(i did this from my phone and it hates me and wouldn't let me finish... Oh well)
Hello from Virginia!! Today has been a very long and exhausting day of travel. Woke up at 2am only because I could not sleep! Finally gave up trying at 4 am and went on to the airport. And six hours later I arrived at my hotel. I pretty sure I fell asleep before I put my suitcase on the bed. So after a long and much needed nap, I woke up to Billy calling me to tell me his papers got fixed (whoo hoo number 1). And we got an email from the housing department at bragg. Looks like our application was accepted and they advised me to call our neighborhood of choice and figure out when a house would be available. So I did. And guess what?!? The lady said we could move in today if we wanted! So by the time we get to bragg we will be able to just go straight into our new house!! (whoo hoo number two) It's just been a very wonderful and busy day! And tomorrow I get to see Billy! I did drive out to the post tonight and did a stalker like drive by (a couple times) in hopes of seeing him. But no luck. But that is ok!! Only 8 more hours!!! (whoo hoo number three) Oh and Billy was able to get his uniforms exchanged finally after trying four times. (whoo hoo number four)
Anyway... In light of all the goodness that came out of today, I also made several observations about my trip that I would like to share.
1. Norfolk IS pronounced with a bad word.
2. Virginia is beautiful!!! I don't think I paid any attention the last time I was here.
3. I have flown more in the past two months than I have ever flown in my entire life.
4. The temperature is about 20 degrees cooler and GLORIOUS!
5. Driving a rental car is really fun! Especially a bright cherry red one.
6. Hotels are not really all that fun when you are alone. I was a bit of a freak. I would run to my car and then run to the hotel room door. And then once inside I would lock every single lock and chain and latch AND put the "do not disturb" sign on the door.
7. There are more movie theaters in a 10 mile radius than in the entire county back home.
8. And even on the last day of their training, they still had an early lights out and hardly any personal time to talk. BLAH!! But whatever! Almost done - WHOO HOO!!!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Making the list and checking it twice
It is the eve of my little mini vacation. I've got all the children packed (well, I really let them pack themselves..so we'll see) and I'm on the way to getting myself packed. But if you know me at all, you know this is a process. Making a list of every single thing I will need, even down to outlining what outfit I will wear on each day including undergarments. I know, I'm a sad little woman. But I just can't help it. And then I'll make lists of things I know I need to do before I can walk out the door. If I don't sit down and write, "take trash to the dump" then I'll walk past the trash bad seven times and think about taking it, but then just never take it. I also like to write things on my list that I've already done. This way I can go ahead and cross them out so that I feel like I've accomplished something. Yup. I'm awesome that way!
Anyway, I'm just super excited! One of my besties from college (the first time around) is taking me to dinner tomorrow and we're going to talk each other's ears off while stuffing our faces. I absolutely can't wait! A perfect start to my mini-vaca!! And then bless her soul, she's letting me sleep on her couch so I can get to the airport bright and early Wednesday. (I think I'm repeating myself from yesterday's blog... sorry)
I'm getting that nervous feeling again. I've not seen my husband in 8 weeks. He did send me a picture after I begged him for a week. And of course, he didn't smile. Typical Billy.
Anyway, I'm just super excited! One of my besties from college (the first time around) is taking me to dinner tomorrow and we're going to talk each other's ears off while stuffing our faces. I absolutely can't wait! A perfect start to my mini-vaca!! And then bless her soul, she's letting me sleep on her couch so I can get to the airport bright and early Wednesday. (I think I'm repeating myself from yesterday's blog... sorry)

But I'm trying not to get too excited about it all. I will get to see him in his dress blues and he has already told me he looks awesome in them. So, that's going to incredibly wonderful! (I've already written 'camera' on my list - so I will get plenty of pics for everyone to see)
Oh and in the 6 minutes we were allowed to talk tonight (double the time we had yesterday) he told me that his papers still haven't been fixed. GOOD GRIEF!!! But he did talk to the housing department and they told him to fax his wrong orders to them and they can at least get the process started. But if we send the wrong papers to transportation (movers) then he'll only be allowed to move 5000 pounds. Trust me when I say that is not going to fly. I'm not going to flip out. I'm simply floating. At this point, I don't care what other piece of crap hits the fan, I'm just going to FLIPPIN FLOAT! *insert big cheesy sarcastic grin*
So, more than likely I'll be blogging from the phone - or maybe not at all. But I hope to get as many pictures and memories out of this quick little trip to Virginia as I can. Most of all, I'm just beyond happy that he's almost home. Sunday, August 28, 2011
Bunch of hoowee
Today was a bunch of hoowee. I have no idea what hoowee is, much less how to spell it. but there you go. Today was a BUNCH OF HOOWEE! Not hearing from Billy just stinks. He tried to call three times and kept getting cut off. Finally this evening he gets a signal on his phone and only gets to call me for a few minutes because their lights out was thirty minutes early. What a bunch of HOOWEE!!!!!
But here we are folks. On the absolute edge of the end. Tomorrow I am cleaning, washing clothes and packing. Tuesday, I'm dropping off children at their respected places of temporary residence for while I'm away. Once all the kids are settled, I'm off to Nashville to stay with a dear friend who is kind enough to let me crash on her couch so I won't have to make such a long drive on Wednesday morning. Because Wednesday I'm leeevin ooonn a jet plane!!!! I'm just ready to get there already. Apparently, the hurricane knocked down lots of trees and millions of people lost power for a day or so. But things are already back on track. So, yay! Irene only tried to threaten my trip.
And the excitement of moving seems to be bubbling up more and more on the inside. I know I have plenty to do to get it all accomplished before we actually move. Stuff like do one last clean sweep of the house. There is still so much more that we can take off to Goodwill - like old ride on toys down in the basement. Or the gazillion and twenty toys in William's toy box. I can't even close the lid. That is my goal- to just be able to close the lid.
