunglasses that I know he really needed. In the car that afternoon, I turned to him and said, "I really hope you like your new sunglasses. D'OH! I mean Christmas present!!" He just smiled. But I got all ridiculous about it! I wanted it to be a good surprise and I just made a mess of the whole thing. GRR!! Oh well, sucks to be a dummy!
So, maybe I know why I've not posted in a while. I know things are kinda sad here - at least for Billy. I don't want to be all doom and gloom. So, I've just kinda not felt like sharing all the sad stuff. It's not all sad. We've been having a few great laughs. Like when Allison was trying to teach William his birthday song...
Allison: Ok William. When I sing this, "whose birthday is it?" You say, "me me me!"
William: OK!
Allison: Are you ready?
William: YEAH!
Allison: Whose birthday is it?
William: You You You!!
And then there's my gal-friends who I've really started to care for. I love these ladies! It's not anywhere that you can say, "my husband went to the gas chamber today" and no one thinks twice about it. (Billy really did have to go this week. No big deal, just testing his mask) But they're already planning a big New Years Bash. I'm super excited about it! So this is going to sound awful, but I really want Billy to pass this test next month so that we don't have to leave. I kinda feel like I've found my place here. And a couple of my friends invited me to their church - I can't wait to go! They've got great things to say about it! So, yeah... I'm not ready to leave.
First, the president visited Fort Bragg. Billy got the honor of guarding a parking lot. Which apparently was kinda neat, because they only picked a few of them. So he gets there at 3 am and sits in his car for 12 hours (except for the 25 minutes he stood out and directed buses out of the parking lot) and then gets a nice pat on the back for it. He was offered tickets into the place where Obama was giving his speech and he graciously declined. At the time, he was trying to stay awake and wasn't sure hearing a 30 minute speech would keep him from falling asleep. Of course, now that it is over, he kinda wishes he would have gone. I mean, who gets to say they got to see the President speak live - even if he's not fond of the guy. But he did get to see Air Force One. The plane - not the movie.
Second, Billy got yet another counseling statement about his PT test. This is six now. From six different people. It's like, really? Every person in charge has to discuss it with him as if he's forgotten what he's done. But he gets a chance to do a diagnostic run on Jan 6 which if he passes should lift the flag and everything attached to it. If not, he'll have 30 days from that point to pass the real test and if he fails that one... he's out. Blah! And by out... I mean out of the Army. No pressure though. GRRR!!! So here's my problem with this whole counseling statement thing. On it, it says that Billy is required to do remedial PT. This is that special PT in the afternoons. Since he got put on this bar/flag, he's had ONE session of remedial PT. This is something that his command sets up. How is that going to help him? And I know, if he argues that point they'll just say he should have been doing it on his own. So whatever. He's going to start working out with another guy next week, I hope, and get ready for his practice test on the 6th. Everyone pray!
Third, me and my gal-friends had a little Christmas party at my house last Friday night. Everyone was impressed with my party hosting skills. LOL! I was kind proud of my self. It was loads of fun. Kids had a blast. And I got a really cute picture of all us gals and a new coffee cup. Fun stuff!! One of the girls' husbands took a liking to Billy and they chatted for a while. He's not really been involved with the husbands yet so that made me feel better.
Fourth, the kids are out of school and we've not stopped doing stuff. We went to Chuck E Cheese for William's birthday on Tuesday. He had a blast! You should see that kid play some Air Hockey! It was super fun!
Fifth, Billy's good buddy Jonathan came into town yesterday. We took him to dinner and I know Billy really needed that. Just to have a piece of home here for a while was priceless. Billy's just been so down lately with the whole PT mess and being stuck here for the holidays. So to have his best friend come in was just what he needed. Although, he's still not 100%. I'm just hoping things will turn around after this PT mess is over.
Sixth, I THOUGHT Billy and I weren't exchanging gifts for Christmas since we got the washer and dryer. Little turd went out and brought home a nice big box with my name on it. So, I did a last minute run to get him some new sunglasses that I know he really needed. In the car that afternoon, I turned to him and said, "I really hope you like your new sunglasses. D'OH! I mean Christmas present!!" He just smiled. But I got all ridiculous about it! I wanted it to be a good surprise and I just made a mess of the whole thing. GRR!! Oh well, sucks to be a dummy!
So, maybe I know why I've not posted in a while. I know things are kinda sad here - at least for Billy. I don't want to be all doom and gloom. So, I've just kinda not felt like sharing all the sad stuff. It's not all sad. We've been having a few great laughs. Like when Allison was trying to teach William his birthday song...
Allison: Ok William. When I sing this, "whose birthday is it?" You say, "me me me!"
William: OK!
Allison: Are you ready?
William: YEAH!
Allison: Whose birthday is it?
William: You You You!!
And then there's my gal-friends who I've really started to care for. I love these ladies! It's not anywhere that you can say, "my husband went to the gas chamber today" and no one thinks twice about it. (Billy really did have to go this week. No big deal, just testing his mask) But they're already planning a big New Years Bash. I'm super excited about it! So this is going to sound awful, but I really want Billy to pass this test next month so that we don't have to leave. I kinda feel like I've found my place here. And a couple of my friends invited me to their church - I can't wait to go! They've got great things to say about it! So, yeah... I'm not ready to leave.
Monday, December 12, 2011
The life of an Army Wife
So, William and I have finally found our little niche. I've made friends with a group of ladies that live on my street. These are the 'coffee drinking gals' from a while back. But the more I hang out with these girls, the more I've gotten to really love being around them. They can be serious and silly. We can talk about politics and dirty diapers. And they all like their coffee just like me... a little bit of coffee and a lot of cream.
This weekend we had William's birthday party. His birthday is not for a while, but we did it early so that some of his friends could be here since most of them are headed home for Christmas. So I invited four ladies and their kids. We had a house full! 15 kids - ages 2 to 12. It was actually a lot of fun!
And then something else kinda cool. We got invited to two different Christmas dinners. One is from the lady on the corner. Her mother lives about 30 minutes from here and they always ask her to bring a family who can't come home for Christmas dinner. So, we're going there for lunch. And then the other dinner is from a girl Billy works with. She went to AIT with Billy and they became close friends. Now they are in the same unit here at Bragg and she asked us to come eat dinner with her and her family that night. I think we'll be nice and partied out. Of course, we used to have the rule that we would not go anywhere on Christmas day so that the kids would have a day to play with their toys. We made this rule because we always had like 7 different houses to visit during the holidays. And now that we aren't going to have all that family to visit, we figured it would be OK to break our rule. I'm OK with that. So, now I'm debating having our Christmas dinner on Christmas eve and just let the kids open all their stuff that evening. Still thinking about that one.
Oh and for heavens sake... President Obama is coming to town this week. It's a big deal. I understand it. But they are making the guys work some long hours this week to get ready for it. Billy's got to be at a meeting at 6 this evening just to learn about what he's going to be doing the next couple of days. So, we may not see much of Billy this week. (time for some Chick Flicks!!!)
And I'm taking my puppy to get "sterilized" tomorrow. I think that means neutered. Why the vet can't just say "neutered" I don't know. Whatever. But I'm very much in love with that pooch. He is so dang smart.
I feel like I've given you whiplash with this post... going in so many different directions. I guess I've just got a scatter brain today. That seems to be my life now a days.
This weekend we had William's birthday party. His birthday is not for a while, but we did it early so that some of his friends could be here since most of them are headed home for Christmas. So I invited four ladies and their kids. We had a house full! 15 kids - ages 2 to 12. It was actually a lot of fun!
And then something else kinda cool. We got invited to two different Christmas dinners. One is from the lady on the corner. Her mother lives about 30 minutes from here and they always ask her to bring a family who can't come home for Christmas dinner. So, we're going there for lunch. And then the other dinner is from a girl Billy works with. She went to AIT with Billy and they became close friends. Now they are in the same unit here at Bragg and she asked us to come eat dinner with her and her family that night. I think we'll be nice and partied out. Of course, we used to have the rule that we would not go anywhere on Christmas day so that the kids would have a day to play with their toys. We made this rule because we always had like 7 different houses to visit during the holidays. And now that we aren't going to have all that family to visit, we figured it would be OK to break our rule. I'm OK with that. So, now I'm debating having our Christmas dinner on Christmas eve and just let the kids open all their stuff that evening. Still thinking about that one.
Oh and for heavens sake... President Obama is coming to town this week. It's a big deal. I understand it. But they are making the guys work some long hours this week to get ready for it. Billy's got to be at a meeting at 6 this evening just to learn about what he's going to be doing the next couple of days. So, we may not see much of Billy this week. (time for some Chick Flicks!!!)
And I'm taking my puppy to get "sterilized" tomorrow. I think that means neutered. Why the vet can't just say "neutered" I don't know. Whatever. But I'm very much in love with that pooch. He is so dang smart.
I feel like I've given you whiplash with this post... going in so many different directions. I guess I've just got a scatter brain today. That seems to be my life now a days.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
So things have not been all peachy with Billy and this whole Army thing. I'm not going to say he hates it. But it's beyond frustrating some of the things that go on. Like the whole sick call thing. Sick call is what you and I would call "going to the doctor." But the way his Sgts make it out is like, "if you go to sick call, you're a weak fool and you shouldn't be in the dang military!" But then the next words out of their mouths are, "if you are sick, you better go to sick call because I'm not going to hold your hand and make sure you're feeling ok." It's like Really? What the crap is that all about? And then the whole, "some of you get in trouble for messing up PT and some of you don't." You already know how I feel about that. The only PT they do is running and it is for miles and at a pace that hardly anyone can keep up with. So, rather than build strength, they are bringing everyone down to exhaustion and frustration. And then there is the "We're going to do this tomorrow" and they show up only to be told they aren't doing that anymore. If you know my husband, he is one that likes things orderly and structured. Which is why he thought he would really like the military. There is less organization in his unit than anywhere he's ever worked in his life. Not to mention that everyone there is so negative. All the soliders talk about how much they hate it and how much they want out. Billys like "how am I going to feel good about going in every day when all I ever hear is how much everyone hates it all day long." But here's the thing... they do not do anything! Nothing! They literally stand around for hours on end until the sgts get tired of looking at them and send them home. But maybe... just maybe there is some light...
The company got a new commander this month. She's on top of things. They had a meeting yesterday and she explained how things were going to change. First off, the PT. She says it does no good to run like that everyday. YAY! So, they are going to do what they call ability PT. I don't know, but the way Billy explained it, it is going to group people together according to their PT levels. So, Billy will be with other folks on his level. YAY! Apparently the reason for those people who failed are getting barred is because some people are trying to fail and get out on purpose. This doesn't help Billy in any way. But at least we know that all the folks (including young dude) that failed are now as of yesterday all barred just like Billy. New commander = fair. Then she said this whole business about not getting to go to sick call has to stop. A lot of people who are trying to get out of doing anything will go to sick call and get on "profile" which is like the note you would give your gym teacher excusing you from doing P.E. This all comes at a good time because Billy's been having some serious migraines lately. We've got to get him to the doctor. They're coming on more and more often and this last one was really bad. (the one day they actually got to do something and go to the range to shoot some big guns, he got a migraine and it was so bad they had a medic come and sit with him while he puked his guts out all over the dang place.) After that one, I've decided he's got to go see a doctor. So, when he starts his half days for the holidays, we're going to make him an appointment. So... we'll see. Anyway... back to the commander. She also asked the group how many of them had licenses to use the machines, and only a handful raised their hands. Out of a hundred and something there were only like 5. So, she said that this was ridiculous and that there will some serious training going on. Commander = get r dun! I hope this means that Billy can get certified on some equipment which is what he really wants. We've just got to get him to pass his PT test. Maybe Commander = Hope.
