So yeah... I started my first class in my Master's Program today. I have to admit, yesterday I was really feeling down and quite frankly a little scared to death about this school thing. It was only magnified when I tried to look at the other students' biographies in my class. We're talking some high executive professionals, some major international traveling corporate gurus... and then there is me... "the stay at home military spouse." I feel just a little out of my league. Well that was yesterday. Today I go into the first class discussion and these folks are no different than me. They even make grammatical errors. Thank you Lord! I'm still a bit intimidated because I have so little to bring to the table, but then again... maybe I don't need to bring much - just pick and chose what I want to carry home with me. I could very well learn a lot from these over achievers.
But speaking of yesterday and all it's crappiness. Billy's truck battery is acting all dumb. So, I went to jump his car off after his class and it kept acting funny. So, he takes it up to Auto Zone where we bought the stupid battery a year ago and we were 15 days too late. They would have guaranteed it within the year. But it was Sept 18 and the thing expired Sept 3. GGRR!!!!!! Whatever. It's up and running today - we pray. I'm going to be on call for if he needs me to come get him after his class.
What class you ask??? Well, he's in Radiation Officer school. Basically it just means that he will get to play in the gas chamber a lot. It also means that he will be posted at headquarters - we think. Lord knows that will change tomorrow since I typed it out here today. Stupid army.
But I have great news!! Little William hasn't wet himself at night for almost two weeks!! I'm still not convinced to let him get out of pull ups at night, but we are just that much closer! I'm thinking the "light switch" must have been hiding at school and he found it when he became such a big school boy.
But that's all today. I have to go spend my last $20 on gas so that I can go pick up my dear husband if his truck dies again. Wanna know how I got $20?? I sold that dern couch I've been holding onto for dear life for years and years. Twenty friggin dollars. I shouldn't fuss. I probably could have paid someone that to come haul it off for me.
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