Allison spent the night at a friend's house last night and this child's mom told me that she had a bit of a meltdown in the middle of the night over Billy. Allison asked me tonight if I thought she was a momma's girl or a daddy's girl. LOL! I told her most definitely a daddy's girl. She said that she looked like me and not daddy. So, I told her just how much her sense of humor was like her daddy's and her temperament - basically her whole personality is like her dad's. I could just see the wheels turning in her head after that one.
I just can't wait to bring their daddy home. That's a HOOAH not a HOOWEE!!
But here we are folks. On the absolute edge of the end. Tomorrow I am cleaning, washing clothes and packing. Tuesday, I'm dropping off children at their respected places of temporary residence for while I'm away. Once all the kids are settled, I'm off to Nashville to stay with a dear friend who is kind enough to let me crash on her couch so I won't have to make such a long drive on Wednesday morning. Because Wednesday I'm leeevin ooonn a jet plane!!!! I'm just ready to get there already. Apparently, the hurricane knocked down lots of trees and millions of people lost power for a day or so. But things are already back on track. So, yay! Irene only tried to threaten my trip.
And the excitement of moving seems to be bubbling up more and more on the inside. I know I have plenty to do to get it all accomplished before we actually move. Stuff like do one last clean sweep of the house. There is still so much more that we can take off to Goodwill - like old ride on toys down in the basement. Or the gazillion and twenty toys in William's toy box. I can't even close the lid. That is my goal- to just be able to close the lid.
Allison spent the night at a friend's house last night and this child's mom told me that she had a bit of a meltdown in the middle of the night over Billy. Allison asked me tonight if I thought she was a momma's girl or a daddy's girl. LOL! I told her most definitely a daddy's girl. She said that she looked like me and not daddy. So, I told her just how much her sense of humor was like her daddy's and her temperament - basically her whole personality is like her dad's. I could just see the wheels turning in her head after that one.
I just can't wait to bring their daddy home. That's a HOOAH not a HOOWEE!!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I need medication
Ok, my entire body is fluttering. First of all, I did the most stupidest thing ever and drank a stupid Mocha Frappe from McDonald's this evening. So, now my insides are bouncing around like they're on a crack withdrawal. I'm physically shaking from all that caffeine. I haven't had caffeine in a while now, and my body is FREAKING OUT!! But, anyway, then I get home and turn on the weather channel to watch the hurricane coverage. blah! I know he's safe and everything's fine. But I can't stop watching the coverage. It wouldn't be so bad if he was able to call me. But his phone lost signal early this morning and so the last I heard from him was from someone else's phone at 11 am. So, I haven't talked to him at all. I'm more sad than worried. When he told me yesterday he was basically going to get to have his phone all weekend, all day long, I was super excited about actually getting to talk to him. Blah! Thanks a lot, Irene!!
So I come home and the coverage of the hurricane was only aggravating my already shaken condition, so I try to turn on something normal to watch. And since I dumped the good cable about a month ago, all I had was the "Family movie night" on NBC. Turned out it was about a family whose Marine dad dies in Iraq and all the aftermath of that. Nice choice, right? But it was either that or the Weather Channel. So, I chose both. I would flip to TWC during commercials. I'm an idiot.
Anyway, here I am still coming off my caffeine high, missing Billy like crazy, and just completely unsure how this week is going to pan out with all the destruction from Irene. I need something to help counteract the caffeine high. Like some sort of sleeping pill or something.
So I come home and the coverage of the hurricane was only aggravating my already shaken condition, so I try to turn on something normal to watch. And since I dumped the good cable about a month ago, all I had was the "Family movie night" on NBC. Turned out it was about a family whose Marine dad dies in Iraq and all the aftermath of that. Nice choice, right? But it was either that or the Weather Channel. So, I chose both. I would flip to TWC during commercials. I'm an idiot.
Anyway, here I am still coming off my caffeine high, missing Billy like crazy, and just completely unsure how this week is going to pan out with all the destruction from Irene. I need something to help counteract the caffeine high. Like some sort of sleeping pill or something.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Me, Myself, and Irene
Well, dang. I'm officially scared. Looks like the hurricae Irene is headed straight toward my dear husband. They are taking it very seriously and doing what they need to in order to be safe. But dang. He's probably in the safest place possible. I think my biggest fear is that the hurricane comes in and just knocks out all the buildings and power for a week or more and that will delay my trip and his graduation. I know I KNOW! That is the most selfish and ridiculous thing I could possible say. I'm sorry. It's horrible. And to admit it on here in front of my entire audience (all 8 of you) I feel like a total bad word. But there it is. I'm nervous that this will delay my trip to see him and it will delay his getting to come home. It's all about me me me!
Ok but seriously, I'm sure things will be fine. Obviously, my main concern is for his safety. And I have complete faith that the military will keep him out of harms way. I just want him home. It's like we're so close.... I just don't know if I want to deal with any more bumps in this road.
On a lighter note: An awesome conversation with William. I had sprayed bleach in my bathtub today and went to rinse it out a bit later. For some reason, my water pressure was almost non-existent so I say, "What is wrong with this water?" William says, "It's wet, isn't it?" Man, I love that kid!!
Ok but seriously, I'm sure things will be fine. Obviously, my main concern is for his safety. And I have complete faith that the military will keep him out of harms way. I just want him home. It's like we're so close.... I just don't know if I want to deal with any more bumps in this road.
On a lighter note: An awesome conversation with William. I had sprayed bleach in my bathtub today and went to rinse it out a bit later. For some reason, my water pressure was almost non-existent so I say, "What is wrong with this water?" William says, "It's wet, isn't it?" Man, I love that kid!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Maybe a little progress....maybe
So, yeah. I am starting to piece some of the puzzle pieces together. Still don't have any real answers... but we're closer. I think. Maybe. The paper fixin guy was there today and was fixin to fix the papers when Billy asked about them. So... we're so praying to get them tomorrow. AND we're praying that someone will let him use a fax machine. I'm starting to get a little anxious now. But... again. Out of my control. So, I will do what I know I can. Like boxing up those old casserole dishes I never use or the tupperware that is missing lids and taking them to Goodwill. I can do that. Yes, that I can do.
