I wish I had waited to make that post about my health... because of course I get sick the very next day. It took me a while to get out of it and then I just had tons of mess going on. So, a week later... I'm BACK!
So yeah... here we go... the speedy version...
Day 15 - I'm thankful for the microwave. I don't know if I could live without it.
Day 16 - I'm thankful for our vehicles. They are both running and both paid for. WHOO HOO!
Day 17 - I'm thankful for books. I love to read - I just wish I had more time to do so lately.
Day 18 - I'm thankful for the gift of my education. Even though I can't use it yet... I'm glad I finished school when I did. I understand so many Army wives never get the chance to go back to school b/c their husbands have such crazy schedules.
Day 19 - I'm thankful for Chicken and Dumplins. My grandmother's first and then Cracker Barrel's second.
Day 20 - Thankful for having such smart and responsible kids! Emma got straight A's and Allison got a "Terrific Kid Award" at their school's award ceremony last week.
Day 21 - I'm thankful for Skype. This has been such a great way for the kids to talk to the grandparents. I hope they all get to call us on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So how's Army life this week?? It's been interesting. Billy got yelled at by a Sgt because he was running trying to catch up to a guy and wasn't paying attention and ran in front of some Officer. So the Sgt started yelling at him and carrying on like, "Oh No! I can NOT believe you would run in front of my Captain and not salute. Who do you think you are, Private??!!??" Billy said he felt horrible and would have never done that. But he just didn't see the guy because he was so focused on trying to catch up with that other fellow. Sounds like a mess. Oh and there is some other petty drama going on with some other guy in his unit. Don't get me started on it, but it is not fair. I feel like Billy is getting picked on and we don't know why. I'm kinda getting tired of some of the crap going on. And so is he.
But we did make it to church yesterday. I went to the circus tent across the street. It was weird. Not horrible. Not uncomfortable. But certainly weird. We're going to keep searching.
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