I've not posted in a while. I've just been trying to think of what to write. See, if I write about what I think is going to happen with Billy and the Army, it is always wrong. So then I wait to see if what I hear actually happens and by then it seems so dull, I don't think I should bore anyone with it. Am I making sense at all? Plus, we've got Christmas this weekend and I've just been kinda running around like a looney toon trying to get everything together. But I will give you a run down of the highlights from the last two weeks.
First, the president visited Fort Bragg. Billy got the honor of guarding a parking lot. Which apparently was kinda neat, because they only picked a few of them. So he gets there at 3 am and sits in his car for 12 hours (except for the 25 minutes he stood out and directed buses out of the parking lot) and then gets a nice pat on the back for it. He was offered tickets into the place where Obama was giving his speech and he graciously declined. At the time, he was trying to stay awake and wasn't sure hearing a 30 minute speech would keep him from falling asleep. Of course, now that it is over, he kinda wishes he would have gone. I mean, who gets to say they got to see the President speak live - even if he's not fond of the guy. But he did get to see Air Force One. The plane - not the movie.
Second, Billy got yet another counseling statement about his PT test. This is six now. From six different people. It's like, really? Every person in charge has to discuss it with him as if he's forgotten what he's done. But he gets a chance to do a diagnostic run on Jan 6 which if he passes should lift the flag and everything attached to it. If not, he'll have 30 days from that point to pass the real test and if he fails that one... he's out. Blah! And by out... I mean out of the Army. No pressure though. GRRR!!! So here's my problem with this whole counseling statement thing. On it, it says that Billy is required to do remedial PT. This is that special PT in the afternoons. Since he got put on this bar/flag, he's had ONE session of remedial PT. This is something that his command sets up. How is that going to help him? And I know, if he argues that point they'll just say he should have been doing it on his own. So whatever. He's going to start working out with another guy next week, I hope, and get ready for his practice test on the 6th. Everyone pray!
Third, me and my gal-friends had a little Christmas party at my house last Friday night. Everyone was impressed with my party hosting skills. LOL! I was kind proud of my self. It was loads of fun. Kids had a blast. And I got a really cute picture of all us gals and a new coffee cup. Fun stuff!! One of the girls' husbands took a liking to Billy and they chatted for a while. He's not really been involved with the husbands yet so that made me feel better.
Fourth, the kids are out of school and we've not stopped doing stuff. We went to Chuck E Cheese for William's birthday on Tuesday. He had a blast! You should see that kid play some Air Hockey! It was super fun!
Fifth, Billy's good buddy Jonathan came into town yesterday. We took him to dinner and I know Billy really needed that. Just to have a piece of home here for a while was priceless. Billy's just been so down lately with the whole PT mess and being stuck here for the holidays. So to have his best friend come in was just what he needed. Although, he's still not 100%. I'm just hoping things will turn around after this PT mess is over.
Sixth, I THOUGHT Billy and I weren't exchanging gifts for Christmas since we got the washer and dryer. Little turd went out and brought home a nice big box with my name on it. So, I did a last minute run to get him some new sunglasses that I know he really needed. In the car that afternoon, I turned to him and said, "I really hope you like your new sunglasses. D'OH! I mean Christmas present!!" He just smiled. But I got all ridiculous about it! I wanted it to be a good surprise and I just made a mess of the whole thing. GRR!! Oh well, sucks to be a dummy!
So, maybe I know why I've not posted in a while. I know things are kinda sad here - at least for Billy. I don't want to be all doom and gloom. So, I've just kinda not felt like sharing all the sad stuff. It's not all sad. We've been having a few great laughs. Like when Allison was trying to teach William his birthday song...
Allison: Ok William. When I sing this, "whose birthday is it?" You say, "me me me!"
William: OK!
Allison: Are you ready?
William: YEAH!
Allison: Whose birthday is it?
William: You You You!!
And then there's my gal-friends who I've really started to care for. I love these ladies! It's not anywhere that you can say, "my husband went to the gas chamber today" and no one thinks twice about it. (Billy really did have to go this week. No big deal, just testing his mask) But they're already planning a big New Years Bash. I'm super excited about it! So this is going to sound awful, but I really want Billy to pass this test next month so that we don't have to leave. I kinda feel like I've found my place here. And a couple of my friends invited me to their church - I can't wait to go! They've got great things to say about it! So, yeah... I'm not ready to leave.
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