So, with less than two weeks left of training, Billy's just about ready to burst. The Sgts are really coming down hard on everyone. Billy said everyone is just so ready to go home and everyone's attitudes are getting out of hand. He said he finally got smoked for the first time the other day. (I'm guessing he means individually smoked) He apparently fell asleep during a meeting. Good grief. He said his head bobbed down and it woke him up and everyone was staring at him. So he says, "I know what to do." And he gets down and starts doing push-ups. His Sgt just laughed at him. And then in formation the other night, the whole group got in trouble for something (he didn't say what) and the Sgts got so mad they started taking people's phones away. For two whole weeks. Somehow Billy managed to keep his phone. He said the only reason he even got in trouble was because he was near the guys who goofed up. Just sounds like a lot of people are pushing the wrong buttons and making the whole group pay for it. Anyway, he's ready to come home. And Lord knows, I'm ready for him to be home, too. Although he was pretty excited about getting to play paint ball and about shooting a 50 caliber machine gun out of the top of a hummer. Really? He said it was AWESOME!! And the funniest part was the guy with him in the truck decided to lay down and take a nap while Billy was up there playing Rambo.

Can you imagine??
Did I tell you that I applied for housing and got a phone call from the housing department saying that some of the forms I had to submit (like dependant information and such) were WRONG?? So, today I ended up going to the Armory to have them fix Billy's papers. It was like trying to wade through waist high jello at first. They didn't know what I was talking about and I didn't know enough to explain myself. But eventually we all got on the same page and they ended up being extremely helpful. So, a big shout out to Specialist Horn - my hero for the day! However, we're still waiting on the someone to fix his orders for Bragg. And I've got to hunt down his recruiter tomorrow and try and get some more forms from him just so I can get our housing application done. Will the fun ever end??
I'm going to just admit it... I'm starting to get a touch of the AIT-itis myself. Can't we just be done with this already?? Everyone keeps telling me how much better things get when we're at Bragg together. Even Billy himself tells me things will be better. I seriously canNOT wait!!
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