The company got a new commander this month. She's on top of things. They had a meeting yesterday and she explained how things were going to change. First off, the PT. She says it does no good to run like that everyday. YAY! So, they are going to do what they call ability PT. I don't know, but the way Billy explained it, it is going to group people together according to their PT levels. So, Billy will be with other folks on his level. YAY! Apparently the reason for those people who failed are getting barred is because some people are trying to fail and get out on purpose. This doesn't help Billy in any way. But at least we know that all the folks (including young dude) that failed are now as of yesterday all barred just like Billy. New commander = fair. Then she said this whole business about not getting to go to sick call has to stop. A lot of people who are trying to get out of doing anything will go to sick call and get on "profile" which is like the note you would give your gym teacher excusing you from doing P.E. This all comes at a good time because Billy's been having some serious migraines lately. We've got to get him to the doctor. They're coming on more and more often and this last one was really bad. (the one day they actually got to do something and go to the range to shoot some big guns, he got a migraine and it was so bad they had a medic come and sit with him while he puked his guts out all over the dang place.) After that one, I've decided he's got to go see a doctor. So, when he starts his half days for the holidays, we're going to make him an appointment. So... we'll see. Anyway... back to the commander. She also asked the group how many of them had licenses to use the machines, and only a handful raised their hands. Out of a hundred and something there were only like 5. So, she said that this was ridiculous and that there will some serious training going on. Commander = get r dun! I hope this means that Billy can get certified on some equipment which is what he really wants. We've just got to get him to pass his PT test. Maybe Commander = Hope.
Monday, December 5, 2011
My dry spell is over
Yeah, so I've not been able to read any books for almost 6 months. I don't know why. I just have zero attention span and every single book I pick up, I'll put down after a couple chapters. It's beyond upsetting. I just lost my reading mojo if you will. I kept telling myself it's because I'm so busy and don't have time or energy left at the end of the evening to read. But really... I try and just can't. Until yesterday. I picked up "The Hunger Games" after seeing much chatter about it on Facebook and in entertainment magazines. There is a movie coming out in the Spring. I love a good book made into movie. But anyway. I sat down yesterday and started reading around lunch time. I got into the third chapter and my pulse was racing and I was all "ooohhh" and "oh my!" So, I picked it back up last night around 6 and could not stop reading it. At about 2:30 this morning I finally finished it. I couldn't help it. It's just one of those books you have to finish. And quick. At one point I looked up at the clock and saw it was after 1 am. So, I made it my goal to finish before Billy woke up and saw me reading still. LOL! He was going to wake up at 3am because they were going to the range today to shoot some big guns. But yeah... I still managed to get in about 5 hours of sleep. It was good. Now I've just got to get the next book in the series.
Anyway, Billy and I had a lot of talks this weekend about this whole Army life. This being barred is not doing anything for his confidence. If anything, it is making him more nervous rather than more motivated. And they told him he has to do this special afternoon PT and then every time they have it, they've got him off doing something else. So, he keeps missing the sessions. It's ridiculous. He's not going to get any better if he can't get the help he needs. Oh and the young guy who I thought wasn't in trouble for not passing and then turned out he was... yeah... not so much. He's still not in trouble. He didn't get barred. So now I'm pissed again. This is a guy who will show up like 30 seconds before formation, get in trouble over stupid stuff all the time, and fail all three parts of his PT - and he gets to go to a class to get certified on a machine. And then there's Billy. He shows up every day an hour early. He never leaves because he doesn't want to be late. He misses his run by a few seconds and they bar him. GRRR!!! So whatever. Billy said there is no way he can dispute anything at this point. He's just stuck. I don't know what to do either. Pray I guess.
Anyway, Billy and I had a lot of talks this weekend about this whole Army life. This being barred is not doing anything for his confidence. If anything, it is making him more nervous rather than more motivated. And they told him he has to do this special afternoon PT and then every time they have it, they've got him off doing something else. So, he keeps missing the sessions. It's ridiculous. He's not going to get any better if he can't get the help he needs. Oh and the young guy who I thought wasn't in trouble for not passing and then turned out he was... yeah... not so much. He's still not in trouble. He didn't get barred. So now I'm pissed again. This is a guy who will show up like 30 seconds before formation, get in trouble over stupid stuff all the time, and fail all three parts of his PT - and he gets to go to a class to get certified on a machine. And then there's Billy. He shows up every day an hour early. He never leaves because he doesn't want to be late. He misses his run by a few seconds and they bar him. GRRR!!! So whatever. Billy said there is no way he can dispute anything at this point. He's just stuck. I don't know what to do either. Pray I guess.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Ruck = Yuck
So Billy woke up at 3 am in order to get to his ruck march this morning. What is a ruck march? Well, it is a march in full uniform, with weapons, and a 35 pound bag on your back. This particular ruck march was a 12 mile march that they have to do once a year. So imagine wearing your full uniform including a 10 pound helmet, carrying a 35 pound mammoth backpack on your back, holding an 8 pound M16, and toting a 9 pound bag of water to drink. Now imagine walking with all this gear on a beach of loose sand AND walking up hill for half of it. AND doing it in under 4 hours in 37 degree weather. Not fun!! Billy finished in 3 hours and 47 minutes. They measured his ruck sack before he left and he had 47 pounds (he over packed) and rather than risk taking out too much stuff to make it less (it couldn't be less than 35 pounds) he just left it and basically walked around with Allison on his back for 12 miles. Let's just say that when he got home, I got a vivid image of what he's going to look like in 40 years - all hunched over, wearing his long underwear, knees knocking, feet swollen and blistered... it was miserable trying to watch him climb into bed. A heating pad wasn't going to cut it. I had to pull out the heated blanket and just wrap him all up like a buritto. Thank GOD it is only a once a year thing.
Speaking of being old and hurting... did I mention that I can hardly walk today after doing that ABS workout yesterday? Yeah, my ribs and sides feel like I've been punched by a mule - from both sides. We didn't do any kind of workout today. Not that I could have anyway. When it hurts to breathe... it's probably a sign to take a day off.
Anyway, that's all I know today. We're starting to gear up towards Christmas. I've got the kids completely done - I think. I'll have to wrap everything and make sure it all looks even. And we've got to start thinking about William's birthday coming up. Poor kid. I hate how close his birthday is to Christmas. But it's going to be fun. He's got quite a few little friends in the neighborhood that can come to his party. So, it's going to be kinda fun to have that! Can't wait!
Speaking of being old and hurting... did I mention that I can hardly walk today after doing that ABS workout yesterday? Yeah, my ribs and sides feel like I've been punched by a mule - from both sides. We didn't do any kind of workout today. Not that I could have anyway. When it hurts to breathe... it's probably a sign to take a day off.
Anyway, that's all I know today. We're starting to gear up towards Christmas. I've got the kids completely done - I think. I'll have to wrap everything and make sure it all looks even. And we've got to start thinking about William's birthday coming up. Poor kid. I hate how close his birthday is to Christmas. But it's going to be fun. He's got quite a few little friends in the neighborhood that can come to his party. So, it's going to be kinda fun to have that! Can't wait!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Happy Early Christmas!!!!
I've put up a new background for the blog. I love changing it up. The easiest way to decorate ever!! I just wish I could browse through pictures online and pick one for the house. And with a click of a button, have a whole new look in my living room. It's like I look in my living room and see my couch that we've had since 1999 and think, "Really? How can we have had a couch for 12 years?" Most of the stuff in our house is like that. Just old and broken in. Comfortable. Until it breaks. Like our washer and dryer. I told you the dryer decided to get all old and crotchety on me. Well, we went out on Black Friday and did some 'shopping.' Really, we were just waiting for The Muppet Movie to start and needed something to do. So we walked around some appliance stores and the more we looked, the more we got that ITCH to buy something new. But we were good little grown ups and we waited... we went and saw the movie and headed home. However, the itch was too strong as we drove onto post. That's when we stopped to fill up the truck and saw the Furniture/Appliance store right there at the PX. (PX = Army Walmart) "Oh let's just look!" I had no idea the PX did Black Friday sales!! But oh my goodness! We got seriously sucked in. And who wouldn't!?! No tax. No payments... no interest for 12 months! Um... yes, I'll have one of each please! So we got our early Christmas presents. A new washer and dryer!!! FA LA LA LA LAAA LA LA LA LAAA!!!! But the best gift was yet to come... we get them home (recruit a very nice neighbor to help us haul the things upstairs) and then Billy sets off and does ALL the laundry. He likes all the nice buttons and features just like any man likes buttons and shiny new things. So, I let him. I wasn't going to fight over my husband wanting to wash clothes!!! But boy howdy, I wanted a turn really bad!!! So yesterday, I set off and washed all the blankets and sheets and everything I could think to throw in there. I even reached for the dog and then changed my mind. Probably shouldn't wash the dog in the new appliances. So, now everyone has clean clothes. Dry clothes. Clean bed sheets. Clean bedding. Clean sweaters. Clean jackets! Everything!!! Will the fun EVER END??? My entire attitude towards laundry has changed. I woke up this morning at 5 am just to put a load in the wash. Yes, I know. It's a sickness. I'm sure I'll get over it soon enough. But it's like the best new toys a mother could ever ask for! (did I mention that my dryer has a steam function?? SQUEE!!)
So now I just need a new couch and I'll be good to go! I don't know though... my couch is like one of my children. I'm a bit attached to it. It's gotten me through all my pregnancies and a few fights. It's served as a scratching post for my cats, a trampoline for the kids, the place where Santa leaves the kids' toys every year. Every birthday party or family get together, you can see that couch in the background of the pictures. It's also the first major purchase Billy and I ever made together. Seriously... I'm getting a little emotional thinking about it. Wow! I need help.
Speaking of help... Emma handed me a note yesterday... "Mom and Dad, I love you but I don't like it here in North Carolina." From there she talks about wanting to run away and stuff. Now, I know Emma. She's a bit dramatic. She was smiling when she handed me the note. So I don't think I need to worry about buying a tracking device. But, honestly... I wonder what is bringing this on. That is one reason I really hope she gets in the gifted program at school. Maybe if she had something to call her own - something that makes her feel special. She's got a ton of friends here. They sometimes get her into some serious trouble like last week when she found herself grounded for a whole week. But maybe this is the time to pray for my Emma. And for me so that I can figure out how to make things better. I know not going home for Christmas is a big suck for her, but what can I do? Me and the kids are free to go where ever we want, but we are not leaving Billy during the holidays. No way. I've wondered if I could put the girls on an airplane for Nashville for a couple weeks... not sure...
But Billy is starting his special PT back up today. He stopped for a couple weeks because of the holidays and stuff. Oh and tomorrow they are doing their ruck march. 12 miles with 35 pounds on their back in full get up. I hope it is cool enough outside. That is one long walk! So we're going tonight and find him some inserts for his boots. He'll be Gellin'!! Oh and the drama with the guy finally settled out. It was just something silly. I think I was more worked up about it than he was. Basically it was another fellow failed his PT test too and wasn't given any Bar from Enlistment or anything and then was even offered to get certified on a machine that Billy wanted to get certified on. I felt like Billy was getting left out on a chance to do something worth while. But the other guy finally did get in trouble over his PT scores and so I'm not quite as upset about it anymore. I know that is awful. But at least I don't think Billy's being singled out now. Anyway... all that to say... once he passes his PT test and gets the bar removed, we can take a trip home. So, it's a goal. And we're working towards it. This isn't easy for Billy. He's not loving it and is getting discouraged. So, lots of prayers for Billy!!
But my new friends here in the neighborhood have decided to start doing a morning workout routine. Yesterday we did Zumba from the Wii and today we did a 20 minute Abs workout. Oh my!! I'm fine right now, but I bet I won't be able to cough or laugh tomorrow without holding my gut. It's just nice having a few gals here close that I can hang out with. I'm starting to feel a bit at home now. I just gotta get the whole family feeling that way...
So now I just need a new couch and I'll be good to go! I don't know though... my couch is like one of my children. I'm a bit attached to it. It's gotten me through all my pregnancies and a few fights. It's served as a scratching post for my cats, a trampoline for the kids, the place where Santa leaves the kids' toys every year. Every birthday party or family get together, you can see that couch in the background of the pictures. It's also the first major purchase Billy and I ever made together. Seriously... I'm getting a little emotional thinking about it. Wow! I need help.
