Allison, as always, was super easy cheese. She knew exactly what she wanted and after walking up two or three aisles, came back with a $10 black dress for her glitter witch costume. Done.
Poor Emma was not as easy. She knew what she wanted, but unfortunately it was not something I would allow. I'm sorry. But for children's costumes to be so "sophisticated" blows my mind!!! I know she doesn't want to look ghoulish or childish. I understand. She wanted to be an Angel, but the only angel costume we found in her size could have been for a three year old. Now we did find another Angel costume that I promise you would never make it past the Pearly Gates into Heaven. Ever. So after a couple stores and a long painful hunt, we settled on a Genie costume. It really is adorable. Yes, it shows her belly, but at least it wasn't some mini-skirt, booty shorts, or strapless bikini top like we were seeing for her size.
Now... William was a whole other story. Right now he is on a Mulan kick. He loves the movie Mulan. More appropriately, he loves Mushu the little red dragon played by Eddie Murphy in Mulan. Well, here we are hunting out Emma's costume and he sees a little red devil costume and had a fit for it! "Mushu!! I want to be Mushu!!!" Now, the girls were having a cow. "Mom, you never let us dress like the devil. You can't let him be a devil." So, we started pointing out all the other more awesome costumes like Bumblebee from Transformers, or Woody, or a Pirate, or some weird one eyed monster from Yo Gabba Gabba. NOPE!! NADA!! NOTHING was better than Mushu the devil looking dragon. All the while he is chanting, "I love Mushu! I want to be Mushu! Mushu is awesome!" So I caved. I tried it on him and sent a picture back to Billy. He said, "He looks like a devil." UGH! By this point, I'm worn completely down to the nub and can't make any more decisions. William absolutely loves his Mushu costume. He has no idea he is a devil. He completely thinks he is a little red dragon and refuses to take the thing off. So I'm done. I let him have it. He's completely adorable no matter what he dresses as. But I can just see myself now walking around on Halloween explaining, "he's a dragon." "he's a dragon." "He's a Dragon!" I need to make him a sign, "I'm a dragon" Better yet, I'm going to let Billy walk around with him - that'll teach him to stay home while I take on the costume shopping myself.
I'll let you decide. Does he look like Mushu or Beelzebub?
(maybe I'll get him a yellow belly and whiskers)
Hmmm... I think that it could work if you get some yellow fabric and sew it on the front. But, at first glance I totally thought it was a dragon costume...
Are you just saying that, Heather, to make me feel better? Because it worked!!!!
And yeah, I'm going to find him a yellow belly and some ears and googly eyes to try and Mushu it up.
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