So Billy woke up at 3 am in order to get to his ruck march this morning. What is a ruck march? Well, it is a march in full uniform, with weapons, and a 35 pound bag on your back. This particular ruck march was a 12 mile march that they have to do once a year. So imagine wearing your full uniform including a 10 pound helmet, carrying a 35 pound mammoth backpack on your back, holding an 8 pound M16, and toting a 9 pound bag of water to drink. Now imagine walking with all this gear on a beach of loose sand AND walking up hill for half of it. AND doing it in under 4 hours in 37 degree weather. Not fun!! Billy finished in 3 hours and 47 minutes. They measured his ruck sack before he left and he had 47 pounds (he over packed) and rather than risk taking out too much stuff to make it less (it couldn't be less than 35 pounds) he just left it and basically walked around with Allison on his back for 12 miles. Let's just say that when he got home, I got a vivid image of what he's going to look like in 40 years - all hunched over, wearing his long underwear, knees knocking, feet swollen and blistered... it was miserable trying to watch him climb into bed. A heating pad wasn't going to cut it. I had to pull out the heated blanket and just wrap him all up like a buritto. Thank GOD it is only a once a year thing.
Speaking of being old and hurting... did I mention that I can hardly walk today after doing that ABS workout yesterday? Yeah, my ribs and sides feel like I've been punched by a mule - from both sides. We didn't do any kind of workout today. Not that I could have anyway. When it hurts to breathe... it's probably a sign to take a day off.
Anyway, that's all I know today. We're starting to gear up towards Christmas. I've got the kids completely done - I think. I'll have to wrap everything and make sure it all looks even. And we've got to start thinking about William's birthday coming up. Poor kid. I hate how close his birthday is to Christmas. But it's going to be fun. He's got quite a few little friends in the neighborhood that can come to his party. So, it's going to be kinda fun to have that! Can't wait!
Tanner has done pretty much over 20 miles of Rucking since we have been here... and he LOVES it. I am not kidding... he keeps trying to break his record!
Tanner is one of those "kids" that Billy is like, "Good for you and your young self!" LOL!!! He's such an old man. And his company will do a 6 mile ruck march every Wednesday. This one was totally rough because of the sand and the hills. Billy said someone told him his step was too short (taking too small of steps) and I've decided that it is from all the years he's had to take smaller steps for me so that I can keep up with him. So, apparently it is my fault he doesn't walk faster. LOL! Even if he walked normal, he'd hate the ruck marches.
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