Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dream House

Today's day 23 of 57 - "your dream house"

There is a farm up the road from where we live now that just takes my breath away every time we go by it. When I found out it was for sale, I almost DIED! When I first looked at the price, it was just above one million. Now they have it listed for around $740,000. If I had that kind of money, I'd buy this place and make it a bed and breakfast. I'd have to hire a cook (since we all know I can't cook) but this would be a wonderful place to live and raise the kids. It was built in 1842, has just shy of 4000 square feet, 78 acres, creeks, barns, and 2 ponds. I WANT THIS HOUSE!!!

Isn't it just wonderful??

Happy Memorial Day!

OK... today's pointless Becky fact is "a short term goal for this month"
I'd have to say that my goal is to just make it through this month without doing anything really stupid. We are so close to getting to go see Billy and the closer we get the more crazy I get. And by crazy I mean like when you are pregnant and can't seem to do anything right. Like your brain shuts down or something. For instance, I'd like to make it to the dump during business hours when I have a few bags of trash piled up in the back of my SUV on a really super hot day. The dump apparently doesn't open for holidays.  Also things like just being able to find my plunger to fix the toilet. How does someone just lose a plunger??? The only thing I can think of is that a small male child that lives in my house may have taken it off somewhere? I seriously doubt it, but I checked his room over just in case. And another thing I do lately is type up Billy's letters and then forget which days I've printed so I end up either sending him duplicates of the same letter or not sending a letter at all. How do you mess that up? I feel like my brain cells are fading fast and with the upcoming activities we have planned over the next 5 weeks... I just hope I can hold on to a couple to get me through it. (and see, if Billy were here he would have reminded me about the dump - but that's OK)

But on another note - Happy Memorial Day!! Lesson learned today is - do not let your children apply your sunscreen on your back unless you like to look like a pink and white freckled zebra.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Catch Up!

We are 37 days away from seeing Billy. That's sooo exciting! So, I'm going to play catch up tonight on my 57 days of posting. I think I've done 12 and should be on day 20. Oooppss!!!

Ok Day 12 of 57 - "A travel story"
The only real trip that comes to mind is when Billy and I got lost on our way to our honeymoon. We ended up in North Carolina about 100 miles off the mark. LOL! But it was a fun drive anyway. I don't think we got there until way into the morning. I know it was super dark and the cabin we were in was this tiny little nothing in the absolute middle of nowhere. So, we just missed it altogether. When we started seeing signs for North Carolina, we were like um... what???

Day 13 of 57 - "someone you want to switch lives with for one day and why?"
I would have to say Jane Austen. I would love to just be inside her mind for a little while. Just to find out what her heart was really full of... pain or joy? remorse or contentment? true real life love or admiration from a distance?? For someone who never married, her novels always seem to catch the exact theme of love and marriage. A true genius!

Day 14 of 57 -  " a hobby"
Um... I don't know. I like to read. I love to watch movies... I have tried cross stitch - nope. I've tried sewing - nope. I have tried scrapbooking - a big no. I have tried making hair bows and did OK for a while until my kids decided they didn't like hairbows anymore. And then I'm not much into sports or outdoorsy things - so hiking and bike riding is out. Maybe blogging is a hobby??

Day 15 of 57 - "a picture of something that makes you happy"

Me and My sissy.... we always find something to laugh about

Day 16 of 57 - "a book you've read that changed your views on something"
UGH! This is hard! I just finished reading "The Help" and man, it was good! I don't know if it shifted my ground at all, but it certainly made me more aware of things.

Day 17 of 57 - "what makes you different from everyone else?"
Well, I am a grown woman and yet I am only one inch shy of being legally required to sit in a child car seat. : )

Day 18 of 57 - "a child I love"
Well... this is just too easy! My wonderful Emma - whose beauty is deeper than she even knows. My Amazing Allison - whose heart is bigger than anything I know. And my lovely William-  whose constant entertainment makes me so thankful to have such a sweet baby in my life.

Day 19 of 57 - "what's the best thing going for you right now"
No Car Payment - YAY!

Day 20 of 57 - "something you bought recently"
Well we got our t-shirts for VBS and Emma got some new clothes for summer camp.