We're about |--------| this close to selling my piano and antique dresser. I am getting lots of calls, just no one actually coming to get anything. I did sell my china cabinet last week. But we still have no one to take the cats. Long and stupid story, but last week we found the little guys a home and THEY BROUGHT THEM BACK! GRRR!!!! It was probably for the best for reasons I won't go into. But the fact that we went through the motions of all of us saying goodbye only to get them back and now have to say goodbye again... blech!
William has turned into such a big kid lately. I don't know what it is. But he's just acting like a kid rather than a toddler. Playing with his toys, eating his dinner, making conversation... He is making jokes and laughing at more mature things. I just look at him and even his face looks grown up. It's like I'm losing my little baby boy.
I'm kinda scattered tonight. I've been listening to sad love songs tonight like a big fat dummy. So, I'm just counting down the minutes until I get to see my dearest husband. We are so close and yet so far away!! And I think what got me in my sad love song mood, was just talking to Billy tonight. He's super DONE with this training. SOO ready to come home. Not having fun anymore. Hating it actually. It's time to come home.
OK GOSH! I gotta get out of this mood. I think this will do the trick...
We're about |--------| this close to selling my piano and antique dresser. I am getting lots of calls, just no one actually coming to get anything. I did sell my china cabinet last week. But we still have no one to take the cats. Long and stupid story, but last week we found the little guys a home and THEY BROUGHT THEM BACK! GRRR!!!! It was probably for the best for reasons I won't go into. But the fact that we went through the motions of all of us saying goodbye only to get them back and now have to say goodbye again... blech!
William has turned into such a big kid lately. I don't know what it is. But he's just acting like a kid rather than a toddler. Playing with his toys, eating his dinner, making conversation... He is making jokes and laughing at more mature things. I just look at him and even his face looks grown up. It's like I'm losing my little baby boy.
I'm kinda scattered tonight. I've been listening to sad love songs tonight like a big fat dummy. So, I'm just counting down the minutes until I get to see my dearest husband. We are so close and yet so far away!! And I think what got me in my sad love song mood, was just talking to Billy tonight. He's super DONE with this training. SOO ready to come home. Not having fun anymore. Hating it actually. It's time to come home.
OK GOSH! I gotta get out of this mood. I think this will do the trick...
Attack of the killer apples!!
Now if that don't make you smile... I just don't know what would
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Wonder years... cont...
The other night I referenced The Wonder Years and all the turmoil my family seems to be having with their friends... well guess what... there's more.
Tonight as I'm getting dinner together, Allison was unloading the dishwasher and just talking away. She's telling me about how her friends don't like a girl in their class and they won't play with her. So, today she tried to stand up for the girl and her "friends" turned on her. It was a hard lesson for her. But I honestly couldn't be more proud. I told her that no matter how bad she feels about her other friends, she needs to think about how good she made her outsider friend feel. Her big problem was now she thinks the other girls won't like her again. I had to tell her that no matter what her friends think, she did a good thing. She shouldn't worry about what her other friends think because one day they will realize she was right. And if they don't... they probably aren't the kind of friends she needs. Again... hard lesson to learn. But I'm really glad she has such integrity at such a young age. I know many adults who could never do what she did today.
To update you on the move... no amended orders = no progress whatsoever. I did get some information on how to set up movers, but it does me no good until Billy gets his papers fixed. And apparently, the fella who is doing the paper fixin will be there tomorrow. So, everyone say a prayer!!!
I didn't get to talk to Billy very long tonight. He wasn't in a great mood. This last week is just going to drag on and it's keeping him down. Plus, when things are going wrong... everything seems horrible. If you remember he wasn't able to exchange his uniforms at Basic because they couldn't get them washed. So all his uniforms are 3 sizes too big. Today he was supposed to be able to exchange them again. But because of the massive earthquake that shook 22 states along the east coast, he was late getting there. And by the time he got there, they didn't have any more of his size. Really? I can feel his frustration from here. There's a chance he will get to do it this weekend when they get another shipment of shirts. But who knows.
Oh and no, even though Billy was 120 miles away from the epicenter of the earthquake, he didn't feel it because they were driving around post in a van. LOL!!! People were evacuating the White House and every news station was covering it, but they didn't even know anything had happened until they made them get out of the van and stand outside for a while. He was like, "What?? There was an earthquake???" I wonder if he'll notice there is a hurricane flying his way this weekend.
Tonight as I'm getting dinner together, Allison was unloading the dishwasher and just talking away. She's telling me about how her friends don't like a girl in their class and they won't play with her. So, today she tried to stand up for the girl and her "friends" turned on her. It was a hard lesson for her. But I honestly couldn't be more proud. I told her that no matter how bad she feels about her other friends, she needs to think about how good she made her outsider friend feel. Her big problem was now she thinks the other girls won't like her again. I had to tell her that no matter what her friends think, she did a good thing. She shouldn't worry about what her other friends think because one day they will realize she was right. And if they don't... they probably aren't the kind of friends she needs. Again... hard lesson to learn. But I'm really glad she has such integrity at such a young age. I know many adults who could never do what she did today.
To update you on the move... no amended orders = no progress whatsoever. I did get some information on how to set up movers, but it does me no good until Billy gets his papers fixed. And apparently, the fella who is doing the paper fixin will be there tomorrow. So, everyone say a prayer!!!
I didn't get to talk to Billy very long tonight. He wasn't in a great mood. This last week is just going to drag on and it's keeping him down. Plus, when things are going wrong... everything seems horrible. If you remember he wasn't able to exchange his uniforms at Basic because they couldn't get them washed. So all his uniforms are 3 sizes too big. Today he was supposed to be able to exchange them again. But because of the massive earthquake that shook 22 states along the east coast, he was late getting there. And by the time he got there, they didn't have any more of his size. Really? I can feel his frustration from here. There's a chance he will get to do it this weekend when they get another shipment of shirts. But who knows.
