Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

This weekend has been just a lot of everything. Graduation went like this... 4 hours of standing, sitting, walking, sitting some more, standing some more, and then we're done. LOL! Oh yeah and add in about 10,000 people and a room temperature of about 109 degrees!! It was a great experience, but while I was sitting there listening to the speaker read off the names of 1300 students, I couldn't help but think of all the things I'd rather be doing. Like sleeping. LOL!! But I'm glad I did it. I'm extra glad my kids got to see me do it. And I'm even more extra glad that I had some wonderful family members to sit there with the kids in that horrible hot arena and wait over 3 hours for my name to be called.
I owe this degree to my kids.
They put up with a lot of frozen dinners and cartoons while I tried to get this done.

I dun gradumatated from dat big skool!

No, I'm not going to take off this hat. This hat cost me a LOT of money!

"Look! There she is. Right THERE!"

Me and my mommas!! Also known as The Support System

And I have a few more pictures to share. But a little explanation is needed. William stole my phone apparently. I know it was him because in every picture, you can see his feet. LOL!!

a cell phone. and william's toes.

the cell phone again. and william's toes again.

a hamster. and william's toes.

a dragon. and william's toes.

And finally. just want to wish a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms out there. We had a nice little dinner at the house today. It will certainly not help my weigh in tomorrow for The Biggest Loser. ugh. And I was hoping to hear from Billy today. So far... nothing. boo. 

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