Day 21 of 57 - "a favorite quote"
"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great!" A League of Their Own

And now I'm caught up! I think.
No news from Billy this weekend. I saw that some people from Billy's unit got to call home yesterday - and some called for like 30 minutes. I was half expecting a call today, but didn't get one. So now I'm a little bummed out. BUT we did get our plane tickets set for graduation. I can't wait!!! But of course that only means that I only have 37 days to lose 30 pounds. Yeah... ain't happening!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day something of 57

I'm horrible about keeping up with the Becky-toids (AKA 57 days of posts). But at the request of a friend... I will try harder. LOL! So this is me trying harder... just for you - and you know who you are.

Day 16 of 57 (I think)

"Put your iPod of shuffle and write down the first ten songs that pop up"
1. Dixie Chiks - Travelin Soldier
2. U2 - End of the World
3. Nickel Creek - Sweet Afton
4. Carter Burwell - The Lion Fell in Love with the Lamb
5. Celtic Woman - Ave Maria
6. Barenaked Ladies - If I had a Million Dollars
7. The Wreckers - Leave the Pieces
8. James Taylor - Carolina on my Mind
9. Cee-Lo - What Part of Forever
10. Andrew Lloyd Webber - "All I Ask of You"  from Phantom of the Opera

That's a pretty weird list. LOL!!! I'm disappointed that none of my Muppet's Greatest Hits showed up or any of Billy's Foo Fighters. Oh well...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It is getting better!!!

I can not believe it! We get letters on Friday, a call on Saturday and then more letters today!!!! YAY!!! And his letters are from this weekend... so looks like the mail room at Fort Jackson may have got their groove on this week! I'm so happy! His letters sound AWESOME! I can just tell how he's having fun and doing well! It just makes it so much easier when I hear how well he is doing. He sent the girls some letter too. Allison got a little weepy about hers. Her birthday is next week and I just think she's going to take it hard. We planned ahead and he wrote her a birthday card before he left. I'm going to mail it next week so it comes close to her big day. I'm also going to put a gift card in it. I don't think she'll realize that he actually can't go shopping for a gift card... so that'll be our little secret. But at least she'll have something from her daddy. And then I asked Emma about hers and she said it was good and that I didn't need to know what was in it. LOL! Which I think is awesome because she needs that little something special between her and her dad.
**by the way, the letters are posted in the tab above... just scroll down until you find today's date**

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Monday!

Hello! Today has been interesting. I've not done much except chase William around the house with a big mixing bowl trying to catch him if he starts to throw up. Sorry... that was probably TMI. As a mom, you start to lose that filter of what is just not something to talk about in normal company. A group of moms may appreciate a good vomit story... but not the general public. My apologies.

But no more news from Billy. I did make our hotel reservations for his graduation. I'm super excited about it! We have a whole week planned. Heck, the whole month of June and into July is jammed packed with stuff to do. That makes for a very fast paced month. Which just makes it that much closer to July 6th - when we get to see our soldier!!

So, today's useless Becky fact is "post a picture of someone who has influenced you"
That isn't hard. There are many names of people who I know have encouraged me... but there is one man who just always tried to drive his advice into my thick skull. I wish I had listened to him a little more closely when he was alive. But his words still echo in my heart.

My BBear
William F. Barnes

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer!

Ok completely off the subject... but I always sing that song "Hold me closer tiny dancer" by saying "hold me closer Tony Danza" -- HAHA!
My kids were acting just down right obnoxious today. I don't know if it was the pancakes I made for breakfast or what... but my nerves are shot. So, I'm sitting here in the dark living room trying to chill out and Allison comes in and says, "Mom, you gotta come see this!" I was prepared for Sharpie drawings on the wall or shampoo in the 80's shag carpet... but instead I got a very nice surprise. My three children were all getting along together - no one was crying - no one was pouting - no one was tattling. I figured it was one for the record books... So, I posted it to YouTube. LOL!
See for yourself.

Aren't they just the most precious things in the whole world??? And notice how William is doing "lifts" with them. LOL!!!
I love my kids. It's on days like this when I just wish I had my husband here to just take the kids for a little while so I can just read a book by myself or take an uninterrupted bath. Or just go to the store by myself. But then they do stuff like this and my only regret is that Billy isn't here to see it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hello?? Hello??

