Friday, February 10, 2012


I knew there was a reason I hung those curtains. I woke up Wednesday morning determined to get those things on the window. They were the last window that needed curtains in the house and I couldn't stand it any longer. And of course we all know the significance of these curtains. So I climb up onto the ladder. Take that drill and bracket and just beat the living crap out of it. It's still wobbly as I'll get out. But it's in the wall. both brackets are attached. Both brackets are attached in a way that would make Martha Stewart cry. But whatever. I am not inviting her over any time soon. And so this morning, I look at my window as the silky brown sheers block the sun light from blinding me and I can't help but feel as though life is just really good. Billy and I had a real "come to Jesus" talk via text messages this morning at 3 am as he was sitting in his truck 14 miles away. After much much much prayer, he said he had to go. And four hours later he sends me a message saying he passed!!

Sometimes even though we aren't sure of how things are going to work out and we soldier on (no pun intended) we can see that our faith might be wobbly like those brackets. But it's faith nonetheless. Those brackets are hanging onto the wall for dear life as the weight of the curtain tries to pull it down and cause it lose its grip. But no. My curtains are staying put. And so are we. our faith is now just that much stronger!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm behind and just getting a chance to catch up on your blog. Congrats to Billy and all of you! So happy for you.