Oh and no, even though Billy was 120 miles away from the epicenter of the earthquake, he didn't feel it because they were driving around post in a van. LOL!!! People were evacuating the White House and every news station was covering it, but they didn't even know anything had happened until they made them get out of the van and stand outside for a while. He was like, "What?? There was an earthquake???" I wonder if he'll notice there is a hurricane flying his way this weekend.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Next week
So, we're not really any further on the moving business. Looks like we're going to have to wait until his papers get fixed. We just can't do anything. Which totally stinks. But I don't know what else to do but wait.
Moving on.
I was able to get some answers out of the housing office today. They told me to refer to the email they sent me last week. I had to tell them I never got any email. So, she sent it again. Never got it. I called a THIRD time and they had our email address wrong. grrr!!!
But moving on.
I called the temporary housing office at Bragg to find out how we can reserve a room in case we get there and our house isn't ready. They said they would give us 10 days of paid temporary housing. Apparently every other post in the world gives 30 days. Not Bragg.
So, I know I sound like I'm complaining. I'm trying really hard not to. I have come to the conclusion today that no matter how hard I try and get answers, the further confused I become. It's two steps forward and six steps back. So, in talking to my mother tonight, I decided that it will just have to work out or it won't. I can't control anything at this point. There's only so much Billy can do where he is. I have a feeling we're going to be spending our entire time while I'm in VA running around to all these different places trying to get something taken care of. However, I just thought that it is the Friday before Labor Day and I bet there won't be a soul on post to help us. Yay.
But there is one very awesome thing I can share with you. Today on the phone with one of these departments, I actually said the words, "Yes, my husband is done with training next week." NEXT WEEK!!!
Moving on.
I was able to get some answers out of the housing office today. They told me to refer to the email they sent me last week. I had to tell them I never got any email. So, she sent it again. Never got it. I called a THIRD time and they had our email address wrong. grrr!!!
But moving on.
I called the temporary housing office at Bragg to find out how we can reserve a room in case we get there and our house isn't ready. They said they would give us 10 days of paid temporary housing. Apparently every other post in the world gives 30 days. Not Bragg.
So, I know I sound like I'm complaining. I'm trying really hard not to. I have come to the conclusion today that no matter how hard I try and get answers, the further confused I become. It's two steps forward and six steps back. So, in talking to my mother tonight, I decided that it will just have to work out or it won't. I can't control anything at this point. There's only so much Billy can do where he is. I have a feeling we're going to be spending our entire time while I'm in VA running around to all these different places trying to get something taken care of. However, I just thought that it is the Friday before Labor Day and I bet there won't be a soul on post to help us. Yay.
But there is one very awesome thing I can share with you. Today on the phone with one of these departments, I actually said the words, "Yes, my husband is done with training next week." NEXT WEEK!!!
He is done
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Sometimes it is just hard
So, ever notice in a sitcom or television drama where there is some lesson to be learned and it seems as though several of the characters are all facing the same kind of issue at the same time? Like when Kevin on the Wonder Years was faced with a racial issue in his high school. And his sister was at the same time doing a protest march for civil rights. And then the dad had some sort of racial issue at his work. (I'm completely making that up, but I'm sure at some point there was an episode like that). Anyway... they all are going through the same thing and it just all ties in nicely at the end with a big ole' happy ending.
Well, strangely enough, my family is going through one of those episodes. I won't go into any specific details but it revolves around some friends. My daughter has a friend who likes to cling to her at school, but then will ignore her in public. Not nice and it's hard for a young girl to understand that some friends are just there when it is convenient. My husband made a really good friend in training only to find out their true character this week and too is very disappointed in how things happened. I don't know why bad things happen to good people, but I do know this... There is no reason why anyone should treat someone else any less than how they want to be treated. What happened to the Golden Rule? Unfortunately, I do not see any nice little antidote wrapped up in a big cheesy one liner followed by the ending credits and a theme song.
But that's OK. Sometimes life is just a bit of a disappointment. You make friends and you lose friends. But it is how you hold onto your own values in the end that really matters.
Yeah... I know. That was cheesy.
Well, strangely enough, my family is going through one of those episodes. I won't go into any specific details but it revolves around some friends. My daughter has a friend who likes to cling to her at school, but then will ignore her in public. Not nice and it's hard for a young girl to understand that some friends are just there when it is convenient. My husband made a really good friend in training only to find out their true character this week and too is very disappointed in how things happened. I don't know why bad things happen to good people, but I do know this... There is no reason why anyone should treat someone else any less than how they want to be treated. What happened to the Golden Rule? Unfortunately, I do not see any nice little antidote wrapped up in a big cheesy one liner followed by the ending credits and a theme song.
But that's OK. Sometimes life is just a bit of a disappointment. You make friends and you lose friends. But it is how you hold onto your own values in the end that really matters.
Yeah... I know. That was cheesy.
Friday, August 19, 2011
God knows... He always knows
This afternoon, I start to really realize just how freakin clueless I am about everything. I do not even know enough about anything to ask an intelligent question, much less who to ask. I'm so completely lost with this whole moving thing. Nothing is normal. Everything is complicated. I'm kinda losing my mind here. So, I decide I need a day off. I want a day off to sit on my couch with a large diet coke and some chinese food and watch movies like Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice so I can just NOT THINK for a while. I call my mother in law and set it up to where the kids are going to spend the evening with her tomorrow so I can have my date with Mr. Darcy and Mr. Rochester. As expected (since nothing ever goes the way I plan)... the landlady calls right after and asks if she can show the house tomorrow at 4 in the afternoon. Now, I'm completely depressed!! So, I'm in the middle of my meltdown and Billy calls me (completely unexpectedly) He lets me cry into the phone for a minute and gives me some positives about the whole thing - just helps me see that it's not really a big deal. So, I'm kinda feeling better. But then he has to hang up after only a few minutes since this completely odd time of day phone call was technically illegal - so we say goodbye and I'm sitting here missing him just even more than I was ten minutes ago. This second wave of meltdown finds me sitting on my porch swing outside. So, I just say a little prayer that all the obstacles in my way (the landlady, the cats, the housing, the forms, the move, the cluelessness) will just go away for a while. I feel my whole body relax and I just sit there in my swing completely wrapped up in the breeze and quietness of the afternoon... when I hear a really loud buzzing over my shoulder. A little freaked out, I turn my head in that direction and low and behold there hovered a bright blue hummingbird. Beautiful tiny creature. And such a rare sight in my yard since I don't have a single flower or feeder. It flew around me a couple times and then as if saying, "hey, why do you worry so much? Take a chill pill for crying out loud," it just flew away. Amazing!