Ok... so today I tried to mow the yard. Sun was shining and it was nice and hot. Made about 3 passes with the tractor and the bottom of the sky opened up and dumped a flood on me. UGH! So, I came in and played with my new iPhone and loaded up a nice "mowing the yard" soundtrack for when the rain stopped and I would be able to mow again. So, Emma and I practiced... I put my earbuds in and turned on the music and she called the phone. It rang and I heard it just like I was supposed to. With the practice run out of the way and the rain drying up with the sun back out... I took off on the tractor down the driveway to get the 'hard' part done. Now this is the funny part... The song that pops up in the random shuffle was "William Tell Overture" (the theme from Lone Ranger). Here I am hauling it down the driveway going a good 6 mile per hour with the most appropriate song EVER blasting through my earbuds. So you can imagine my confusion when I hear an antique phone ringing in my ear. OMG! My phone is ringing! I yank it out of my bra (yes... don't judge)  and that also rips it out of my ear.  I see it is an 803 area code. IT'S BILLY!!!! Well, at this point the panic sets in when I realized I never practiced answering the stupid thing. I knew it rang, but I never had to answer the stupid thing. So the tractor is roaring and I'm screaming HELLO! HELLO??? into the phone. But the earbuds had come out so I have no idea if he's talking or not. Then I hear, "Becky!!! Shut off whatever the crap that is and put the friggin phone to your face!!" OMG! For some reason I couldn't coordinate my hands and mind to work together. So, I finally managed to turn the key of the mower off. (thinking now, I should have just stood up and made it shut off automatically.... but who can think like that in moments like these) ANYWAY!!!! The first words out of my mouth were "how long do we have." He said we could only talk for three minutes. There was just too much to say in that small amount of time. But what I got out of it was...
1. He sounded GOOD!
2. His blisters are still real bad and he's making it. He has to wrap it up like crazy anytime he puts his shoes on. Problem was they gave him the wrong size shoe and that's what caused the blisters. So, he got new boots Monday and they are helping a lot!
3. He did his PT test Tuesday. He ran 17:05 and had to be under 17:40, so that is good! BUT... he was one sit-up and one push-up short. He said he'd been doing them fine, but just had an off day. No biggie though. He'll get many more chances.
4. I told him he needed to write the kids a letter so that they could have their own letter from daddy and he said he would try if he got any personal time tomorrow.
5. This week was a lot of marksmanship (with the rifles or guns or something) And he was on one course and couldn't seem to stay consistant. He'd hit a target and then miss two. And then hit two but miss three. So they sent them to another course and he hit five bullseyes in a row. They said he was good to go after that. I don't know if that means he passed some test or something... but I could tell his chest was puffed out a little bit while he told me that.  (insert gorilla grunt and chest pounding here)
And then I hear someone in the background say something and Billy said we only had 20 seconds left. So it was a lot of I love you's and Stay strongs and We miss you etc etc etc... I didn't even get upset. It just happened so fast and then it was over. I didn't even ask if he'd phased to White yet. But I'm assuming the phone call is a sign that he has. We are 1/3 of the way done!!!

SIGH... So... it's been a great day! The yard is mowed. My iPhone is my new best friend - a poor substitute for the real thing, but at least it served its purpose today and connected me with my real best friend. And I am looking back on the events and realizing that if the rain hadn't forced me inside to work on the phone... I probably never would have figured out the earbud thing and would have never heard his call. SQUEEEE!!! (that's just me squealing with excitement)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Stay Awake - Stay Alive!!

YAY!!!! Got such a great couple of letters from Billy today. I've posted them in the tab above. Just scroll down until you find the letters dated May 15th. Such a great improvement from last week!!! He sounds stronger and in much better spirits!!! I just love him and I'm so proud of him right now; my heart is swelling!!!

