Billy and I both finished reading the blog about Pvt McGuire's adventures through basic training. What an eye opener. I'm scared for Billy and yet my heart is just already over flowing just thinking about seeing him all in uniform and having finished such a huge accomplishment. I'm scared only because there are a few guys who just don't make it through. And not for being unable. But stupid stuff like getting the flu or a spider bite. He'll be able to get another chance if something like that pops up. But ugh! I don't know. My mind is just full of this other guy's stories and even though everyone has a different experience... I can't help but be a little freaked anyway. I think he's going to hate it. I have no doubt he can do it. But it will be hard. For him. For me. For the kids. GOSH! Listen to me... I'm so mopey. I'll change to something more cheerful.... the guy writing the blog kept talking about how funny it was when people fart. It's like a bunch of 12 year olds giggling. That kept me laughing. And the Drill Sgt's quotes - hilarious!

Billy was actually bummed about not getting to work out today. They canceled because of the snow. They told him not to do anything at home until he's really good at it. They don't want him messing something up. So he's in there watching "In the Army Now" with Pauly Shore. LOL!!!
I made all the kids get to bed early even though I knew school was canceled because of snow. They didn't know this. I just didn't want everyone up all night. Even William is sound asleep. WHOO HOO! I guess I'll go watch some dumb Pauly Shore movie now - what's left of it. Buuuddeee!!!!!
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