Speaking of help... Emma handed me a note yesterday... "Mom and Dad, I love you but I don't like it here in North Carolina." From there she talks about wanting to run away and stuff. Now, I know Emma. She's a bit dramatic. She was smiling when she handed me the note. So I don't think I need to worry about buying a tracking device. But, honestly... I wonder what is bringing this on. That is one reason I really hope she gets in the gifted program at school. Maybe if she had something to call her own - something that makes her feel special. She's got a ton of friends here. They sometimes get her into some serious trouble like last week when she found herself grounded for a whole week. But maybe this is the time to pray for my Emma. And for me so that I can figure out how to make things better. I know not going home for Christmas is a big suck for her, but what can I do? Me and the kids are free to go where ever we want, but we are not leaving Billy during the holidays. No way. I've wondered if I could put the girls on an airplane for Nashville for a couple weeks... not sure...
But Billy is starting his special PT back up today. He stopped for a couple weeks because of the holidays and stuff. Oh and tomorrow they are doing their ruck march. 12 miles with 35 pounds on their back in full get up. I hope it is cool enough outside. That is one long walk! So we're going tonight and find him some inserts for his boots. He'll be Gellin'!! Oh and the drama with the guy finally settled out. It was just something silly. I think I was more worked up about it than he was. Basically it was another fellow failed his PT test too and wasn't given any Bar from Enlistment or anything and then was even offered to get certified on a machine that Billy wanted to get certified on. I felt like Billy was getting left out on a chance to do something worth while. But the other guy finally did get in trouble over his PT scores and so I'm not quite as upset about it anymore. I know that is awful. But at least I don't think Billy's being singled out now. Anyway... all that to say... once he passes his PT test and gets the bar removed, we can take a trip home. So, it's a goal. And we're working towards it. This isn't easy for Billy. He's not loving it and is getting discouraged. So, lots of prayers for Billy!!
But my new friends here in the neighborhood have decided to start doing a morning workout routine. Yesterday we did Zumba from the Wii and today we did a 20 minute Abs workout. Oh my!! I'm fine right now, but I bet I won't be able to cough or laugh tomorrow without holding my gut. It's just nice having a few gals here close that I can hang out with. I'm starting to feel a bit at home now. I just gotta get the whole family feeling that way...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Day 24 ~ Happy Thanksgiving!
We are just so blessed and have so many things to be thankful for!!! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!
This is a picture from our front porch!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Day 23 ~ Second Chances
We have such a merciful and loving God. Where would we be if He didn't forgive us when we fail each other and fail Him? Where would we be if life just came crashing down and we weren't able to pick up the pieces and start over? We get that strength from deep inside. We just have to make sure that we don't wait too long to right the wrongs. You never know when life could be snatched away. It's such a gift to be forgiven. And so is the gift to forgive!! See, both my girls have been on a major lock down (grounded) this week for being just incredibly 8 and 10 years old. It's been hard to see them watch their friends play outside while I stand over them with my iron fist and keep them from having "any fun whatsoever!" But that's the cool thing. I forgave them several days ago. They know I've forgiven them, and so now we can hang out and be somewhat friends again - but they still can't go play outside... ever again... well, maybe until Sunday.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Day 22 - Appliances
I know that sounds silly. But I really am glad to have a washer and dryer, a refrigerator, a vaccum. All the things that make my life a little easier. I am more aware of how thankful I am when one of these things isn't working properly. Sigh... My dryer hates me. But... after the holidays (if we have any money at all left) I plan on getting it fixed. It's just driving me crazy. Especially since lately it seems everyone wears twice as much clothes as normal. It's freezing beyond words in the morning. And so everyone puts on the long pants and sweaters. By the afternoon, we're sweating and it is hot and sunny out. So, everyone comes home and changes into shorts and t-shirts. Billy changes three times a day. Winter PT uniform in the morning. Camo uniform for the day. And then summer PT for the afternoon. AND he takes three showers. That is three towels. My patience with laundry is wearing very thin.... especially when my dryer hates me. BUT... where would I be without that thing? So, I guess I can't complain too loudly.
So... remember me telling you that Emma's teacher was kinda laid back and easy going, but gave A LOT of homework and it has been a challenge. Well, she totally made A honor roll. HOOAH! And I know it was because I stayed on her butt the whole time. But anyway... her classroom had 36 kids in it. Way over limit. So, they hired a new teacher and last week Emma got to go into the new classroom with about 20 other kids. They basically divided the three fifth grades and turned it into four classrooms. So... I have my parent teacher conference with Emma's original teacher and she says she wants to recommend Emma for the gifted program. She said that the only thing about it was that her 'new' teacher (the one that started last week) doesn't agree. Dems Is Fightin Words!!! But whatever. The new teacher is Ms. Keith. So, we (the originial teacher, Emma, and I) have decided that we need to make Ms. Keith see what we see in Emma. I mean, at the time Ms. Keith made this decision, she had only had Emma in class for four days. So, I immediately didn't like Ms. Keith due to the fact that she was so quick to judge like that. But guess what....!!!! The principle sends home a letter yesterday, "Due to unforeseen medical issues, Ms. Keith will no longer be the teacher of the fifth grade. We are in the process of hiring a new teacher as soon as possible." Now, I hate it that something so bad could keep her from teaching... but I'm also kinda relieved that we have another teacher coming in. Maybe not one so closed minded. Emma's glad too. She didn't care for Ms. Keith too much. She was "mean." And then on the other hand... I think good grief! These poor kids! Being tossed around like this. I suppose 5th graders can deal with this a little better than say a kindergarten class... But this will be Emma's 5th teacher in the 5th grade. That is messed up! LOL!!
So... remember me telling you that Emma's teacher was kinda laid back and easy going, but gave A LOT of homework and it has been a challenge. Well, she totally made A honor roll. HOOAH! And I know it was because I stayed on her butt the whole time. But anyway... her classroom had 36 kids in it. Way over limit. So, they hired a new teacher and last week Emma got to go into the new classroom with about 20 other kids. They basically divided the three fifth grades and turned it into four classrooms. So... I have my parent teacher conference with Emma's original teacher and she says she wants to recommend Emma for the gifted program. She said that the only thing about it was that her 'new' teacher (the one that started last week) doesn't agree. Dems Is Fightin Words!!! But whatever. The new teacher is Ms. Keith. So, we (the originial teacher, Emma, and I) have decided that we need to make Ms. Keith see what we see in Emma. I mean, at the time Ms. Keith made this decision, she had only had Emma in class for four days. So, I immediately didn't like Ms. Keith due to the fact that she was so quick to judge like that. But guess what....!!!! The principle sends home a letter yesterday, "Due to unforeseen medical issues, Ms. Keith will no longer be the teacher of the fifth grade. We are in the process of hiring a new teacher as soon as possible." Now, I hate it that something so bad could keep her from teaching... but I'm also kinda relieved that we have another teacher coming in. Maybe not one so closed minded. Emma's glad too. She didn't care for Ms. Keith too much. She was "mean." And then on the other hand... I think good grief! These poor kids! Being tossed around like this. I suppose 5th graders can deal with this a little better than say a kindergarten class... But this will be Emma's 5th teacher in the 5th grade. That is messed up! LOL!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Days 15 - 21
I wish I had waited to make that post about my health... because of course I get sick the very next day. It took me a while to get out of it and then I just had tons of mess going on. So, a week later... I'm BACK!
So yeah... here we go... the speedy version...
Day 15 - I'm thankful for the microwave. I don't know if I could live without it.
Day 16 - I'm thankful for our vehicles. They are both running and both paid for. WHOO HOO!
Day 17 - I'm thankful for books. I love to read - I just wish I had more time to do so lately.
Day 18 - I'm thankful for the gift of my education. Even though I can't use it yet... I'm glad I finished school when I did. I understand so many Army wives never get the chance to go back to school b/c their husbands have such crazy schedules.
Day 19 - I'm thankful for Chicken and Dumplins. My grandmother's first and then Cracker Barrel's second.
Day 20 - Thankful for having such smart and responsible kids! Emma got straight A's and Allison got a "Terrific Kid Award" at their school's award ceremony last week.
Day 21 - I'm thankful for Skype. This has been such a great way for the kids to talk to the grandparents. I hope they all get to call us on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So how's Army life this week?? It's been interesting. Billy got yelled at by a Sgt because he was running trying to catch up to a guy and wasn't paying attention and ran in front of some Officer. So the Sgt started yelling at him and carrying on like, "Oh No! I can NOT believe you would run in front of my Captain and not salute. Who do you think you are, Private??!!??" Billy said he felt horrible and would have never done that. But he just didn't see the guy because he was so focused on trying to catch up with that other fellow. Sounds like a mess. Oh and there is some other petty drama going on with some other guy in his unit. Don't get me started on it, but it is not fair. I feel like Billy is getting picked on and we don't know why. I'm kinda getting tired of some of the crap going on. And so is he.
But we did make it to church yesterday. I went to the circus tent across the street. It was weird. Not horrible. Not uncomfortable. But certainly weird. We're going to keep searching.
So yeah... here we go... the speedy version...
Day 15 - I'm thankful for the microwave. I don't know if I could live without it.
Day 16 - I'm thankful for our vehicles. They are both running and both paid for. WHOO HOO!
Day 17 - I'm thankful for books. I love to read - I just wish I had more time to do so lately.
Day 18 - I'm thankful for the gift of my education. Even though I can't use it yet... I'm glad I finished school when I did. I understand so many Army wives never get the chance to go back to school b/c their husbands have such crazy schedules.
Day 19 - I'm thankful for Chicken and Dumplins. My grandmother's first and then Cracker Barrel's second.
Day 20 - Thankful for having such smart and responsible kids! Emma got straight A's and Allison got a "Terrific Kid Award" at their school's award ceremony last week.
Day 21 - I'm thankful for Skype. This has been such a great way for the kids to talk to the grandparents. I hope they all get to call us on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So how's Army life this week?? It's been interesting. Billy got yelled at by a Sgt because he was running trying to catch up to a guy and wasn't paying attention and ran in front of some Officer. So the Sgt started yelling at him and carrying on like, "Oh No! I can NOT believe you would run in front of my Captain and not salute. Who do you think you are, Private??!!??" Billy said he felt horrible and would have never done that. But he just didn't see the guy because he was so focused on trying to catch up with that other fellow. Sounds like a mess. Oh and there is some other petty drama going on with some other guy in his unit. Don't get me started on it, but it is not fair. I feel like Billy is getting picked on and we don't know why. I'm kinda getting tired of some of the crap going on. And so is he.
But we did make it to church yesterday. I went to the circus tent across the street. It was weird. Not horrible. Not uncomfortable. But certainly weird. We're going to keep searching.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Day 14 ~ Health
Actually I am very thankful for ALL of my family to be so healthy. Yeah, we'll get the occasional bug that puts the family down for a couple weeks about once or twice a year... but normally, we're just a healthy bunch. My kids always have wonderful check-ups at the doctor. They have never had a cavity at the dentist. We've managed to go almost 11 years with children and have only ever had one broken bone (Allison at age 2). We had one good scare with Emma with a really high temperature that led us to the ER when she was five. And earlier this year, William drank some benadryl and that sent us to the ER, too. I'll never know how he got that top off... but whatever. All it did was make him drunk. Allison spent the first 15 days of her life in the hospital and then came home on a heart monitor because she was just too little. I've known Billy 15 plus years and we've only ever had to take him to the doctor for a real sickness (like fever real) once. I mean... come on! Of course, I've had my own little things here and there - almost always involving the birth of a child... but nothing I couldn't handle. So I know we are so blessed! I pray that we continue to stay as healthy as possible.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Day 13 ~ My gift
I've been told that I have a gift of writing... by several people. I don't mean to sound all bragging or carry on like I've got some kind of big head. But I do and have always loved writing. As far back as age 13, I can remember asking for a typewriter for Christmas and getting one. I wore that thing down to the nub. I just loved writing stories and stuff. And then in high school, I had an extraordinary set of English teachers who fed my hunger for writing. I just love doing it. This blog has been such a means for therapy for me. I just enjoy it so much. I know I have plenty of typos and errors here and there. But it's not like I'm trying to get published. I just like being able to put my thoughts down, and do it in a way that isn't completely boring. At least I hope it isn't boring.... I would hope someone would shut me up if I had nothing interesting to say. So I guess I'm thankful for that gift. Maybe one day I'll fulfill my dream and actually write a book or something.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
So here's the deal
Billy's on again off again mission has kinda fizzled out to basically nothing. BUT we still have to stay put until after Thanksgiving. So I think I already explained that. But what I haven't told you is that looks like we're going to have to stay put for a while longer - like through Christmas. Billy missed his PT test run by 8 seconds. So they put him on a probation of sorts. It's called a Bar from Re-enlistment. He's not allowed to take any leave and a variety of other things until he passes his next test. But he's started doing some extra training in the afternoons that will help. It really kinda sucks that he just barely missed it. But considering this is the first PT test he's had since AIT back in August and the fact that they do not do real PT training, he didn't do that bad. He just had an off day. He was really super bummed about it. And now knowing that we are going to have to stay here through Christmas just makes things a little worse. I know especially the kids wanted to go home and see all the grandparents. That just isn't going to happen now. So blech. I guess we were kinda hoping the family could come see us this year... but who knows if that will happen. It's just a bit depressing really. I just don't want to think about it right now.