Becky's useless fact of the day - "favorite book"
I have too many to narrow down to just one. Often times, I get a book and love it so much and put it in my top ten and then read another one and that one also falls into the top ten category... I have the longest top ten list ever. But... if I had to chose a special favorite... I'd go with Jane Austens' "Pride and Prejudice." If for no other reason than it just never goes old. Plus, I've had a super crush on Mr. Darcy since Sophomore English class at Smyrna High School. (don't tell Billy - nevermind, I'm sure he knows)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lost Count

So, I was trying to stay on top of the 57 days of useless information about Becky thing... but I lost track of where I was. I reckon I'll just post these random things in no particular order and no particular day. Which means today's useless Becky-toid is.....
"Top Ten Pet Peeves"
1. When I can hear you chew your food.
2. Folding clothes just to have the kids throw them in the drawer in a mess. (oh wait, I do that too sometimes)
3. When I can hear you chew your food
4. When people talk through movies. Even making oooh and aahhh sounds. Shut it.
5. Running the dishwasher with only half a load
6. Brushing your teeth and leaving the toothbrush on the counter or not putting the top on the paste
7. When I can hear you chew your food
8. People who interrupt like they weren't even listening to what I was saying
9. Watching movies and not returning the DVD back to its case but instead laying it on top of the DVD player
10. When I can hear you chew your food.

So... no mail today. Well, I lied. I got a stack of junk mail, but nothing from Billy. Staying busy helps, but not knowing anything is soooo difficult! We really do miss him. William was talking to my phone to Billy yesterday. Billy's picture is my wallpaper for the phone. So, Will was telling Billy to be "Army Strong" and then showed him the sandwich he was eating. "See daddy!" 48 more days

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Day 7 of 57 - Post a Picture of you and your friends

So everyone has a collection of friends. Some friends you've had since 5th grade and you don't have to talk to every day, but when you talk to her for the first time in 6 months you can pick up the conversation just like it was yesterday. Then you have the friends you find because you have some common bond - like your husbands are off together training for the army. And then you have friends that come into your life and then maybe float in and out again - for no other reason than life just kinda takes you in different directions but then always seems to bring you back together again. You might have those friends who you talk to on an almost daily basis even if it is just an email checking in on each other. You have the friends you met when you live one place and then you have the friends you met when you moved somewhere else. Then you have the friends who know all your deepest secrets (or at least most of them) and you trust them with your life. You have your Facebook friends, your church friends, your old college friends, the parents of your kids' friends, etc etc etc etc.... How do I narrow it down to just one picture without leaving someone out? I don't guess I can. So, I'll just propose this... you who know me and have ever had a picture taken with me... at this point... imagine that picture right now and then that'll be sufficient for this post. And for those who have never had a picture taken with me... take a picture of yourself and photoshop my glorious image into your own picture. And VIOLA!! Done and done!

Oh and no word from Billy so far this week. We've had a busy couple days here up on the hill... lots of weird stuff going on, but I'll save the details for later on.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our First Real Date