I'm sitting there in a complete daze thanking God for taking away my troubles for a moment and I get a text message. From Billy. "Don't be upset. Just roll with it. By the way, I made squad leader today." Now I'm just smiling and crying at the same time. What a day!
I'm sitting there in a complete daze thanking God for taking away my troubles for a moment and I get a text message. From Billy. "Don't be upset. Just roll with it. By the way, I made squad leader today." Now I'm just smiling and crying at the same time. What a day!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
So, with less than two weeks left of training, Billy's just about ready to burst. The Sgts are really coming down hard on everyone. Billy said everyone is just so ready to go home and everyone's attitudes are getting out of hand. He said he finally got smoked for the first time the other day. (I'm guessing he means individually smoked) He apparently fell asleep during a meeting. Good grief. He said his head bobbed down and it woke him up and everyone was staring at him. So he says, "I know what to do." And he gets down and starts doing push-ups. His Sgt just laughed at him. And then in formation the other night, the whole group got in trouble for something (he didn't say what) and the Sgts got so mad they started taking people's phones away. For two whole weeks. Somehow Billy managed to keep his phone. He said the only reason he even got in trouble was because he was near the guys who goofed up. Just sounds like a lot of people are pushing the wrong buttons and making the whole group pay for it. Anyway, he's ready to come home. And Lord knows, I'm ready for him to be home, too. Although he was pretty excited about getting to play paint ball and about shooting a 50 caliber machine gun out of the top of a hummer. Really? He said it was AWESOME!! And the funniest part was the guy with him in the truck decided to lay down and take a nap while Billy was up there playing Rambo.
Did I tell you that I applied for housing and got a phone call from the housing department saying that some of the forms I had to submit (like dependant information and such) were WRONG?? So, today I ended up going to the Armory to have them fix Billy's papers. It was like trying to wade through waist high jello at first. They didn't know what I was talking about and I didn't know enough to explain myself. But eventually we all got on the same page and they ended up being extremely helpful. So, a big shout out to Specialist Horn - my hero for the day! However, we're still waiting on the someone to fix his orders for Bragg. And I've got to hunt down his recruiter tomorrow and try and get some more forms from him just so I can get our housing application done. Will the fun ever end??
I'm going to just admit it... I'm starting to get a touch of the AIT-itis myself. Can't we just be done with this already?? Everyone keeps telling me how much better things get when we're at Bragg together. Even Billy himself tells me things will be better. I seriously canNOT wait!!
Can you imagine??
I'm going to just admit it... I'm starting to get a touch of the AIT-itis myself. Can't we just be done with this already?? Everyone keeps telling me how much better things get when we're at Bragg together. Even Billy himself tells me things will be better. I seriously canNOT wait!!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I'll just have to take it with me
We haven't lived in this little town all that long. But when we first moved here from a much larger and much more populated area, I was constantly gasping at the views and landscapes in this community. I promise, you've never seen beauty until you've lived in the hills of Tennessee during the Fall. So for the past two years, I've driven around with a goofy look on my face staring at all the wonderment.
Yesterday I decided to stop being such a mope about having to leave this gorgeous place and just do something about it. I drove around with the windows down and just took some pictures of this authentic countryside. I absolutely love all the old buildings and abandoned houses.
Yesterday I decided to stop being such a mope about having to leave this gorgeous place and just do something about it. I drove around with the windows down and just took some pictures of this authentic countryside. I absolutely love all the old buildings and abandoned houses.
The old bank building
View from up top one of the hills
Jenkins Road barn
Water Valley Road barn
LOVE this house!
If these walls could talk...
Same old house, in color
Leipers Creek
Billy's great-grandparent's home
View of my favorite road in the world
View of the road down from my house
I'm going to have this printed and framed. This is the actual road sign for Billy's family's old property
Anyway, my goal is to get a few of these printed and framed for our new house in North Carolina. I just love the old look of them.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Not sure I'm ready...
I was just telling my sister tonight that I'm mentally prepared for this new adventure that we are headed into. I still have a lot to do to prepare to go, but I think in my mind, I'm good to go. Now I'm looking back and I think that is probably about 75% true. I'm seriously ready for us to be a family again. I'm not ready for the day Billy leaves us to go on his first deployment. I'm ready to get into a new house and all the fun that comes with decorating and such. I'm not ready to have to decide which of my family heirlooms I get to keep and which ones I have to give up because we have too much furniture. I'm ready to make some new friends that our family can depend on and who we can be there for in return. I'm not ready to say good bye to the people I've met here in my little town and the friends I have close by whom I've know most of my life. I'm ready to be 2 minutes from a grocery store rather than 30 minutes like we are now. I'm not ready to set my GPS every time I get in the car because I will have absolutely no idea where I'm going or how to get back home. I'm ready for my children to meet some kids who all know what it is like to live without their daddy for long periods of time. I'm not ready to wipe my kids tears as we leave their friends behind. I'm ready for having a home in a neighborhood with people who all understand the life we live. I'm not ready to hand my baby cats over to complete strangers because we can't take them with us.
I'm not ready to give up all the quick spontaneous weekend road trips home to see my family. I'm not ready to now be living further away than anyone else in the entire family. I'm not ready to leave the only home I've ever known my entire life. I'm not ready. Not really.
I'm sure one day, I'll look back and realize just how much of a blessing all of this is. And I'm already seeing some of the wonderfulness ahead. I have to stay positive and have faith that all of this will work out. Getting yourself ready for something wonderful and knowing you're leaving behind something just as wonderful is not an easy thing to do.