Moving on...
Day 12 of the 25 days of Thanksgiving ~ I'm very thankful for all the friends in my life. I'm thankful for the kids' friends who keep them busy every single day. I'm thankful for the new friends in my life here in North Carolina. For the friends I have back at home. For the friends I don't get to talk to very often, but I still love a lot. For the friends I have who I can tell everything to and the friends who would do anything for me. I am blessed - as my whole family is blessed with good people around us.
Moving on...
Day 12 of the 25 days of Thanksgiving ~ I'm very thankful for all the friends in my life. I'm thankful for the kids' friends who keep them busy every single day. I'm thankful for the new friends in my life here in North Carolina. For the friends I have back at home. For the friends I don't get to talk to very often, but I still love a lot. For the friends I have who I can tell everything to and the friends who would do anything for me. I am blessed - as my whole family is blessed with good people around us.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Day Eleven ~ Freedom
I've always had a deep appreciation of this great country we live in. I don't think I've ever or will ever take the freedom we have for granted. Especially now more than ever. I could not be any more proud of Billy putting his own freedom on hold in order to protect our country. It is because of him and all the other men and women of the armed forces that we are even able to continue to have the freedoms we are so used to. What is probably the weirdest thing (or maybe not weird, but just unexpected) is how people will thank me and the kids for our service to this country. I never really thought about it that way until recently. And that's sad because there are millions of military families out there who sacrifice so much every single day and the general public just doesn't understand that. I know I didn't. Freedom isn't free. Freedom is that thing that takes kids' daddies away for months at a time. Freedom is that thing that takes men and women away from this world forever. Freedom means a lifestyle that requires daily struggle, pain, fear, loss.... It isn't free. Is it worth it? Oh absolutely. Do I complain about this life because I'm regretting a decision of such magnitude? No... I complain because I'm just showing an honest (and selfish) side. But when it all comes down to the truth... the real truth... I will take all the nonsense paperwork, all the unanswered questions, all the daily changes in plans. I will take it all because I know that behind all that BLECH is a priceless gift. A gift that so many people take for granted. Put yourself in the shoes of one soldier for one day and you'll see what I mean.
Happy Veteran's Day!
Happy Veteran's Day!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Day Ten ~ My house
There were a few days there back in September when the Blackburn's got to experience what it really felt like to be homeless. On a Saturday morning, we turned our house keys into our landlord. We had nowhere to live until the following Tuesday. So, we crashed at the in-laws before taking our trip here to North Carolina. It really felt more like a vacation... until we get here to Fayetteville and there was just nowhere to stay. Having Fluffy with us limited our choice of hotels. I just never thought it would be a big deal. So after driving around for about an hour, we finally found a place in the absolute most horrible part of town. This was after Billy said we should sleep in the cars. I refused to sleep in the car. No way. I'd rather sleep in the Happiness Hotel than make my kids sleep in the car. But I've already talked about that evening. It wasn't fun. I remember the next morning sitting at IHop with the kids and thinking, 'this is what it would feel like to be homeless.' We had nowhere to go. We still had a few hours before we could check in with housing. I knew we would be getting keys to our new place soon enough, but it still makes you feel uncomfortable knowing you just had no place to hang your hat...yet. And I do not pretend to compare my situation to those people who really have lost their homes. And those that really do not have anywhere to go. You hear some really sad stories about families who just lost it all in this economy. So I appreciate how fortunate I am. To be blessed with such a great little house in such an awesome neighborhood, I am more than thankful.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Day Nine ~ My Childhood
I have to say that my childhood was pretty great. And I don't mean great like I had a big house and lots of things or new cars. I mean I was surrounded by some really funny and loving people. I've come to miss all the family gatherings that we used to have. The big Christmases at my grandparents' house. The big meals we'd have on the weekends, just because my grandmother loved to cook big meals. All the cousins and aunts and everyone. We just did it all the time. And my brother and sister who always did the most outrageous things to their baby sister (me). Like put me in a box and throw me down the stairs to see how far I would roll. Or when I was sick they made me "a special drink" to make me feel better. I'm pretty sure that special drink had some coffee grounds and tabasco sauce mixed in with the coke and ketchup. I miss playing silly games like Spotlight, bootchey tag, no skibby's and no pokes, and garbage bag swimming. I miss taking rides in the car and listening to my mother make ridiculous comments like "listen to the birds" and then having my brother mock her for hours on end. I love that we barely had any money but mom always made sure we were involved in band or dance or sports. We were so truly blessed. I don't know how well we knew it back then, but I know it now. So thankful for the wonderful blessings I got growing up with the amazing people God gave me.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Day Eight ~ Food
Yup. I'm totally thankful for food. I'm a big fan of food. Food can completely make or break my mood. Too much food can make me miserable... too little food can make me miserable. Yummy food. Hard to prepare food. Food that other people prepare and bring me. I love me some food. But seriously, there is just something about eating a fantastic meal with my family all around me. Just makes my heart and my tummy big. I just thank the Lord for providing for my family every single day. I know there are so many people out there who just do not have enough in their cupboards to feed their family. I've been there. It's not fun. So, when I am able to prepare a meal (even if it is frozen chicken nuggets and a can of green beans in the microwave) I hope to always give thanks for what has been provided for us.
Speaking of being provided for... looks like the mission may not be called off after all. We'll know more soon. I hope. Until then, we're just patiently waiting.
Speaking of being provided for... looks like the mission may not be called off after all. We'll know more soon. I hope. Until then, we're just patiently waiting.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Day Seven ~ William
William. My precious baby boy. My pain in the rear end... too smart for his own good little man. Most of you know (or maybe not) that he was the child God wanted me to have - not the one we planned on. After Allison, I didn't think I could have any more children (mentally) and was fully prepared to go on with life with just my two girls. God is still laughing at that little plan of mine. I look back at the day I found out I was going to have another baby. I was sitting in the parking lot of the grocery store. I watched a young mother go up to her car. She spent a good many minutes trying to wrangle her infant out of his stroller and get him buckled into his carseat. Then she spent another several minutes trying to fold up the stroller and wedge it into the back of her little SUV. She struggled and struggled with that little stroller and the more she struggled, the more I cried. I thought I was done fighting strollers and now this. Another baby?!? Boy oh boy! Looking back, I don't know why I was so distraught about the news of another baby. That kid is going to keep me young - or make me very old very fast. But I couldn't imagine life without him now. So glad God gave us that little boy.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Day Six ~ Allison
My daughter Allison has always been my mystery child. One day she likes Batman and basketball, the next day she likes Barbies and hair bows. One day she tells me that William is her best friend; the next day he is the biggest bother ever. One day she loves tacos and the next she hates them. She can turn directions faster than any other person in the world. Which is one reason I always have such a hard time figuring out what to buy her for Christmas or birthdays. This year on her list she put a basketball goal and an easy bake oven. So maybe that is why I love her so much. She has so many sides to her. This has been her nature from the beginning. She came into this world with such a massive amount of drama; I'm sure that's why she likes to keep me on my toes. After all, that's what she does really well. Seeing her tiny body attached to all the machines and tubes and not knowing if I would ever get to hold her or bring her home... it makes every moment just that much more special knowing how precious every God given moment is. Looking at her now, you'd never know she was pre-mature or had any trouble at all. So thankful for that wonderful blessing!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Day Five ~ Emma
I am so thankful for having such a beautiful young daughter as Emma. Of all my children, she and I bump heads the most. But I'm certain it is because we are both just too stubborn. Having said that... she is brilliant. Clever. Creative. A master at caring for animals. She likes to keep her bedroom clean (love that so much). She has a real tender heart. She knows what she wants and will do whatever it takes to get it. I'm sure she'll be a success at whatever she tries to be in the future. She never has a hard time speaking her mind. She's fun and she loves to laugh. Even though she and her preteen mentality stress me out sometimes, I just remember that I love her because she is just such an awesome kid. Her love of music and dance remind me of myself as a little girl. I remember holding her in my arms for the first time thinking I could never love anything as much as that little creature. Now she's too old to let me hold her, but it doesn't mean I don't try every now and then. I'm just glad she let me braid her hair today. =)
Friday, November 4, 2011
25 days of Thanksgiving
I should have started this the other day, but just thought about it this morning. I think I will try and post at least one thing that I'm thankful for each day this month in honor of Thanksgiving. And since it is already the 4th... let me catch up.
Day One: Most of all I am thankful for my salvation. Thankful for a God who loves me and is always there for me.
Day Two: I am thankful for a husband who loves me. You guys know how much I love him and I won't gross you out with all my sappiness anymore. But to love and be loved in return... it's the greatest thing!
Day Three: I am thankful for all the parents in my life. My mom, my dad, in-laws, step inlaws... You guys are awesome. And I love you. You always support us and would be there for us any time we needed you.
Day Four: I am thankful for "noogies." In other words, for a sister who gets me. She always understands me even when she doesn't agree with me. We have more inside jokes than we can count. It's great that we can just laugh at each other no matter what. You are MY Schmael and my wagon junkie. Love you!!
I have no more news on Billy's mission. At this point, we are thinking they aren't even going. A week ago, they were freaking out trying to get everything together and now no one has even said a single word about it since Monday. I don't know. Billy doesn't know. But we do know that he is not allowed to leave the area or drink any alcohol until after November 25th. Not that this is a problem, but they made him sign this thing saying he wouldn't do either. So even if they don't leave any time soon, we are for sure staying here for the Holiday. I might just take a stab at making my own turkey and dressing. Or not. But I will certainly do my own chicken and dumplins. I can do that. And since I'm the only one who likes dressing... we might just have a non-traditional meal. I'll just make everyone's favorite food. Heck we might end up with chicken and dumplins, spaghetti, meatloaf, cornbread, salad, sausage balls, tacos, and mac and cheese. Oh and a chocolate cake. Sounds pretty awesome to me. Anybody want to come?
Day One: Most of all I am thankful for my salvation. Thankful for a God who loves me and is always there for me.
Day Two: I am thankful for a husband who loves me. You guys know how much I love him and I won't gross you out with all my sappiness anymore. But to love and be loved in return... it's the greatest thing!
Day Three: I am thankful for all the parents in my life. My mom, my dad, in-laws, step inlaws... You guys are awesome. And I love you. You always support us and would be there for us any time we needed you.
Day Four: I am thankful for "noogies." In other words, for a sister who gets me. She always understands me even when she doesn't agree with me. We have more inside jokes than we can count. It's great that we can just laugh at each other no matter what. You are MY Schmael and my wagon junkie. Love you!!
