Can someone please PLEASE PLEASE take YouTube away from my husband!??!! For Pete's Sake! About two weeks ago, he needed to replace the bulb in the headlight of his truck. So, he gets the brilliant idea to look it up on YouTube to see just exactly how to take all the parts off, clean them and reassemble them. All this was fine and dandy. But this also led to his obsession with watching all these 'how to' videos like "How to install air shocks" "How to put a lift kit on your Ford Explorer" "How to find the secret computer code on your truck to reprogram the security code keyless entry thingy." I'm not kidding!! He's been on a hiatus over this YouTube sensation. Now he's been looking at toy monster trucks and how to build bigger engines or install 4x4 kits and all this stuff. And yes, he already owns a toy monster truck. This is not a kid's toy. This is one of those adult men toys. So, last night he pulls the monster truck out of the closet (where it's been since 2006) and dusts off the old battery charger ready to do some major overhauling of his newly rediscovered toy -- only to be stopped short of the fact that he can't find the battery anywhere. OK... so, this thing has now been through three moves in the past three years. It's been packed and unpacked three times. Never used.. just shuffled about and shoved in the closet for "future" use. So... when he calls me last night as I am on the way to Allison's parent track briefing to ask me where the battery for this toy monster truck is... I'm in a box... somewhere... and no I do not know where. So guess what I got to do this morning?? Yup, dig through our "I don't know what to do with this crap and therefore will not unpack it and just keep moving it from house to house until it gets thrown away" box and low and behold there it was!!!! I was dreading the task like you have no idea. Going into that box just opens up so many overwhelming issues... I need to have a yard sale... I need a hoarders intervention... I need to stop keeping crap that I will never use... why is there a caulk gun in here? I am lucky that I found the battery within the first few minutes and was able to just put the top back on the box and walk away. Otherwise, I'd still be in this box digging and making a list of things that I just do not think I can tackle right now. Kinda like when this morning Allison came to me and said that she wanted to wear shorts but all her shorts were in the "summer clothes" box and could I please help her find some. So, I pull out this box and start digging through clothes and the same thing happens. I wonder if Emma can wear these yet... why are there a perfectly good pair of jeans in Emma's size in this box and not in her drawers where she can wear them now... we need to sit down and make everyone go through their drawers to start cleaning out their winter things...ooohh here are some perfect shorts for Allison to run in.
As I'm typing this out... I realize that I not only need to have a yard sale, but I need to do some major spring cleaning. And ALL this because Billy and his dern YouTube.
Army Life Update:
Billy's been in driver's training now for almost two weeks. He's doing well and is actually really loving it. Only problem is that his back and his shoulders hurt - from A. the seats in the vehicles are awful and B. he has to wear his helmet all the time. My thought was ,"you better get used to it because when you go over to the Afghanland, you're going to be wearing your helmet and driving these vehicles all the time. But what do I know??"
Kids Update:
Emma's been grounded for about 6 weeks now. I love her, Lord knows I do!! But she just did some really dumb things all at the same time and it caught up to her and therefore she is under lock and key until (as of right now) March 23rd. See, I grounded her a while back and told her she would be ungrounded by the 15th - BUT if she gave me attitude or got in trouble, I would add one day to her punishment. You do the math. She kinda hates me right now. But I don't see any other way to get through to her. And I promise you once this punishment is over, I will do the same thing - ground her for a day every time she gives me grief. Oh and see the grounding isn't from playing outside... she's not allowed to do anything electronics (TV, computer, Ipad, phone...), she isn't allowed to have friends over or go to friend's houses, and when she plays outside - she has to check in with me every 30 minutes - if she's late, I add another day. Momma ain't playing!!!
Allison had a bit of a meltdown last night. I took her with me to the parent meeting for the track team. They were throwing out words like Track Meets, spikes for shoes, assessments, sports bras, spandex, sprinting, long jump, relays, invitationals, junior Olympics.... She just got a little overwhelmed. So right before bed she came and climbed in bed with me and Billy and said, "I don't want to do track anymore!!" Bursting into tears she admitted that it was scary and she didn't like to do new things. I said, "do you like to run?" She said, "yes." I said, "do you run well?" She said she guessed so. I told her that's all she needed to worry about. All the rest will just work out. I think she's going to be fine. Just have to get her excited about buying her new running shoes!!
William is William. We can't walk down the street unless he gets on his big wheel and tears up the pavement with his little plastic tires. The dog ate his new tennis shoes he got for Christmas so we had to go out and buy him some new ones. He got ones just like his Daddy and now he thinks he's big stuff!! He'll start soccer in a couple weeks. I'm a little stressed about it because his practices are the same days and times as Allison's track practices. So, that's going to be a bit of a juggling exhibition. I think that my neighbor is going to be his coach and if so, she can at least get him to practice and either Billy or I can come afterwards. I just don't know which parent is going to do which thing. Sigh...
My update:
Nothing much is new. I'm determined to get some sun on my legs as I look like a speckled white egg. And other than running here and there and everywhere... I'm just hanging in there. Laundry... dishes... coffee and catching up on some TV I've been missing. Oh and this must be the season for Home Product Parties. This week I'll have gone to three. Mary Kay, Jafra, and Thirty-One. All this in one week!! I just don't think my wallet can handle this kind of stress. The Mary Kay lady was a cousin of my neighbor who was in desperate need of some extra cash, so in my mind it was an act of kindness that I bought mineral foundation, eye make-up remover, and lip gloss. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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