Day 6 of 57 - a funny (and true) story

So most of you know how Billy and I met... MTSU 1996 Band of Blue Marching Band Camp... Well, we were friends for quite some time before we really dated. And back then Murfreesboro had one movie theater and it was (for lack of a better word) crap. So, if you wanted to see a movie in digital sound or whatever, you had to drive about an hour up the road to Franklin. Well, back then the main highway wasn't built yet, so the only real way to get to Franklin was on a road called Hwy 96. A two lane twisty curvy insane country road. So one night in the beginning of our relationship we set off for Franklin for dinner and a movie. Don't even remember what we saw. But on the way home... wow... that's something neither of us will ever forget. Billy was driving his tee-niney little Ford Festiva and we decided to stop at a gas station on the way home. So before we start down the scary Hwy 96, we stop off at the little Kwiky Mart. As we pull off, I hear a clinking sound. It kept getting faster and faster as the car sped up. So, I made Billy pull over into the nearest parking lot which just so happened to be Food Lion grocery store. Sure enough, we examine the tires and there is a MONSTER nail sticking out of the rear tire. After much discussion, we decided that we should not drive that thing down 96 - a road that if you had a blow out, you'd be gone forever. So....... we try to put the spare on. But first we had to get the bad tire off. Mind you... at this point in the evening it is closing in on 1 am since we went to the late movie. Anyway, we could NOT get the tire off at all. I was even standing on the stick thingy (yeah i know... but lug nut turner sound stupid too) and it would not turn. Decided the only thing to do is call a tow truck and get him to haul us back home. Two broke as heck college kids needing to be towed back home which is an hour away. Nice, right? Call a tow truck. Also... this is before cell phones so we had to go inside Food Lion and beg the night crew to let us use the phone. After waiting a while, the tow truck guy came. He asked us what the trouble was and then said he'd change the tire for us. AMEN! We were thrilled to have someone help us. This 250 pound professional wrestler type tow truck driver could not get the tire off. UGH! So, he offered to tow us back. DINGALINGALING! He gets a call on his radio. Emergency wreck on the interstate and he needed to go right away. So, this nice burly man tells us to stay put and he's going to send us another tow truck. So, we stay put. For an hour we stay put. Closing in on 2 am. We're tired and frustrated and thinking we should have just taken our chances on 96 with a tire on the brink of death. But low and behold here comes tow truck driver number 2. He pulls in the parking lot, backs up to the Festiva and starts cranking it up onto his flat bed truck. He never said a word to us. Once the car was all locked into place he looks at us and says, "well get in already." I am guessing he hasn't been having the best night. Little did he know it was about to get a lot worse.
Driving down 96. In a tow truck. With a really scary not-so-nice and apparently very angry tow truck driver. Festiva tied to the back. Driving no less than 80 miles an hour. I kid you not. I know we took flight a couple times. Boy howdy! Billy and I were clinging to each other like we were on the Titanic or something. Really thinking we should have chanced the blowout. So half way between Franklin and Murfreesboro is a tiny little town with a stop sign - Triune. At this stop sign (which I was surprised he even stopped at it) he puts the truck in park and gets out. Billy and I were just a little freaked out. He's gone for a couple minutes and when he gets back in he says, "car came loose" and we took off again. Billy and I were holding hands so tight I am pretty sure we did some nerve damage.
Ok... now back in 1996 - Murfreesboro kinda ended at Thompson Lane. Traveling on 96 from Franklin, you knew you were in Murfreesboro once you crossed Thompson Lane. (stay with me here) It's like the city ended and the country began at this intersection of Hwy 96 and Thompson Lane. Well, as we get closer to town I'm seeing city lights. Good news. We are almost there. Making record time no less. But as we get a little closer the city lights seemed a little more blue than usual. OHH. that's because there are a dozen cop cars with their lights on waiting at the edge of town. Apparently waiting for us. So what does Grumpy Gus Tow Truck Driver do? He turns left down Thompson Lane, speeds up, and tries to out run the friggin cops. OH. MY. GOD! Ever see that maneuver in movies where the cop car cuts the criminal off by driving them into the side of the road. We got to LIVE that! Grumpy Gus finally stops. And we are immediately swarmed with more police cars and officers shining flashlights into the cab of the truck. They ask the driver to please exit the vehicle with his hands up. And there we are sitting there thinking WHAT THE CRAP is going on?? Cop comes to the passenger side of the car and shines his light on us. Asked for our ID's and then wanted to know what we were doing. We explained the whole situation to him and he asked us to please go sit in the back of his cruiser. 3 am sitting in the back of a police cruiser while we watch our tow truck driver being patted down and then hand cuffed and apparently being arrested. Cop came back to us and had some more questions for us. "Did you know this man?" "Did he say anything to you?" "How was he driving?" etc etc etc... Ok... so turns out when he stopped at Triune  to "fix the loose car", he was angry that the car behind him had her bright lights on or traveling too close or something and got out and verablly assaulted her. To which she called the Mufreesboro Police dept and said that a maniac just treatened her and is driving a bit too fast and erratcially. Once they got the tow truck driver out they discover pot inside the cab of the truck and found out that there was an outstanding warrant on the man. Guess who didn't have to pay for the tow??
Best Date Night. EVER!!!
Oh and the next day we got the tire patched for ten bucks. = )

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Renaissance Festival

Despite the 50% chance of rain, the kids and I took off to the Renaissance Festival this morning. We got there and took a tour of the castle and then as we were about to enter the 'forest' where the actual festival is, the bottom dropped out. So $10 worth of ponchos later, we managed to have a really great day! Here are some photos for you:
This castle just gets neater every year. I love that he adds things to it each time. So pretty!

Where else can you get a camel ride led by a man in a top hat?