I have no more news on Billy's mission. At this point, we are thinking they aren't even going. A week ago, they were freaking out trying to get everything together and now no one has even said a single word about it since Monday. I don't know. Billy doesn't know. But we do know that he is not allowed to leave the area or drink any alcohol until after November 25th. Not that this is a problem, but they made him sign this thing saying he wouldn't do either. So even if they don't leave any time soon, we are for sure staying here for the Holiday. I might just take a stab at making my own turkey and dressing. Or not. But I will certainly do my own chicken and dumplins. I can do that. And since I'm the only one who likes dressing... we might just have a non-traditional meal. I'll just make everyone's favorite food. Heck we might end up with chicken and dumplins, spaghetti, meatloaf, cornbread, salad, sausage balls, tacos, and mac and cheese. Oh and a chocolate cake. Sounds pretty awesome to me. Anybody want to come?
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Our Pooch
So Shadow has turned out to be a worthless guard dog. But he's a super sweet companion. Maybe the guard dog will come out later... but he really is a sweetheart. I really kinda love him. By far, he is the smartest dog and quickest to potty train out of all the dogs I've ever had. Of course, I've not had many. And I'm a lot older now and have a little more knowledge about how to do it. But if you ever want to know the best way and most effective way to potty train a dog, Google "crate training/ potty training your puppy." We may have just lucked out with a really smart dog, but I think that combined with the crate training has made for a not so horrible nightmare in potty training. But Shadow will love just about anyone. He hardly ever barks. He's scared to death of Fluffy. And one of the cutest things he does is he'll follow us around. If I'm sitting in the living room watching TV, he's at my feet asleep. If I'm in the kitchen making dinner, he is sitting on the edge of the carpet watching me. If I'm sitting here at the computer, he's at me feet chewing his bone. When Emma and Allison get home, he gets all wired up and excited because he knows they take him for an afternoon walk everyday. And William (after under going some intense "kid training" on how to play with the puppy) absolutely loves him. He said that Shadow is his best friend. *heartmelting* So yeah... looks like we got us a good'un.
And then Billy's mission... who the heck knows. Everyone going on the trip was supposed to complete this thing online to get their travel expenses taken care of. But the powers in charge did not give anyone directions and so all the forms were declined because everyone did it wrong. So, now we're having to start all over. But they never sent us the new form. It's just weird. I don't understand it, neither does Billy or anyone else. I don't know what's happening or anything. But he did come home today after PT and ask me for $2 and a Canned Good so he could turn it in in exchange for a day off tomorrow. Hey, I'll gladly give up a can of Spaghetti and Meatballs for a chance to have a long weekend. Girls are out of school tomorrow, too. So that will be FUN!! I might just leave everyone at home and go put some Christmas presents on layaway. Shopping..... By Myself.... Oh. My. Goodness!!!!
And then Billy's mission... who the heck knows. Everyone going on the trip was supposed to complete this thing online to get their travel expenses taken care of. But the powers in charge did not give anyone directions and so all the forms were declined because everyone did it wrong. So, now we're having to start all over. But they never sent us the new form. It's just weird. I don't understand it, neither does Billy or anyone else. I don't know what's happening or anything. But he did come home today after PT and ask me for $2 and a Canned Good so he could turn it in in exchange for a day off tomorrow. Hey, I'll gladly give up a can of Spaghetti and Meatballs for a chance to have a long weekend. Girls are out of school tomorrow, too. So that will be FUN!! I might just leave everyone at home and go put some Christmas presents on layaway. Shopping..... By Myself.... Oh. My. Goodness!!!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Twas the night after Halloween...
...and all through the house. Not a creature was stirring - except me digging through the candy buckets trying to find all the butterfingers. Man oh Man! We had a very wet and very cold but pretty great Halloween. It was kinda miserable at first, but we were determined. So, we all got wrapped up and headed out in the freezing rain. At first, there was no one on the streets at all. It was weird. But as if by clock work... right at 6 pm, all the doors opened and people were coming out on the streets in mobs. About a half hour later there were so many people on the streets you could hardly find your own children. This was the kind of Halloween I remember as a kid. It was too cool! One of funniest things was a guy in an Army uniform with a horrible mask on his face, walking around with an ax dragging the ground. He just walked around super slow and would zone in on a kid and start following him. It was hilarious! And then there was a house with the garage door open and smoke coming out from behind a strobe light. A chain saw guy was in there and would crank up his saw when kids walked by. Well, Allison had nothing to do with it. William was like, "I gotta fill my bucket... I don't care!" So he takes off to the porch and...
It wasn't too long into the evening that Emma gave up. She was dressed as a Genie and was freezing her butt off even after I gave her my coat. She and Billy went back to the house to hand out candy and Allison and William and I went around one more block. At one point, William tripped over his poncho coming down some steps and fell flat on his face. A whole groups of kids were all in line to get on the porch and they all stopped what they were doing and helped him up and picked his candy back up and put it in his bucket. So sweet! Overall, it was a good evening. A cool thing about it... I actually knew a few people and that was nice.
Now we're in November and still no clue about Billy's mission. I bet they don't even go.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Lazy Weekend
We've not done very much of anything this weekend. I got my laundry started and almost finished yesterday. It's kind of a pain in the butt because ever since we moved, my dryer's timer stopped working. So unless I set some other sort of timer, the dryer will run for hours on end. Not sure what that's all about... but whatever. Could be worse and just not work at all I guess. We've had that washer and dryer since we got married. Going on 12 years now. Billy bought them for me as a wedding present. Now before you go say... oh how sweet!! You don't really know the whole story. What actually happened was he got himself a set of five foot speakers for the surround sound stereo system in the living room. I threw a big old hissy fit and we ended up fighting about it for a few weeks. Finally, I put my foot down - those ridiculous things need to go!! So, Billy tried to return them and because they were financed, the store would only let him do an exchange. That's how I got my washer and dryer. He did surprise me with them and that was sweet. He could have been a total boy and refused to return his big toys. I remember my family freaking out when I told them we financed a washer and dryer. My rebuttle was that we were paying as much on the monthly payments as we would have been paying at the laundry mat. Good grief, could you imagine me telling them that we were making monthly payments on five foot speakers???!!!??? I have no idea what made my go on this tangent... LOL! But to sum it up, we were married and my argument was we needed to make more grown-up purchases. But trust me when I say, I've let him purchase plenty of toys over the years. Some I have completely gotten sick over and some I actually really love - like our big TV. Which brings me back to our weekend... we've just been watching a lot of TV in between loads of laundry, school projects, potty training the dog, and sleeping and eating. It's just been a great lazy weekend.
To update you on Billy's mission... they basically told them to just be ready at a moment's notice and they don't really know when they are leaving, how long they are going, and many other unknowns. There are pros and cons to this. First, he could be staying with us a little longer. But by staying here, he'll be doing a PT test next week and a 12 mile ruck march the next week. Second, if he goes now he could be back sooner. If he goes later, we don't know if the mission will be a full 30 days which would mean he'll be gone into December. He's supposed to be packed and ready, but if he packs all his gear now - what will he wear all week? Blah. Oh well. What can I do? Nothing but wait. Tis the life of the Army wife.
To update you on Billy's mission... they basically told them to just be ready at a moment's notice and they don't really know when they are leaving, how long they are going, and many other unknowns. There are pros and cons to this. First, he could be staying with us a little longer. But by staying here, he'll be doing a PT test next week and a 12 mile ruck march the next week. Second, if he goes now he could be back sooner. If he goes later, we don't know if the mission will be a full 30 days which would mean he'll be gone into December. He's supposed to be packed and ready, but if he packs all his gear now - what will he wear all week? Blah. Oh well. What can I do? Nothing but wait. Tis the life of the Army wife.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Coffee Drinking Gals
Well, the kids got invited to a birthday party this past weekend. So, we go. It is the lady on the corner who I stop and talk to from time to time - it's her son. She has 4 little ones (2 of which are very close to William's age). But we go to the party and there were several other mothers there. We ended up sitting on the back porch just hanging out and turns out they are some pretty fun ladies. So they invited me to their morning coffee drinking sessions. Apparently, every morning they congregate at the corner lady's house and all drink coffee for an hour or so and just have some girl chat time. William and I went a couple days this week and I have to say the timing couldn't be better. Meeting some girls right before Billy gets sent away has to be a good thing, right? And the fact that they all have little ones (ages 2-4) is awesome because William gets to have little playdates as well. One thing that won me over was there is a girl there who this is also her first duty station and her husband is already deployed - six weeks after they moved in. That's not what won me over... it was what she said, "I'm glad that I met these gals when I did. They don't put a status on you like 'your husband isn't a high rank and therefore you aren't worth my time.'" It just made me feel like - hey these are some cool down to earth ladies. Most of which are southern gals just like me.
So, anyway... we are on our way over there this morning for some coffee and then I have a day of running errands trying to get Billy's junk together for his mission. We don't have a packing list, but we're trying to think ahead of things he needs. Like his name sewn on his helmet and stuff. And I'm totally going to take advantage of being on post and get some Chinese from the PX food court. YUM!!!
By the way, we do know the dates and unless they give him leave than we won't be spending Thanksgiving with him. I'm hoping they do give him some leave and we could at least drive down there to be with him.
So, anyway... we are on our way over there this morning for some coffee and then I have a day of running errands trying to get Billy's junk together for his mission. We don't have a packing list, but we're trying to think ahead of things he needs. Like his name sewn on his helmet and stuff. And I'm totally going to take advantage of being on post and get some Chinese from the PX food court. YUM!!!
By the way, we do know the dates and unless they give him leave than we won't be spending Thanksgiving with him. I'm hoping they do give him some leave and we could at least drive down there to be with him.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
It is what it is
Well, looks like Billy got "voluntold" to go on that mission. Only problem is that he (nor anyone else) knows what this mission is, where it actually is, when he's leaving, when he'll be back, what he has to bring, if he'll get off for some turkey day... basically they told him that he was going and that he'll find out what he needs to know later. So one hundred and ten percent suck.
He tells me this right at the climax of what was already probably the SUCKIEST day I've had since I've been here. I wish I had the patience and lower blood pressure to relive the drama I dealt with today. But I do not. It all boils down to the fact that the family doctor who was giving the girls their shots for school totally screwed me over today and I had a nice big fat meltdown right there in the middle of the doctor's office. Right in front of my kids, God, and everyone. Here's a hint, BENHAVEN FAMILY MEDICAL PRACTICE, do not tell me you have in the freaking Hepatitis A vaccine last week and then tell me I can't have an appointment until the following week only to let me show up on the day you told me to be there and NOT HAVE THE FREAKING VACCINE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were given a 30 day window to get these shots done and that expires tomorrow. But because we had to wait two weeks for them to get their shipment of shots in, and then wouldn't let me make an appointment for the day they had it in... I knew my blood pressure was going to rise once I got started on this....Anyway, So, Dr. "Has no Clue" sends us on post to the pediatric clinic. We get there at 3:06. The walk-ins side closes at 3:00. Looks like we're spending tomorrow at the peds clinic on post. And trust me, I would have just gone on to this clinic on post to have all this done two weeks ago when I realized this was going to be an issue. However, the guy at the immunization clinic told me they didn't take pediatric patients. Did he share with me the fact that there was a pediatric immunization clinic on the other side of the hospital? Nope. Guess I should have know better and dug a little deeper. Shame on me.
I apologize for my rant.
All this to say... Billy is leaving on some secret mission in the next who knows when and well, it is what it is I guess. No clue what this means for the holidays. I'm not even going to make plans. They're just going to get screwed up anyway.
Yes. I'm fine.