I'm not ready to give up all the quick spontaneous weekend road trips home to see my family. I'm not ready to now be living further away than anyone else in the entire family. I'm not ready to leave the only home I've ever known my entire life. I'm not ready. Not really.
I'm sure one day, I'll look back and realize just how much of a blessing all of this is. And I'm already seeing some of the wonderfulness ahead. I have to stay positive and have faith that all of this will work out. Getting yourself ready for something wonderful and knowing you're leaving behind something just as wonderful is not an easy thing to do.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Of course!
So yes Billy finally got his papers. And guess what... they are wrong. LOL!!! I'm just laughing at this point. Apparently, they didn't have it to where his family could accompany him to Fort Bragg. OOPS! BUT... I'm not freaking out. Now that I've found out the way the housing application will be backdated to April... I'm in no huge panic to get it in. But at least we have a better idea of when we're leaving. Not a concrete idea, but a better idea. OK... really we still don't have a clue when we plan on leaving. There is still about 13 different scenarios that could happen - and so, we're still going to have to wait until those things are more black and white before we can set a date. So my goal is to be ready to leave in mid-September. And if we don't get to leave until mid-October... that is just one step out of the way.
On a good note... the heat finally gave in and let some cool air into the great state of Tennessee. My goodness! We had such a wonderfully pleasant day. It's been a long time since we've been able to sit outside and not melt. GLORIOUS weather!
On a good note... the heat finally gave in and let some cool air into the great state of Tennessee. My goodness! We had such a wonderfully pleasant day. It's been a long time since we've been able to sit outside and not melt. GLORIOUS weather!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Do I smell Paper??
So, in our meager attempt at a conversation last night, Billy tells me that he's supposed to be getting his papers at the end of the week. He wasn't sure if that is this week or next - since this week is almost over. But FINALLY! So, I contact the housing office at Fort Bragg and try and work out some questions. I have spent a lot of time this morning trying to figure out just exactly what we have to do. It is amazing how COMPLICATED things have to be in the military. In real life, you just decide you want to move on Sept 20 and then move. In the military it is like fourteen thousand hoops to jump - just to get into housing. And that isn't even counting the hoops that you have to jump through for finance and transportation. But one thing at a time.
Ok... so I found out a couple wonderful things. First, we are able to put our name on housing with an effective date from when Billy first shipped to basic. So, as of right now we already have four months 'wait time' under our belts. This is wonderful news! Second, the house we thought we wanted only has a 6 weeks wait list. But we also found a nice neighborhood which is actually on post and a lot closer to everything that has a 6 month waiting list. So, that could even be a possiblity. PLUS... we have a third choice that would be super wonderful, but the waiting list is nine months. So, that is a ehhh maybe. But it would certainly be my top choice - which I think it is everyone else's top choice since it is so popular. The third wonderful thing, I found out that we should be able to keep our Fluffy cat. It will only cost $15 to have her micro-chipped and any vaccinations that aren't up to date, we can get done within 30 days of moving in. (This is completely not the same thing that the army spouses were saying - next time I'll just talk directly to the housing office and not some person who may not know what she's talking about)
So starting to get a few answers. Still can't quite know when we're moving. And from the sounds of it, we may not even really know until we are walking out the door. But that's ok. At least we'll get there somehow someway...
Ok... so I found out a couple wonderful things. First, we are able to put our name on housing with an effective date from when Billy first shipped to basic. So, as of right now we already have four months 'wait time' under our belts. This is wonderful news! Second, the house we thought we wanted only has a 6 weeks wait list. But we also found a nice neighborhood which is actually on post and a lot closer to everything that has a 6 month waiting list. So, that could even be a possiblity. PLUS... we have a third choice that would be super wonderful, but the waiting list is nine months. So, that is a ehhh maybe. But it would certainly be my top choice - which I think it is everyone else's top choice since it is so popular. The third wonderful thing, I found out that we should be able to keep our Fluffy cat. It will only cost $15 to have her micro-chipped and any vaccinations that aren't up to date, we can get done within 30 days of moving in. (This is completely not the same thing that the army spouses were saying - next time I'll just talk directly to the housing office and not some person who may not know what she's talking about)
So starting to get a few answers. Still can't quite know when we're moving. And from the sounds of it, we may not even really know until we are walking out the door. But that's ok. At least we'll get there somehow someway...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Ticked OFF!
To the stupid jerk who stole someone's clothes out of the dryer in Billy's barracks yesterday - YOU COST ME A NIGHT OF TALKING TO MY HUSBAND YOU BIG SELFISH JERK!!!! A three minute phone call is not going to do it for me you you you you.... I don't even know what to call you!!!!! But I hope you get caught and get in big trouble! And if I find out you're the one who stole three of Billy's PT uniforms, I will personally find your %#%& when I get to VA and make you pay! Literally pay... those things ARE NOT CHEAP!!!!!!
I don't think I would be so mad, except I didn't get to talk to him again tonight but for a minute because they made them stand in formation for over an hour during their personal time. So, now that is two nights I barely got to discuss anything with my husband. And really, I'd probably be fine. But we have some big decisions to make. And these are decisions that I can't make by myself. Not this time.
Only two more Thursdays. I'm so ready to just have him home where he can actually act like an adult and not some kid in preschool made to sit in time-out every time some other kid acts like a total BAD WORD!
I don't think I would be so mad, except I didn't get to talk to him again tonight but for a minute because they made them stand in formation for over an hour during their personal time. So, now that is two nights I barely got to discuss anything with my husband. And really, I'd probably be fine. But we have some big decisions to make. And these are decisions that I can't make by myself. Not this time.
Only two more Thursdays. I'm so ready to just have him home where he can actually act like an adult and not some kid in preschool made to sit in time-out every time some other kid acts like a total BAD WORD!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Talk about Army Strong!
