Sunday, January 1, 2012


The ladies that I have come to really care about here all live on my street. It's not a very long street but it is kinda neat that we all pretty much found each other and can manage to hang out without a lot of drama and nonsense. I like to think of us in pairs. There's me and the lady on the corner - we are down on the same end. Then there's glitter mama and the gal whose husband is deployed - they live on the other end across from each other. Then there is the nurse lady and the gal whose husband is gone for training - they live in the middle and right next door to each other. So, we all decided to have a New Years party - or Glitter Fest. Everyone had to dress up in something sparkly and then cover themselves in glitter. It was awesome! Even the husbands got attacked with the glitter spray at certain points through the night. Poor Billy. I made the glitter mama spray him. There was no hope for him. She got him good. It was just a fun evening! Most new years over the past several years, we've just kinda woke up around midnight and kissed each other and the kids and then went back to sleep. This year we were surrounded by so many good friends and all their kids. It was awesome!! At midnight, we just walked around hugging and kissing as many people as we could find. There were so many people there, it was a while before we ran out of friends to hug. Makes you kinda feel good.

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