Meanwhile... I'm updating our iPhones to the Cloud at this very moment. I wonder if I'll have anything saved to my phone when this is all done. That's why I'm doing Billy's first. *evilgrin*
He tells me this right at the climax of what was already probably the SUCKIEST day I've had since I've been here. I wish I had the patience and lower blood pressure to relive the drama I dealt with today. But I do not. It all boils down to the fact that the family doctor who was giving the girls their shots for school totally screwed me over today and I had a nice big fat meltdown right there in the middle of the doctor's office. Right in front of my kids, God, and everyone. Here's a hint, BENHAVEN FAMILY MEDICAL PRACTICE, do not tell me you have in the freaking Hepatitis A vaccine last week and then tell me I can't have an appointment until the following week only to let me show up on the day you told me to be there and NOT HAVE THE FREAKING VACCINE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were given a 30 day window to get these shots done and that expires tomorrow. But because we had to wait two weeks for them to get their shipment of shots in, and then wouldn't let me make an appointment for the day they had it in... I knew my blood pressure was going to rise once I got started on this....Anyway, So, Dr. "Has no Clue" sends us on post to the pediatric clinic. We get there at 3:06. The walk-ins side closes at 3:00. Looks like we're spending tomorrow at the peds clinic on post. And trust me, I would have just gone on to this clinic on post to have all this done two weeks ago when I realized this was going to be an issue. However, the guy at the immunization clinic told me they didn't take pediatric patients. Did he share with me the fact that there was a pediatric immunization clinic on the other side of the hospital? Nope. Guess I should have know better and dug a little deeper. Shame on me.
I apologize for my rant.
All this to say... Billy is leaving on some secret mission in the next who knows when and well, it is what it is I guess. No clue what this means for the holidays. I'm not even going to make plans. They're just going to get screwed up anyway.
Yes. I'm fine.
Meanwhile... I'm updating our iPhones to the Cloud at this very moment. I wonder if I'll have anything saved to my phone when this is all done. That's why I'm doing Billy's first. *evilgrin*
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Me and my Shadow
Over the past week or so, I've heard of quite a few things that make me a little concerned. Our neighborhood is a gated community and patrolled 24/7 by military police. However, it seems as though we are not immune to petty crimes. Apparently, there have been a few break-ins a few streets over in the past couple weeks. They are pretty sure it's just teenagers up to no good, but they are on the hunt for medicine and I think some electronic things were taken. Well, this has me just a bit on edge. I mean, really? I thought we were going to be a little safer in military housing than off. But "kids will be kids" out here doesn't mean my kid called your kid a brat. So... with the very high possibility that Billy will be gone for a month in a couple weeks, we decided that we needed some sort of protection.
I would like to introduce you to Shadow... our new alarm system.
I would like to introduce you to Shadow... our new alarm system.
He looks ferocious, doesn't he?
Boy and his dog
We surprised the girls after school with our new puppy
Fluffy doesn't hate him, but doesn't love him so much yet either.
I'm not going to lie... this dog is not very likely to protect us from much at first. We rescued him from the pound and brought him home. Two flea baths later...we have us a precious, sweet puppy. It took us a whole 24 hours to figure out a name and finally decided on Shadow. I hope he stays as sweet as he is now.
Friday, October 21, 2011
So, yesterday I dropped the kids off at school and William and I went to the Lodge (the neighborhood center across the street)and went to my very first Zumba class in North Carolina!!! YAY! It seriously kicked my butt!! But it was so much fun! I don't know what made it so different from the classes I took back at the Y in TN. But there was some serious shaking going on in there. Maybe the women in the TN class were a little more reserved and that made it a little less exciting. However, the women in this class yesterday... boy howdy! I felt like I was in this big dance club or something. So much energy!! And it just motivates you to shake it a little harder when everyone else is shaking it so well. The cool thing is there is a playroom right off to the side where all the kids play. It isn't supervised, but there is a large window that we can look into and see how they are doing and if they need us, they can flag us down through the window. That was brilliant designing if you ask me. So, William got to have some toddler time with a whole slew of kids. It was a great thing! I'm very glad we went. I can't wait to go again next week. But I'll admit... I'm also glad I have a few days to recoup. I felt some kind of serious old after that one.
Anyway... Billy called this morning and said that during formation after PT his First Sgt asked for volunteers to do some mission in Charleston for the entire month of November. Only seven people raised their hands. Billy didn't know what was going on, so he kept his hand down. But he asked another Sgt later what that was all about. According to the Sgt, it is basically going somewhere to unload a bunch of somethings that just got back from overseas. However, from what the Sgt said, there is no extra pay... not even room and board or meals or anything. So, that's stupid. But anyway, the First Sgt got mad and said, "Only 7?? Well, we'll see about that!!" Now Billy is freaking out that he's going to get "voluntold" since he was the last one to get in the unit. He's the newest newbie. Man, I hope not. That's a month in South Carolina - during Thanksgiving. Um.... yuck. But we'll see. Who knows.
In other news, the weather has turned some kinda awesome cold!! It's gorgeous!! A bit chilly in the mornings but just super nice in the afternoons. I hope to go find a nice little park somewhere this weekend. There is some kind of lake around here (I think on post) that has a bunch of things to do. Maybe we can go spend a family day at the lake this Saturday. It would be a great little outing. Oh and did I tell you I found a bike for myself at a yard sale? Yeah! It was only $15. Billy bought me a bike very similar back years ago and then a month later I found out I was pregnant with William and got too scared to ride it. So it sat in the garage for two years and we ended up selling it at a yard sale. It's kinda like it found its way back home to me! But now we have to find William some sort of trike or big wheel. I'm on a serious mission to find him something. I'd love for all of us to go bike riding together. How much fun!!
So I hope everyone has a great weekend! We're headed to post for some groceries!!
Anyway... Billy called this morning and said that during formation after PT his First Sgt asked for volunteers to do some mission in Charleston for the entire month of November. Only seven people raised their hands. Billy didn't know what was going on, so he kept his hand down. But he asked another Sgt later what that was all about. According to the Sgt, it is basically going somewhere to unload a bunch of somethings that just got back from overseas. However, from what the Sgt said, there is no extra pay... not even room and board or meals or anything. So, that's stupid. But anyway, the First Sgt got mad and said, "Only 7?? Well, we'll see about that!!" Now Billy is freaking out that he's going to get "voluntold" since he was the last one to get in the unit. He's the newest newbie. Man, I hope not. That's a month in South Carolina - during Thanksgiving. Um.... yuck. But we'll see. Who knows.
In other news, the weather has turned some kinda awesome cold!! It's gorgeous!! A bit chilly in the mornings but just super nice in the afternoons. I hope to go find a nice little park somewhere this weekend. There is some kind of lake around here (I think on post) that has a bunch of things to do. Maybe we can go spend a family day at the lake this Saturday. It would be a great little outing. Oh and did I tell you I found a bike for myself at a yard sale? Yeah! It was only $15. Billy bought me a bike very similar back years ago and then a month later I found out I was pregnant with William and got too scared to ride it. So it sat in the garage for two years and we ended up selling it at a yard sale. It's kinda like it found its way back home to me! But now we have to find William some sort of trike or big wheel. I'm on a serious mission to find him something. I'd love for all of us to go bike riding together. How much fun!!
So I hope everyone has a great weekend! We're headed to post for some groceries!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Happy "Us" Day!!
So this one time at band camp.... I know I know I know - Shut up! But seriously, it was the first day of band camp at Middle Tennessee State University. August 1996. My friend and I were sitting on the floor of the band room and doing what girls of the age of 19 do... scope out the new Hot Guys! We had picked out a few drummers already - drummers are always cute no matter what. We had a couple trumpets we deemed worthy. And for some reason, I remember specifically this one particular tuba player with really bushy hair. We both agreed he was cute but he needed a hair cut. So that was that. We had our mental list ~ knowing we'd never act on it since that's just not what we did. LOL! But a couple days later my friends and I were going to eat lunch at the KUC. As we were sitting down, I noticed the cute tuba player with the hair sitting all by himself over in the corner. I sat down with my friends for a while and kept getting this nagging feeling to go talk to him. So, I dug up the courage to get up and I walked over to him. I told him it was unacceptable to eat alone in a college cafeteria and that he needed to come sit with me and my friends. So, he did. There was no love at first sight music or angels singing. Just like a new friend had joined our group. He was quiet and I wasn't. He seemed sweet and polite and not like other guys. He fit in well with our group. And that was kinda it. We became friends. Good friends, really.
But see, there was another guy who was trying to get my attention at the time and I was trying to decide if I wanted to return that attention or not. So when Billy (by the way, if you haven't figured it out... Billy is the tuba player with the hair) asked for my phone number - I gave it to him. He was sweet enough, I figured. He'd call me at night and since he was so painfully shy, would just sit there and not say a word. At first, I thought he was crazy. I would ask questions and he'd answer but then go dead silent again.... for minutes at a time. We'd sit on the phone for an hour like that. I remember one night hanging up and my roommate saying to me, "I didn't even know you were on the phone; you weren't saying a word!!" LOL!!! It was so funny! (Looking back, our conversations now are not much different. I've learned that sometimes he just likes to be with someone even if he has nothing to say.)
So anyway, we carried on like this for a while. Just hanging out and getting to know each other. The other guy who was trying to get my attention was trying even harder now that Billy had started trying to get my attention as well. I had two guys interested in me at the same time. Never happened before and I have to admit I was loving the attention!! But I didn't know what to do with myself. I knew that Billy was sweet, cute and just super quiet and I knew that the other guy was out-going, hyper and never quiet. Billy says he asked me out three times and I turned him down three times. I do not remember it like that. But he says he'd never been turned down that many times by the same girl and was about to give up. I guess I was just trying to decide which fellow I liked better and couldn't. It was the goofball or the shy guy. I'm pretty sure I already knew, but just didn't know how to move on it.
Well, remember I told you about our band contest we held every year, The Contest of Champions. Well, it was the night after COC (Sunday, October 20th) that I finally made my decision. I was sitting alone in the Music Building on the blue pleather couch trying to read some English short story for a paper on symbolism. I'm sitting here underlining all the phrases that were symbolic. Well, Billy shows up and sits down beside me not saying a word, which is what I was used to at this point. He watches me read for a while and then takes the pencil out of my hand. Not saying a word, he underlines some word. I can't even remember what it was, but then he underlines another word and draws a line between the two. I hate not remembering what it was, but it was so funny we laughed so hard. I mean like snorting when you laugh so funny. And then it turned into a game. He'd underline a word and then I would and back and forth like this for quite some time. After wiping away the tears I'd shed from laughing so hard over the silly phrases we'd made, he leans over and kisses me. He melted my heart right then and there. And that, my friends, is how we became Billy and Becky.
It wasn't hard to decide after that. I remember having to tell the other boy that I was going to be with Billy now and that he and I could always be friends... blah blah blah. He was a good sport about it. And besides, I could never date a trombone player. That's just crazy!
So until we married in July three years later, October 20th was our anniversary. And since we didn't get to do anything on our wedding anniversary this year, we are going to have to celebrate on our "Us" day!! 15 years together. It's hard to believe all the bumps we've hit and all the problems we've managed to get past and still continue to be "Us." He made me laugh and then he kissed me. That's how he won my heart.
I'm so glad he didn't give up.
~ oh and he got a hair cut. =)
One of my all time favorite songs - pretty much sums up how I'm feeling today
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
One month marker
So it was one month ago that we got to Fort Bragg. I'm finding this very hard to believe. Probably the fastest month we've had since Billy joined up back in January. Well, maybe a close second to the month before he shipped this Spring. Anyway, I've not been too bloggish lately. Just haven't had too much to say I guess. At least nothing real OMG exciting. But I do have a few random bits of information that I guess I could share.
Um... let's see.... Oh Ok...
Allison has decided to put her basketball and jersey down in exchange for a short skirt and pom poms. When did she turn into a little girly girl?? I should have known she would eventually switch over to the pink side, but there is a small part of my secret heart that is kinda sad about it. When she played ball this spring, I just knew she was going to get a full athletic scholarship to the college of her choice one day. A mother can dream, right? But, yeah... the area we live in is starting it's own league and when I asked the girls if they wanted to do basketball or cheer, they both enthusiastically said CHEER!! I knew Emma would cheer. That was never a question. She just looks like a cheerleader. But I always thought Allison looked like an athlete, so what do I know? (And yes, I know cheering is considered athletic - but that's not what I mean) And of course, none of this matters, because when they get into middle school they are both going to be in band so there. Again, a mother can dream, right?