Billy called yesterday and told me he passed his final PT test for AIT! WHOO HOO! But that's not the only good news. He passed in his best times yet. He did his 2 mile run in 16 minutes. He did 50 push ups and 48 sit ups. That's a major improvement from where he was back in April. So, they weigh him and he's back up over his weight limit. But remember he did that the whole time before basic. In order to make sure he's still within his body fat percentages, they tape him (measure his neck and stomach). He has to be under 25% and he was at 18%. So, he's golden!! He was extremely proud of himself. He knows he still has a ways to go, but for now that was a great PT test. (and no, this won't be his last PT test... he'll have to do it all over again once he gets to his unit.)
Also, he said he was disappointed in his grades for the academic part. He was hoping to get top of the class in order to get some promotion points. But his grade average of 98% wasn't good enough. Really? I think a 98 is pretty darn awesome, but there were some people who got 99.9% - nerds.
But anyway, AIT is kinda sorta drawing to a close now. They have the rest of this week of classes. Next week is something they call "Warrior Week" and it just sounds like a big party. They have a paint gun war. And he was talking about being put into a Humvee and they roll it over. On purpose. When he told me this I suggested he tell his Sgts that he's already had some experience with rolling over in his Jeep a few times back 20 years ago. Yeah, not so much. He's actually really looking forward to being a part of a 'real/fake' accident. This coming from the man who hates roller coasters. If I didn't know his voice better than my own, I would think I was talking to the wrong person sometimes. Geez!
So after "Warrior Week" they have one more week of classroom stuff - which he thinks is going to be a bunch of meetings and "how to" sessions about where to go and what to do once they report to their first duty station. Then there is a half a week of graduation practice and that's it. DONE!
And in three weeks time, I'll be on my way to Virginia to get my darling husband. I can't wait to see him!!!
The kids are super excited about having their daddy home as well. Emma's already asked him to come eat lunch with them at school in his uniform. Too cute. She's a little bit proud of her daddy. Well, they all are. The girls have pictures of him in the front of their school binders. And Will never stops talking about his Army Strong Daddy!
Three weeks.
Also, he said he was disappointed in his grades for the academic part. He was hoping to get top of the class in order to get some promotion points. But his grade average of 98% wasn't good enough. Really? I think a 98 is pretty darn awesome, but there were some people who got 99.9% - nerds.
But anyway, AIT is kinda sorta drawing to a close now. They have the rest of this week of classes. Next week is something they call "Warrior Week" and it just sounds like a big party. They have a paint gun war. And he was talking about being put into a Humvee and they roll it over. On purpose. When he told me this I suggested he tell his Sgts that he's already had some experience with rolling over in his Jeep a few times back 20 years ago. Yeah, not so much. He's actually really looking forward to being a part of a 'real/fake' accident. This coming from the man who hates roller coasters. If I didn't know his voice better than my own, I would think I was talking to the wrong person sometimes. Geez!
So after "Warrior Week" they have one more week of classroom stuff - which he thinks is going to be a bunch of meetings and "how to" sessions about where to go and what to do once they report to their first duty station. Then there is a half a week of graduation practice and that's it. DONE!
And in three weeks time, I'll be on my way to Virginia to get my darling husband. I can't wait to see him!!!
The kids are super excited about having their daddy home as well. Emma's already asked him to come eat lunch with them at school in his uniform. Too cute. She's a little bit proud of her daddy. Well, they all are. The girls have pictures of him in the front of their school binders. And Will never stops talking about his Army Strong Daddy!
Three weeks.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Lots of hurdles for the turtles!!!
First... the house we are renting has been for sale for a while now. Apparently this past week, they reduced the price in an attempt to sell it quickly. Fine by me except now they are going to be showing it like mad. Which means I have to keep it spotless all the time. And also means I have to get up and leave every time they need access to it to show. Blech!
Second... our travel expenses are starting to freak me out. Because Billy got approved for HRAP (the hometown recruiting thing where he can come home and work in the recruiter's office for two weeks) he is now responsible for all travel expenses from VA to home and from home to Fort Bragg and then from Fort Bragg back home when he comes to get us so we can move. GRRRR!!!!
Third... we only have one vehicle. And it is not the newest vehicle either. We call it the miracle. It's got well over 300,000 miles on it. It runs. And it is paid for. But if we are going to make it to NC and back for any kind of holiday or emergency... we're going to need something that isn't going to explode on the road. So... we'll probably end up having to buy something when Billy is home. And the whole "save money and pay cash for a new car" is a big joke now. Plus, if Billy ends up driving to NC first before we go with him and he takes the Exploder, will he make it back? So looks like we'll be doing some car shopping while he is home. Pffflfllllttttt!!!!!!
Fourth... we still do not know anything!!!! I tried to start our housing application today to get the ball rolling, but you have to know all this stuff about his new unit and dates and everything. We do not know anything. It is beyond frustrating!!!
Fifth... Our cats. = ( I have looked into the pet policies at Fort Bragg. BLEH! We are talking major major major rules. Stuff like...If an animal has an accident on the carpets, the carpet will have to be replaced at the expense of the persons occupying the home. BLEH!! All pets are to be current on their vaccinations and are to be micro chipped prior to being approved for housing. BLEH BLEH BLEH! This is just going to super suck. I can't afford to have our cats done in the way they require. And if we live off-post we could maybe find a place that would rent to us with three cats. But all the houses I've looked at in that area are tiny, 3 bdrms, and expensive. Living on-post we would have our rent paid for. So... this is a huge hurdle. Especially when one of cats is technically my cousin's. And then let's say that we could afford to get all our cats taken care of and micro chipped... the installation only allows two pets. So, we'd still have to re-home one of them. And do we split up the brothers, take away the more mature one, or what?? Seriously hard decision. bleh...
Sixth... We have a lot of crap. The army only lets you bring 9000 pounds worth of stuff. Yes, they weigh the truck. Anything over that, and you have to pay. (I think) I have no idea how to even begin to figure out how much all our stuff weighs, but I mean, we've been married for 12 years, have three children, and lots of grandparents who like to give us their old antique furniture. Where do you even start?
