Yeah.... apparently I was wrong about the no captians in the Army thing. OOPSIES! In my defense, if there really needs to be one... I was thinking that Captains were only in the Navy. you know, like a captain of a ship. Hey, I told you I got a LOT to learn. LOL!!!
Four hours later when I think Billy has dozed off in his recliner he surprises me and says, "I can not BELIEVE you thought there were no captains in the Army" and then proceeds to crack up at my expense. Thank you Thank you!! I'll be here all week!!! ppffllltttt!!!!!! That still doesn't mean he can be Captain Awesome though. It just makes me Private Dorkus.
No real news... snow coming in again tonight. blah! And I have a ton of homework to work on. BLAH! Allison had bball practice tonight and came in so excited about making 'a gazillion' shots! And Emma started talking about the boys she wanted to invite to her party and in the same breath she told her friend on the phone that she would make sure her boyfriend was there... to which I replied, "oh I decided we don't need to have a boy/girl party. Girls only." For Pete's Sake! She's turning 10, right? I didn't miss a couple of years while in a coma somewhere, right?
Billy's recruiter said we need to take a picture of him now, another before he ships out and then another when he gets done with bootcamp. I thought it was a great idea. So, I make him stand at an angle that will really show off that fabulous belly. : ) And then I take a close up of his
face. I said, "Billy, you need to smile so your kids will have a nice picture of their father to look at." He said, "Well, then they wouldn't know who I was."
I got a good quote for you: "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great."
~ Coach Jimmy Dugan, A League of their Own.
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