Human Chess match (on the stage in the background is Queen Elizabeth)

William got attacked by these fairies and woodland creatures. They just walked up to him and started petting on him and looking at his clothes and necklace pretending they'd never seen such a thing as a young boy. He just LOVED them!

This is a ride (swings) that these two 'pirates' manually cranked the wheel to spin them. Will didn't get to ride and cried, "I want to be big! I want to be big!" the whole time the girls were on it. Broke my heart.

Day 5 of 57 - "what have you learned in the past month?" Um... there is just too much to list here. But I'll try to post the highlights... I learned that the last week of your senior year in college is the hardest ever. I learned that William really will eat carrots. I learned that Emma can play the recorder with her nose. I learned that Allison is a great swimmer. And most importantly, I learned that separation really does make the heart grow fonder. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Time for Change

1 To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
2 A time to be born, And a time to die;
A time to plant, And a time to pluck up what is planted;
3 A time to kill, And a time to heal;
 A time to break down, And a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, And a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to gain, And a time to lose;
A time to keep, And a time to throw away;
7 A time to tear, And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, And a time to speak;
8 A time to love, And a time to hate;
A time of war, And a time of peace.

Hi folks! I was pulling out of the driveway yesterday morning on my way to take the girls to school. I saw that mailbox standing there all empty and taunting me. And I said NO NOT TODAY!! So, right then and there we stopped the car and said a prayer, "please Lord, if you have anything to go in that mailbox today, please just let it be a letter from Billy. No bills would be nice, but a letter from Billy is what we really need." Guys, I don't think I have to tell you how good God is. But as we got home that afternoon there in the mailbox was a lone envelope from Columbia, South Carolina. AMEN!!!
I guess I should have prayed that the news in it was good. But compared to Billy's first letter, these were very disheartening. I edited them A LOT and only included the information that he would want me to share. I have posted them on the link above "Letters from Billy." But if you pray, this is the time to pray for him. I know he'll get past this, and I know it is part of the process - to tear them down and then build them up - but it doesn't make it any easier to hear the hurt in his words. 
If you have his address or want it, this would be a good time to send him a note of encouragement. I can send you his address if you message me or email me. 
(I have to double up here since blogger was down last night)
Day 3 of 57  - something that makes you happy - well that one is easy - my children. I am constantly reminded of how hilarious and fun they are to be around.
Day 4 of 57 - the reason you believe you are still alive today - God has a plan for me, plain and simple.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's a DATE!

So, this has not been confirmed by anyone official... but according to the Fort Jackson website and some folks on Facebook, looks like Billy's graduation is set for July 7th. So yay! That is pretty much what we thought. And I don't think he'll have to report to his next place until the 11th. Which of course means, he'll get orders to report on the 8th and we will only see him for a day. (this is a new trick I've learned. decide the most suckiest scenario and then when it turns out better than suckiest, you are actually having a good day - which I think is a good way to mentally prepare yourself for Army life)
In other news, Allison is SOOOOO close to passing her swim test. I'm very excited for her. She is doing so well! And even William surprised me tonight. I let him swim too. So, he puts on a pair of Allison's goggles and magically turned into some Aqua Boy or something. Holding his breath, kicking his feet and pushing his arms, jumping into the deep pool with a big giant WHOOPEE look on his face. If I'd have known goggles would have made him trust the water more... man!!

DAY 2 of 57 - "what is something you would find in your purse right now?"
Well this is appropriate... today I was looking for my YMCA card and guess what fell out of my purse onto the desk?? A used medicine dispenser. UGH!! HAHAA!!! It was from when I had taken Emma her antibiotic at school and had no where to put the little spoon thingy - so I did what every mother would do and just shove it down in her purse. Only... I just forgot it was there.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

57 days of posting

So, I have gone back and read a couple of my previous posts and realize what a mope I sound like. And I realize I need some purpose for this blog in between the moments that I won't be talking to Billy. So, I stole this from a friend. I am going to post 57 questions with my answers (feel free to respond as well) to represent the 57 days Billy has until he is done with Basic Training. Doesn't this sound like FUN???