Speaking of band... this weekend back in Murfreesboro, TN (where Billy and I met at school) they are having the 50th annual Contest of Champions (a huge band contest). I have only missed one contest in 20 years. And that was for my brother's wedding back in 1999. I am just really super sad about not getting to go this year. I mean like, tears and moping kinda sad. There was just something about working that contest every year that I just really loved. We're going to have to find something really distracting to do this weekend so that I won't be thinking about it. It's kinda like knowing you're going to miss a big party while all your friends get to go and you don't. Just sad. Moving on.
Billy's on detail this week. Neither one of us really understands what this means. But from what he said, when he's on detail he actually works. Apparently doing odd and end things. Like yesterday they put up a tent and took it back down. They just wanted to see if all the pieces were there. He actually likes it because he is doing something. Otherwise, they sit around and stare at each other back at his company. This is a bit of a problem. Billy's never been one to sit around (except at home oddly enough) and for them to just never have anything to do is killing him. But now that he's on detail, he likes it. At least he did yesterday.
William is super cute. There is a tiny little wooden bridge that goes over a drainage ditch on the way up to the school. It's actually kinda cute. But the past few days we have crossed it, he'll run up to it and hide behind it. When someone walks past, he jumps out and growls, "I'm the grumpy old troll!!!" He just loves to do it. And people just laugh.
Emma has been wearing her old t-shirts from school back home the past few days. I'm not sure if she is doing this because she misses Tennessee, but it's just something I noticed. Of course, she's doing super well with all her thousand friends. And we're getting a grip on this homework mess. There's just so much of it. It's even overwhelming for me. And I think one thing that bothers me is that the other 5th grade classes don't have as much as she does. So, I have to sit here and wonder if this isn't a good thing for her. I hope so.
I've got a few errands to run today (Fluffy to the vet, sign up kids for cheering, get a library card, etc...) So, I'll be off now.
Um... let's see.... Oh Ok...
Allison has decided to put her basketball and jersey down in exchange for a short skirt and pom poms. When did she turn into a little girly girl?? I should have known she would eventually switch over to the pink side, but there is a small part of my secret heart that is kinda sad about it. When she played ball this spring, I just knew she was going to get a full athletic scholarship to the college of her choice one day. A mother can dream, right? But, yeah... the area we live in is starting it's own league and when I asked the girls if they wanted to do basketball or cheer, they both enthusiastically said CHEER!! I knew Emma would cheer. That was never a question. She just looks like a cheerleader. But I always thought Allison looked like an athlete, so what do I know? (And yes, I know cheering is considered athletic - but that's not what I mean) And of course, none of this matters, because when they get into middle school they are both going to be in band so there. Again, a mother can dream, right?
Speaking of band... this weekend back in Murfreesboro, TN (where Billy and I met at school) they are having the 50th annual Contest of Champions (a huge band contest). I have only missed one contest in 20 years. And that was for my brother's wedding back in 1999. I am just really super sad about not getting to go this year. I mean like, tears and moping kinda sad. There was just something about working that contest every year that I just really loved. We're going to have to find something really distracting to do this weekend so that I won't be thinking about it. It's kinda like knowing you're going to miss a big party while all your friends get to go and you don't. Just sad. Moving on.
Billy's on detail this week. Neither one of us really understands what this means. But from what he said, when he's on detail he actually works. Apparently doing odd and end things. Like yesterday they put up a tent and took it back down. They just wanted to see if all the pieces were there. He actually likes it because he is doing something. Otherwise, they sit around and stare at each other back at his company. This is a bit of a problem. Billy's never been one to sit around (except at home oddly enough) and for them to just never have anything to do is killing him. But now that he's on detail, he likes it. At least he did yesterday.
William is super cute. There is a tiny little wooden bridge that goes over a drainage ditch on the way up to the school. It's actually kinda cute. But the past few days we have crossed it, he'll run up to it and hide behind it. When someone walks past, he jumps out and growls, "I'm the grumpy old troll!!!" He just loves to do it. And people just laugh.
Emma has been wearing her old t-shirts from school back home the past few days. I'm not sure if she is doing this because she misses Tennessee, but it's just something I noticed. Of course, she's doing super well with all her thousand friends. And we're getting a grip on this homework mess. There's just so much of it. It's even overwhelming for me. And I think one thing that bothers me is that the other 5th grade classes don't have as much as she does. So, I have to sit here and wonder if this isn't a good thing for her. I hope so.
I've got a few errands to run today (Fluffy to the vet, sign up kids for cheering, get a library card, etc...) So, I'll be off now.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Fittin' In
Emma came to me last night and had to ask me a question for a Health assignment. "Is there ever a time in your life that you didn't feel like you fit in?" I didn't have to think long. I have always seemed to kinda mesh well with the people around me. If I had to change schools (which I did a few times growing up), I always had some sort of common bond like band or church. And we band geeks know how to make each other feel like family. But moving out here... well... this has been a weird experience for me. I do not know anyone. Do you know how weird it is to go to the grocery store and not have to worry about running into someone you might know? I could wear my pajamas and curlers in my hair if I wanted to. Or put some zit cream on my face. I even feel odd when all these forms from the school come home and need an emergency contact and the only other person I know is Billy. I really kinda feel like I should have a lot in common with the other wives out here - and maybe I do and just haven't gotten to know anyone well enough to confirm it, but standing here I have never felt so out of place in my life. I keep expecting the welcome wagon to show up and install my BFF. But they never came. And I'm not alone in this. Billy feels the same way. He's got one other fellow there at his company that is close to his age and they seem to get along well, but he's getting out in three months. All the rest of the guys there are kids. So, it's just weird for us both. Neither one of us will put ourselves way out there in order to get noticed. We both like to kinda lurk on the sidelines until someone approaches us. (which sweetly enough is how Billy and I met - but I'll save that story for another day).
Anyway.... I answered Emma and let her know that I guess I feel weird because all the women my age out here have been in the military for many years. I'm a newbie through and through and it's just odd for me to be starting life over (in a way) at this age. What makes it even harder is that I just don't have anyone here who I can talk to about all this Army stuff. My prayer lately is that God will put people in our lives that will make this experience a little less uncomfortable. I know our prayers will be answered in time. I don't think He put us here to watch us struggle. And when we find a church, I know that there will some relief there as well. But for now, I'm just trying to let everyone get adjusted to this place. Patience is important. Patience and Faith. Faith is crucial.
Anyway.... I answered Emma and let her know that I guess I feel weird because all the women my age out here have been in the military for many years. I'm a newbie through and through and it's just odd for me to be starting life over (in a way) at this age. What makes it even harder is that I just don't have anyone here who I can talk to about all this Army stuff. My prayer lately is that God will put people in our lives that will make this experience a little less uncomfortable. I know our prayers will be answered in time. I don't think He put us here to watch us struggle. And when we find a church, I know that there will some relief there as well. But for now, I'm just trying to let everyone get adjusted to this place. Patience is important. Patience and Faith. Faith is crucial.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
50 Mile Bubble
Alright. I'm a very patient person. Sometimes. And I'm sorry for continuing to fuss. But GOOD GRIEF! We live about 2 hours from the beach and about 3 hours from the mountains. I'm a big believer in hopping in the car and taking off on a Sunday drive to go do some sight seeing. Maybe find a little State Park where we can all do a bit of hiking and take some pictures. Especially this time of year. I would love to drive out to the mountains and get some pics. How. Ever. Billy's confined to a 50 mile radius while on duty - which apparently means all the time. In order for Billy to go outside of this invisible 50 mile Army Bubble, he has to get permission from his command. So last night he gets the papers to fill out for a potential upcoming road trip and you would think he was applying for the adoption of a third world baby. (I have a friend who adopted such a baby and I know all the paper work and hoops she had to climb through and I'm not belittling her experience in the least. It was a very lengthy process that required a lot of patience and I admire her dedication to the task.) Hence... he had to take this online Personal Owned Vehicle Risk Assessment Test in order to submit his other 12 documents of paperwork. "Do you plan on wearing your seat belt?" "Do you plan on consuming alcoholic beverages while driving?" "Do you plan on making rest stops?" "How often do you plan on making rest stops?" "How many hours of sleep will you get prior to making your trip?" "What kind of vehicle will you be driving?" "Will you listen to the radio in your vehicle?" "How about making conversation with your wife?" "Do you like to chew gum when you drive?" OK... well the last three I made up... but they have to be kidding, right? He has to answer all these questions and then this online system rates the risk level of the trip outside the 50 mile Army Bubble. As if he would answer, "Yes, I plan on getting blasted drunk and then driving down the interstate with my whole family in the car just to see how far I can go without getting pulled over." High Risk - yes. It just seems ridiculous. Really. Just another thing I've got to contend with.
So here's my question... there are 60-some thousand soldiers at Fort Bragg. Do you mean to tell me that not one of these soldiers ever leaves the Army Bubble without getting permission first? Oh I'm sure they do. I mean, how can anyone have any fun? If we want to take a day trip to the beach, do we really have to ask permission 14 days in advance? I'm really hoping we do not understand this rule completely and there is some sort of discretionary policy that allows soldiers to go out on their days off. But who knows. A couple weekends ago (before Billy got in the unit) everyone from Billy's unit got called in for a formation in the middle of the night because there was a soldier who got in trouble with hitting his wife or something. If we'd been at the beach, how would we have made it back for his formation? I'm going to try and get some answers on this. Otherwise, I'm going to feel like a prisoner.
Oh and our little baby giant is back. Much louder thumps and more often. Apparently the marines are in town for some training so we had to get out the big guns.
So here's my question... there are 60-some thousand soldiers at Fort Bragg. Do you mean to tell me that not one of these soldiers ever leaves the Army Bubble without getting permission first? Oh I'm sure they do. I mean, how can anyone have any fun? If we want to take a day trip to the beach, do we really have to ask permission 14 days in advance? I'm really hoping we do not understand this rule completely and there is some sort of discretionary policy that allows soldiers to go out on their days off. But who knows. A couple weekends ago (before Billy got in the unit) everyone from Billy's unit got called in for a formation in the middle of the night because there was a soldier who got in trouble with hitting his wife or something. If we'd been at the beach, how would we have made it back for his formation? I'm going to try and get some answers on this. Otherwise, I'm going to feel like a prisoner.
Oh and our little baby giant is back. Much louder thumps and more often. Apparently the marines are in town for some training so we had to get out the big guns.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
On the hunt
So, yesterday I decided I would take the kids to get their Halloween costumes. This is always a drama and wears us out completely - so Billy stayed home and let me go it alone. But that's OK. I'll get him back. One day.
Allison, as always, was super easy cheese. She knew exactly what she wanted and after walking up two or three aisles, came back with a $10 black dress for her glitter witch costume. Done.
Poor Emma was not as easy. She knew what she wanted, but unfortunately it was not something I would allow. I'm sorry. But for children's costumes to be so "sophisticated" blows my mind!!! I know she doesn't want to look ghoulish or childish. I understand. She wanted to be an Angel, but the only angel costume we found in her size could have been for a three year old. Now we did find another Angel costume that I promise you would never make it past the Pearly Gates into Heaven. Ever. So after a couple stores and a long painful hunt, we settled on a Genie costume. It really is adorable. Yes, it shows her belly, but at least it wasn't some mini-skirt, booty shorts, or strapless bikini top like we were seeing for her size.
Now... William was a whole other story. Right now he is on a Mulan kick. He loves the movie Mulan. More appropriately, he loves Mushu the little red dragon played by Eddie Murphy in Mulan. Well, here we are hunting out Emma's costume and he sees a little red devil costume and had a fit for it! "Mushu!! I want to be Mushu!!!" Now, the girls were having a cow. "Mom, you never let us dress like the devil. You can't let him be a devil." So, we started pointing out all the other more awesome costumes like Bumblebee from Transformers, or Woody, or a Pirate, or some weird one eyed monster from Yo Gabba Gabba. NOPE!! NADA!! NOTHING was better than Mushu the devil looking dragon. All the while he is chanting, "I love Mushu! I want to be Mushu! Mushu is awesome!" So I caved. I tried it on him and sent a picture back to Billy. He said, "He looks like a devil." UGH! By this point, I'm worn completely down to the nub and can't make any more decisions. William absolutely loves his Mushu costume. He has no idea he is a devil. He completely thinks he is a little red dragon and refuses to take the thing off. So I'm done. I let him have it. He's completely adorable no matter what he dresses as. But I can just see myself now walking around on Halloween explaining, "he's a dragon." "he's a dragon." "He's a Dragon!" I need to make him a sign, "I'm a dragon" Better yet, I'm going to let Billy walk around with him - that'll teach him to stay home while I take on the costume shopping myself.
