So, I mentioned that Emma was in high school now. It freaked me out for about 5 seconds, but she's handled it like a champ. Almost straight A's... something like a 3.79 GPA or something. The kid amazes me. Joined the marching band... Beta Club... and is in all honor's classes. She told me her career path was to become a Congresswoman. Lord, help us all. She'd be amazing at that. If anyone can get her way by simple persuasion, it's her. I always thought she be a great lawyer.
Anyway, so marching band... well, that's my forte. Billy and I met in college marching band. Yep, we're that couple. But whatever. So, around March of last year, I get a text from Emma's soon to be marching band director - a guy we knew from our college days of marching band. We'll call him Sir. So Sir sends me a text, "Hey Boo, would you be interested in being booster treasurer next year when Emma gets in band?" (my nickname to most of my close college friends is BBOO, he wasn't calling me Boo like 'hook-up girlfriend') Anyway.... my reply was "HECK YEAH!!" I had been waiting for this band mom title, and here was a chance to be on the board and everything.
I was elated.
I was stupid.
This volunteer job sucks my butt! It is the most time consuming and ridonkulous thing I've ever done. I mean, honestly, you have to have an accounting degree to do this kind of crap. But I will say in my defense, there aren't many people who could do this job. And since I work with numbers literally all day long every single day, I can kinda sorta get it. It just never ends. Ever.
Anyway, Sir and I are going to have a long discussion about it. Talking with the past treasurer, I find out the the job functions I've been doing - she never had to do. So, I've taken about triple the workload from what past treasurers have done and that pisses me off. I don't even enjoy it anymore. But some of the band kids started calling me Momma Boo, which I think is awesome, and now I want my grand-kids to call me that. Honestly, the kids make the whole tedious process worth it. Amazing wonderful kids, truly.
And here's the biggest plus and I will gladly shut up about everything because in 72 days I get to chaperon about 50 high school kids to Universal Studios Florida... or as I like to think of it.... Harry Potter World!!!! TOTALLY EXCITED!!!! I mean, like I'm beyond words excited!!!!!
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