So... Day One


Well, I'd most like to see Billy make it through Basic training without hurting himself. I'd also like to have us together again in a Duty Station that is family wonderful and not up North. But I'd settle for North if it meant we could be together.

Ok... so anyone want to play along??? Comment below.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Communication is key

Not hearing from Billy has to be the hardest part of this whole thing. I can deal with the kids, the finances, the yard work (mostly), but I can't deal with not knowing how he is or if he is doing well or hating it. So many of my friends are getting cards and gifts for Mother's Day and I didn't even get a phone call. I know he would have called if he could have, but I'm just not liking this lack of communication. I know it gets better the further he phases down through the training. But, if I'm having a hard time, it breaks my heart to think how he's dealing with all of this. Actually, he's probably dealing with it just fine. I've mailed him 8 letters so far. Well, 8 envelopes - and a letter for every day he's been gone. If he's getting them, then he's probably doing better than I am.

Anyway, that is all...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

This weekend has been just a lot of everything. Graduation went like this... 4 hours of standing, sitting, walking, sitting some more, standing some more, and then we're done. LOL! Oh yeah and add in about 10,000 people and a room temperature of about 109 degrees!! It was a great experience, but while I was sitting there listening to the speaker read off the names of 1300 students, I couldn't help but think of all the things I'd rather be doing. Like sleeping. LOL!! But I'm glad I did it. I'm extra glad my kids got to see me do it. And I'm even more extra glad that I had some wonderful family members to sit there with the kids in that horrible hot arena and wait over 3 hours for my name to be called.
I owe this degree to my kids.
They put up with a lot of frozen dinners and cartoons while I tried to get this done.

I dun gradumatated from dat big skool!

No, I'm not going to take off this hat. This hat cost me a LOT of money!

"Look! There she is. Right THERE!"

Me and my mommas!! Also known as The Support System

And I have a few more pictures to share. But a little explanation is needed. William stole my phone apparently. I know it was him because in every picture, you can see his feet. LOL!!

a cell phone. and william's toes.

the cell phone again. and william's toes again.

a hamster. and william's toes.

a dragon. and william's toes.

And finally. just want to wish a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms out there. We had a nice little dinner at the house today. It will certainly not help my weigh in tomorrow for The Biggest Loser. ugh. And I was hoping to hear from Billy today. So far... nothing. boo. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Singing like Blues Clues


Go check it out in at the "Billy's Letters" tab up top on the home page

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fun Run

Tomorrow the girls are participating in the Spring Fun Run at school. Basically it is a run for money kinda deal. I sponsored them at $1 per lap. Secretly I am really hoping the laps are huge. Is that awful? It's just I would feel like Michael Scott on The Office and donate way too much and then have to pay up. I don't think a dollar is that much. But if we're talking a lap around the gymnasium... we're talking like $20 a kid easily. Especially the way Allison runs. But the girls have their Tshirts all set out and everyone is super excited about it. Even Emma, who has a double ear infection right now is willing to push through the pain and go. I don't know if she'll make it or not. She was pretty much down for the count today. She had some serious pain going on. I know how she feels. No fun!

I've met a couple women whose husbands are at Fort Jackson with Billy. We aren't sure if they know each other yet. But they for sure all got there at the same time so it is probable that they could be in the same company. I would love that! I would love to know someone who we might get to meet later on at graduation. I've met some wonderful people through this process. The Army is like one big extended family. (and by "meet" I mean talk to online. I've not met anyone in person yet. LOL)

Yard Sale deal of the week - I found a coffee pot for $2. It is a 10 cup coffee pot, where mine was only a 4 cup. It was really hard to make enough coffee for everyone in a 4 cupper. Got the 10 cupper home today and ran vinegar through it and then ran clean water through it about 6 times - made a WHOLE pot of coffee, drank one sip, enjoyed it immensely, and then dumped the rest out. LOL! I don't know why except that I just wasn't in the mood for coffee at 2 in the afternoon.

