First... the house we are renting has been for sale for a while now. Apparently this past week, they reduced the price in an attempt to sell it quickly. Fine by me except now they are going to be showing it like mad. Which means I have to keep it spotless all the time. And also means I have to get up and leave every time they need access to it to show. Blech!
Second... our travel expenses are starting to freak me out. Because Billy got approved for HRAP (the hometown recruiting thing where he can come home and work in the recruiter's office for two weeks) he is now responsible for all travel expenses from VA to home and from home to Fort Bragg and then from Fort Bragg back home when he comes to get us so we can move. GRRRR!!!!
Third... we only have one vehicle. And it is not the newest vehicle either. We call it the miracle. It's got well over 300,000 miles on it. It runs. And it is paid for. But if we are going to make it to NC and back for any kind of holiday or emergency... we're going to need something that isn't going to explode on the road. So... we'll probably end up having to buy something when Billy is home. And the whole "save money and pay cash for a new car" is a big joke now. Plus, if Billy ends up driving to NC first before we go with him and he takes the Exploder, will he make it back? So looks like we'll be doing some car shopping while he is home. Pffflfllllttttt!!!!!!
Fourth... we still do not know anything!!!! I tried to start our housing application today to get the ball rolling, but you have to know all this stuff about his new unit and dates and everything. We do not know anything. It is beyond frustrating!!!
Fifth... Our cats. = ( I have looked into the pet policies at Fort Bragg. BLEH! We are talking major major major rules. Stuff like...If an animal has an accident on the carpets, the carpet will have to be replaced at the expense of the persons occupying the home. BLEH!! All pets are to be current on their vaccinations and are to be micro chipped prior to being approved for housing. BLEH BLEH BLEH! This is just going to super suck. I can't afford to have our cats done in the way they require. And if we live off-post we could maybe find a place that would rent to us with three cats. But all the houses I've looked at in that area are tiny, 3 bdrms, and expensive. Living on-post we would have our rent paid for. So... this is a huge hurdle. Especially when one of cats is technically my cousin's. And then let's say that we could afford to get all our cats taken care of and micro chipped... the installation only allows two pets. So, we'd still have to re-home one of them. And do we split up the brothers, take away the more mature one, or what?? Seriously hard decision. bleh...
Sixth... We have a lot of crap. The army only lets you bring 9000 pounds worth of stuff. Yes, they weigh the truck. Anything over that, and you have to pay. (I think) I have no idea how to even begin to figure out how much all our stuff weighs, but I mean, we've been married for 12 years, have three children, and lots of grandparents who like to give us their old antique furniture. Where do you even start?
Seven... When we move, our moving truck may not go straight to our home. Which means, we could be living in an empty house for a couple weeks. So, I will have to pack up the "what we need" stuff and haul it to NC in my own little truck. And see, most of that is stuff that we will be using until the day we move, so it's not like I can go ahead and pack it up. So, I'm waiting for that too. gggrrrr!!!!
Anyway, you get the picture. And I haven't even figured out how to get the kids transferred to another school yet or how to set up the movers, or when to even say we'll be needing to move. There's just too many hurdles which is in itself the biggest hurdle of all.
First off, I have found that most people think they have more weight then they actually do (case and point: I thought we would be over our 8000 pound limit, but we were only 5000.... Which why did they give you only 1000 pounds more than us?? Weird.). Thankfully you still have a lot of time to accomplish this stuff. Take a day at a time and get one task really worked on (maybe the cats or the school issue first?). Everything will go so much smoother when you have Billy's orders in hand. Scratch the school thing. You may want to wait until housing is taken care of to do the school thing. If you need any help, let me know!
Crap. It is only 8000 lbs. It seems like Billy's friend had a 9000 limit but he is a higher rank. We'll have to compare furniture to see if we might go over. You would think they wouldn't just go by rank, but that would go by rank AND family size.
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