I'll let you decide. Does he look like Mushu or Beelzebub?
Allison, as always, was super easy cheese. She knew exactly what she wanted and after walking up two or three aisles, came back with a $10 black dress for her glitter witch costume. Done.
Poor Emma was not as easy. She knew what she wanted, but unfortunately it was not something I would allow. I'm sorry. But for children's costumes to be so "sophisticated" blows my mind!!! I know she doesn't want to look ghoulish or childish. I understand. She wanted to be an Angel, but the only angel costume we found in her size could have been for a three year old. Now we did find another Angel costume that I promise you would never make it past the Pearly Gates into Heaven. Ever. So after a couple stores and a long painful hunt, we settled on a Genie costume. It really is adorable. Yes, it shows her belly, but at least it wasn't some mini-skirt, booty shorts, or strapless bikini top like we were seeing for her size.
Now... William was a whole other story. Right now he is on a Mulan kick. He loves the movie Mulan. More appropriately, he loves Mushu the little red dragon played by Eddie Murphy in Mulan. Well, here we are hunting out Emma's costume and he sees a little red devil costume and had a fit for it! "Mushu!! I want to be Mushu!!!" Now, the girls were having a cow. "Mom, you never let us dress like the devil. You can't let him be a devil." So, we started pointing out all the other more awesome costumes like Bumblebee from Transformers, or Woody, or a Pirate, or some weird one eyed monster from Yo Gabba Gabba. NOPE!! NADA!! NOTHING was better than Mushu the devil looking dragon. All the while he is chanting, "I love Mushu! I want to be Mushu! Mushu is awesome!" So I caved. I tried it on him and sent a picture back to Billy. He said, "He looks like a devil." UGH! By this point, I'm worn completely down to the nub and can't make any more decisions. William absolutely loves his Mushu costume. He has no idea he is a devil. He completely thinks he is a little red dragon and refuses to take the thing off. So I'm done. I let him have it. He's completely adorable no matter what he dresses as. But I can just see myself now walking around on Halloween explaining, "he's a dragon." "he's a dragon." "He's a Dragon!" I need to make him a sign, "I'm a dragon" Better yet, I'm going to let Billy walk around with him - that'll teach him to stay home while I take on the costume shopping myself.
I'll let you decide. Does he look like Mushu or Beelzebub?
(maybe I'll get him a yellow belly and whiskers)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Code
Behind our house we have a nice little patch of woods. Nothing like we had in TN, but still actually really cool. Lots of sand and a few trees and bushes. Just enough nature to create a magical world of pretend for the kids. I haven't seen my kids in about three days because they have been building their village in the woods. It's really funny. I can't really see them, but I can hear them. I'll sit out on the back porch (which by the way... the weather has been glorious the past week!!) and just listen to the kids play. It started out with just Allison and her friend. Then it grew into about three kids. And then six kids. And then there was about ten children from all over the neighborhood hanging out in our backyard. They were all super busy getting their 'houses' made and they even had it separated into the girls side and the boys side. That's when the language started. Their secret code language. I doubt they would appreciate it if I divulged such classified secrets to the general public. But I got so tickled... I can't help but share. If a kid yells out Code One - this means "meeting" and the group must stop what they are doing and congregate around the big sand pit in the clearing. This is where the President of the club would make announcements and give orders of various things. Oh yes... they are organized. They have a president and first and second vice president. Anyway, back to the code. Code two I forget. Code three is "stranger" and someone would shout this if some other kid tried to come into the woods. Then you can imagine a bunch of little "lord of the flies" warrior cries and Lord bless the child who tried to enter into the secret woods because he was about to be hammered with questions from the group president. Normally, this would only lead to the child becoming a member and then the group would have to start teaching all the codes to this new kid. I really can't remember all of the codes, but there were at least 12 of them. I knew the two important ones "code three is 'stranger' and code six is 'someone is hurt'" But hearing these kids repeat these codes every few minutes was hilarious. It is stuff like, "code four is someone is leaving" "code eleven is put your bike in the grass outside" "code eight is a storm is coming" "code nine is the storm is gone." And then imagine the new kid trying to remember all these codes. The kids barely spoke to each other unless they were speaking in code. So most of the time you hear, "Code Seven Everyone!! Code Seven!!!" To which you would hear two other kids say, "What is code seven again??" This would lead to two different answers at the same time and then the group would have to stop what they were doing in order to have a Code One meeting where the President would once again go over all the codes for the group. HILARIOUS! I know a couple businesses that run like that. My cell phone company to be exact.
Anyway... the one bad thing about the Secret Coded Woods is that we are pretty sure there is some poison ivy or poison oak out there. So, now Allison's face, neck and chest are now covered in a bright red grody rash. I hate it for her. It's not like we can cover it with a shirt or something. It's on her face. Big time. Boo.
And just so you know... I made it to the Commissary today and only had to turn around one time. Yay!!!
Anyway... the one bad thing about the Secret Coded Woods is that we are pretty sure there is some poison ivy or poison oak out there. So, now Allison's face, neck and chest are now covered in a bright red grody rash. I hate it for her. It's not like we can cover it with a shirt or something. It's on her face. Big time. Boo.
And just so you know... I made it to the Commissary today and only had to turn around one time. Yay!!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Officially not a fan
Billy's schedule sucks. There is just no other way to put it. I'm not sure why because it is really no different from what he was doing in construction - waking up at 4 am and never really sure when he would be coming home. And I know that no one ever said that this would be a 9 to 5'er. But grrr! Wake up at 4. Leave by 5. PT from 6:30-7:30. Come home and shower. Be back in formation at 9. And then who knows from there. Like today for example... He rushes out the door to get there and do an 8 mile march (with a 35 pound pack on his back). He races home to take a ten second shower and change into his uniform so he can make it back to formation only to be told to go home and come back in three hours. BLAH! And then Monday night he ended up not getting home until after 6:30 because it took him an hour to get home (normally a 15 minute drive) because Fort Bragg traffic was insane.
So why am I complaining when I knew this was going to be a completely non-typical work life? I have no idea. I just felt like fussing and so I did! Now I feel better and can move on. Therefore, MOVING ON!
But now that we kinda know more... things are going well. He didn't know what squad or platoon he was in until yesterday. So if he had a question he didn't know who he was supposed to ask. And since this is his first week and he was a bit lost... he had a lot of questions and was super frustrated. But now he has a platoon and squad so he feels like he at least belongs somewhere. His Team Leader told him he reminded her of CID. (NO, I didn't know what CID meant. Billy had to tell me that it is the Army's version of NCIS. CID = Criminal Investigation Division) So, now he has a nickname. CID. LOL! It could be a really bad nickname like Old Man or Booger or something. I think he likes his nickname. HAHA!!
(Insert about five hours of a time lapse here)
So, I just got back from taking Emma to get her "shots" at the doctor. It was a bit of a mess there for a while. Apparently TN likes to kinda sorta go by the guidelines and NC feels some things should be mandatory - in regards to youth immunizations. Long story short... we had to get Emma a couple pokes in the butt and now Allison will have to go get some pokes in the butt, too. Blah. Oh well... at least now we know where the doctor is. I didn't go on post for this. Probably could have, but the nurse at the clinic said that she would avoid post for stuff like this. So, I guess we did alright. Anyway, Emma has two very sore hips this morning and decided she needed to take a small pillow to school to sit on. I let her. I'm choosing my battles.
And I take it all back from earlier. Yeah, Billy's schedule is unpredictable and a bit ridiculous, but he reports back in for his "after lunch" formation and they told everyone to go home. So, I guess that's ok. I don't think this is normal though. They are about to go through a change in command, so there is a lot of "stuff" going on with the important people. I guess the lowly soldiers are just in the way so they make them show their faces and then shoo them off again.
Speaking of showing your face... listen to this. Billy's good friend who has been with him since Basic, all the way through AIT and is now with him in his unit at Bragg, got to work the other morning. He pulled into the parking lot and didn't see anyone so he thought he was too early. So, he sits in his car for a few minutes and when no one else shows up decides to go on inside. He walks in the door one minute after 6 am and his Sgt comes down on him hard for being late. So now the poor guy loses his four day weekend. From Thursday at midnight until Tuesday at 6 am he has to report in every hour on the hour. Every. Single. Hour. That is nuts!! Seriously nuts!!!! I really hate it for the fellow, too. But at least he lives in the Barracks right inside the company so he won't have to go far. But still. Suck. Therefore, I will never complain about my husband for ever being too early. It used to drive me insane how he would leave two hours early for something only to sit there and wait for an hour and a half. But I will never complain about it again. Maybe this is why he likes the Army so much. He fits in well with the rules. He finally found a bunch of other people who like to be ridiculously early, too.
Yet one more reason why I would never make it in the military. I spend my day herding turtles.
So why am I complaining when I knew this was going to be a completely non-typical work life? I have no idea. I just felt like fussing and so I did! Now I feel better and can move on. Therefore, MOVING ON!
But now that we kinda know more... things are going well. He didn't know what squad or platoon he was in until yesterday. So if he had a question he didn't know who he was supposed to ask. And since this is his first week and he was a bit lost... he had a lot of questions and was super frustrated. But now he has a platoon and squad so he feels like he at least belongs somewhere. His Team Leader told him he reminded her of CID. (NO, I didn't know what CID meant. Billy had to tell me that it is the Army's version of NCIS. CID = Criminal Investigation Division) So, now he has a nickname. CID. LOL! It could be a really bad nickname like Old Man or Booger or something. I think he likes his nickname. HAHA!!
(Insert about five hours of a time lapse here)
So, I just got back from taking Emma to get her "shots" at the doctor. It was a bit of a mess there for a while. Apparently TN likes to kinda sorta go by the guidelines and NC feels some things should be mandatory - in regards to youth immunizations. Long story short... we had to get Emma a couple pokes in the butt and now Allison will have to go get some pokes in the butt, too. Blah. Oh well... at least now we know where the doctor is. I didn't go on post for this. Probably could have, but the nurse at the clinic said that she would avoid post for stuff like this. So, I guess we did alright. Anyway, Emma has two very sore hips this morning and decided she needed to take a small pillow to school to sit on. I let her. I'm choosing my battles.
And I take it all back from earlier. Yeah, Billy's schedule is unpredictable and a bit ridiculous, but he reports back in for his "after lunch" formation and they told everyone to go home. So, I guess that's ok. I don't think this is normal though. They are about to go through a change in command, so there is a lot of "stuff" going on with the important people. I guess the lowly soldiers are just in the way so they make them show their faces and then shoo them off again.
Speaking of showing your face... listen to this. Billy's good friend who has been with him since Basic, all the way through AIT and is now with him in his unit at Bragg, got to work the other morning. He pulled into the parking lot and didn't see anyone so he thought he was too early. So, he sits in his car for a few minutes and when no one else shows up decides to go on inside. He walks in the door one minute after 6 am and his Sgt comes down on him hard for being late. So now the poor guy loses his four day weekend. From Thursday at midnight until Tuesday at 6 am he has to report in every hour on the hour. Every. Single. Hour. That is nuts!! Seriously nuts!!!! I really hate it for the fellow, too. But at least he lives in the Barracks right inside the company so he won't have to go far. But still. Suck. Therefore, I will never complain about my husband for ever being too early. It used to drive me insane how he would leave two hours early for something only to sit there and wait for an hour and a half. But I will never complain about it again. Maybe this is why he likes the Army so much. He fits in well with the rules. He finally found a bunch of other people who like to be ridiculously early, too.
Yet one more reason why I would never make it in the military. I spend my day herding turtles.
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