Behind our house we have a nice little patch of woods. Nothing like we had in TN, but still actually really cool. Lots of sand and a few trees and bushes. Just enough nature to create a magical world of pretend for the kids. I haven't seen my kids in about three days because they have been building their village in the woods. It's really funny. I can't really see them, but I can hear them. I'll sit out on the back porch (which by the way... the weather has been glorious the past week!!) and just listen to the kids play. It started out with just Allison and her friend. Then it grew into about three kids. And then six kids. And then there was about ten children from all over the neighborhood hanging out in our backyard. They were all super busy getting their 'houses' made and they even had it separated into the girls side and the boys side. That's when the language started. Their secret code language. I doubt they would appreciate it if I divulged such classified secrets to the general public. But I got so tickled... I can't help but share. If a kid yells out Code One - this means "meeting" and the group must stop what they are doing and congregate around the big sand pit in the clearing. This is where the President of the club would make announcements and give orders of various things. Oh yes... they are organized. They have a president and first and second vice president. Anyway, back to the code. Code two I forget. Code three is "stranger" and someone would shout this if some other kid tried to come into the woods. Then you can imagine a bunch of little "lord of the flies" warrior cries and Lord bless the child who tried to enter into the secret woods because he was about to be hammered with questions from the group president. Normally, this would only lead to the child becoming a member and then the group would have to start teaching all the codes to this new kid. I really can't remember all of the codes, but there were at least 12 of them. I knew the two important ones "code three is 'stranger' and code six is 'someone is hurt'" But hearing these kids repeat these codes every few minutes was hilarious. It is stuff like, "code four is someone is leaving" "code eleven is put your bike in the grass outside" "code eight is a storm is coming" "code nine is the storm is gone." And then imagine the new kid trying to remember all these codes. The kids barely spoke to each other unless they were speaking in code. So most of the time you hear, "Code Seven Everyone!! Code Seven!!!" To which you would hear two other kids say, "What is code seven again??" This would lead to two different answers at the same time and then the group would have to stop what they were doing in order to have a Code One meeting where the President would once again go over all the codes for the group. HILARIOUS! I know a couple businesses that run like that. My cell phone company to be exact.
Anyway... the one bad thing about the Secret Coded Woods is that we are pretty sure there is some poison ivy or poison oak out there. So, now Allison's face, neck and chest are now covered in a bright red grody rash. I hate it for her. It's not like we can cover it with a shirt or something. It's on her face. Big time. Boo.
And just so you know... I made it to the Commissary today and only had to turn around one time. Yay!!!
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