Seven... When we move, our moving truck may not go straight to our home. Which means, we could be living in an empty house for a couple weeks. So, I will have to pack up the "what we need" stuff and haul it to NC in my own little truck. And see, most of that is stuff that we will be using until the day we move, so it's not like I can go ahead and pack it up. So, I'm waiting for that too. gggrrrr!!!!
Anyway, you get the picture. And I haven't even figured out how to get the kids transferred to another school yet or how to set up the movers, or when to even say we'll be needing to move. There's just too many hurdles which is in itself the biggest hurdle of all.
Second... our travel expenses are starting to freak me out. Because Billy got approved for HRAP (the hometown recruiting thing where he can come home and work in the recruiter's office for two weeks) he is now responsible for all travel expenses from VA to home and from home to Fort Bragg and then from Fort Bragg back home when he comes to get us so we can move. GRRRR!!!!
Third... we only have one vehicle. And it is not the newest vehicle either. We call it the miracle. It's got well over 300,000 miles on it. It runs. And it is paid for. But if we are going to make it to NC and back for any kind of holiday or emergency... we're going to need something that isn't going to explode on the road. So... we'll probably end up having to buy something when Billy is home. And the whole "save money and pay cash for a new car" is a big joke now. Plus, if Billy ends up driving to NC first before we go with him and he takes the Exploder, will he make it back? So looks like we'll be doing some car shopping while he is home. Pffflfllllttttt!!!!!!
Fourth... we still do not know anything!!!! I tried to start our housing application today to get the ball rolling, but you have to know all this stuff about his new unit and dates and everything. We do not know anything. It is beyond frustrating!!!
Fifth... Our cats. = ( I have looked into the pet policies at Fort Bragg. BLEH! We are talking major major major rules. Stuff like...If an animal has an accident on the carpets, the carpet will have to be replaced at the expense of the persons occupying the home. BLEH!! All pets are to be current on their vaccinations and are to be micro chipped prior to being approved for housing. BLEH BLEH BLEH! This is just going to super suck. I can't afford to have our cats done in the way they require. And if we live off-post we could maybe find a place that would rent to us with three cats. But all the houses I've looked at in that area are tiny, 3 bdrms, and expensive. Living on-post we would have our rent paid for. So... this is a huge hurdle. Especially when one of cats is technically my cousin's. And then let's say that we could afford to get all our cats taken care of and micro chipped... the installation only allows two pets. So, we'd still have to re-home one of them. And do we split up the brothers, take away the more mature one, or what?? Seriously hard decision. bleh...
Sixth... We have a lot of crap. The army only lets you bring 9000 pounds worth of stuff. Yes, they weigh the truck. Anything over that, and you have to pay. (I think) I have no idea how to even begin to figure out how much all our stuff weighs, but I mean, we've been married for 12 years, have three children, and lots of grandparents who like to give us their old antique furniture. Where do you even start?
Seven... When we move, our moving truck may not go straight to our home. Which means, we could be living in an empty house for a couple weeks. So, I will have to pack up the "what we need" stuff and haul it to NC in my own little truck. And see, most of that is stuff that we will be using until the day we move, so it's not like I can go ahead and pack it up. So, I'm waiting for that too. gggrrrr!!!!
Anyway, you get the picture. And I haven't even figured out how to get the kids transferred to another school yet or how to set up the movers, or when to even say we'll be needing to move. There's just too many hurdles which is in itself the biggest hurdle of all.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Yup, we're still waiting to get any news. It's like the climax of knowing "where" we are going has completely faded into the anxiety of "when" or "how." So, hopefully we will know something soon.
I have booked our travel arrangements on how to get Billy home. So, we'll be coming home on September 3rd. He's going to get to be here for two weeks and from there... no clue. blech!
The girls have now completed their first week of school for this year. They are both pleased with their teachers and the friends in each classroom. So much so, that I feel just horrible having to pull them out in a few weeks. I just don't know how all that is going to play out. Sad for sure. I almost think this will be harder than when we moved from Murfreesboro two years ago. They are older and have a network of friends here. And such a strong group of friends. Kinda breaks my heart.
Anyway, not much else going on. Just waiting and wondering - like always. I'm telling you... very soon when we finally get some concrete answers, it's going to be all heck breaking loose! And I promise you, I'm ready. So BRING IT ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!!
I have booked our travel arrangements on how to get Billy home. So, we'll be coming home on September 3rd. He's going to get to be here for two weeks and from there... no clue. blech!
The girls have now completed their first week of school for this year. They are both pleased with their teachers and the friends in each classroom. So much so, that I feel just horrible having to pull them out in a few weeks. I just don't know how all that is going to play out. Sad for sure. I almost think this will be harder than when we moved from Murfreesboro two years ago. They are older and have a network of friends here. And such a strong group of friends. Kinda breaks my heart.
Anyway, not much else going on. Just waiting and wondering - like always. I'm telling you... very soon when we finally get some concrete answers, it's going to be all heck breaking loose! And I promise you, I'm ready. So BRING IT ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Too many questions and not enough answers
Probably the most scary part of this whole process is just the not knowing part. You know something big is about to happen, but you can't prepare or plan because you just don't have enough details. Like a good detail to have would be when. When do we move? When does Billy have to go? Can we go with him? If not, when do we get to go with him? When will our house be ready? When will the kids needs to officially transfer schools? When When When!!?? I want someone to say, "On [insert date here] you need to do this and that." Right now, we're just waiting to find out when we can start waiting for something else.
There is one thing I know... in one month, I'm going to be on my way to Virginia to bring my Billy home. Even if it is just for two weeks and even if he will be tied up with the recruiters in town... he will be home. I wonder if he will care too much that we don't have The History Channel anymore.
There is one thing I know... in one month, I'm going to be on my way to Virginia to bring my Billy home. Even if it is just for two weeks and even if he will be tied up with the recruiters in town... he will be home. I wonder if he will care too much that we don't have The History Channel anymore.
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