Keep checking the mail for any news from Billy. Nothing again today. It's been one week since I've had any contact with him (if you don't count the phone mishap from Sunday). This is a very long time to not talk to him. But really, I pretty much tell him every little detail of our day in my letters to him, so it doesn't feel like I'm really missing him. I just don't have any responses. Oh well... maybe one will come soon.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just keep swimming

So, Allison had swim lessons tonight. And she really was draggin her feet about it. I think she wanted to, but deep down wasn't sure she really wanted that kind of attention. I don't know. You just have to know Allison. But I signed her up and she did SOOOO well. Her teacher said to me later that Allison was a good swimmer, but doesn't talk much. HA! I love it when people say that. Because deep down I am thinking, say what?? Allison is so much like her Dad it is unreal. Neither one can stand to talk to other people, but once you get them started... Lord, there is no stopping it.

I'm wondering how Billy is dealing with that. I would think the Drill Sgts like to pick on the ones who run their mouths and the ones who never open theirs. I'm guessing they're having a real hayday with my Captain Awesome right about now. Oh wait, it is Private Awesome First Class. LOL!!!

Still no word from him. I did get a big monster packet in the mail and spent most of the afternoon doing paperwork on army stuff, 4H stuff, and other stuff.  And I did try to get my phone upgraded and they told me to come back Monday so that I would fall within some 30 day window. I'm thinking if Billy calls Sunday and my phone screws up again..... ugh! Don't even want to think about it. It already really stinks that he's going to miss graduation and Mother's Day this weekend... I sure would hate to miss his call.

I did find out today that the Smyrna Air Show is this weekend. Man, I would love to go to that. And we'll be in that area anyway... I just bet we won't get done with graduating stuff until after the show is over. Maybe I should look that up....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

go Go GO!

I hit the ground running today. Man, we accomplished just a whole lot!!! First I went to workout. YAY! Extended my time to 40 minutes on the elliptical and kept a good speed almost the whole time. Watching Law and Order helped keep me going. I wanted to see who done it. I figured it was the dad. He was too nervous.
THEN... we went back home and prettied up. I called the school and had the secretary have the girls ready and waiting. I signed them out about an hour early and we went to get our military ID's. Emma and I were really the only ones who were supposed to get one. But I asked really sweetly if Allison could get one. I could tell her feelings were getting hurt. (they only give them to kids over age 10) The little guy was a softie and printed one for her too. William was like, MY TURN. But I told him I would take his picture when we got home. He seemed fine with that. And let me just say... my picture is AWFUL! The coloring is off because the little guy's printer was messed up. So, he had to compromise and adjust the contrast - white face and jet black hair. I look very close to a fat Morticia from the Addams Family.

So, new ID cards in hand we thought we'd take advantage of the rainless afternoon and drive to Murfreesboro! LOL! There is a reason for this. I had to get my cap and gown and I needed to sell back some books.

Since the kids were so good about everything and I had some cash from selling my old text books, we splurged and went to Chuck E. Cheese. It was a wonderful time! Emma who is teetering on the edge of being too old to enjoy the rides and games took William around and helped him play all the games. And then when Will got tired of that, Allison took him up into the playland area. I sat in the booth just watching everything as I rested. LOL!

By this time it is close to 8 pm and we still have an hour and ten minute drive home. So.... we go to Best Buy. HAHA! I wanted to complain about the phone they sold me and get a replacement. But there was a good five or more people in front of me. So, I think I am just going to go to the cell phone store tomorrow in town.
We got home and everyone is TIRED.

Speaking of tired, I can't help but wonder how Billy is. No news from him. But I do have a couple tidbits for you.
This is the Fort Jackson page for the company and platoon he is in. 3-34th Infantry Regiment Fort Jackson

And as of Friday, Billy is in the Red Phase of Basic Training.
Weeks 1-3: Red Phase

Welcome to BCT! Soldiers meet their Drill Sergeants and begin training. While often considered a difficult week for Soldiers due to the adjustments, it is actually pretty easy compared to later weeks. Most classroom-type training occurs in this period where Soldiers learn about:
Ballistics and Rifle Marksmanship Fundamentals
Personal financial management
Law of Land Warfare
Uniform Code of Military Justice (Military Law)
Dismounted Land Navigation (using a map and compass)
Fundamentals of Physical Readiness
Rappelling and navigating rope bridges
Drill and Ceremonies (marching)
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Defense (often referred to as the Gas Chamber)

One more thing and I'll be done. LOL! The other day we went to the park. Allison and William spent a good deal of time on the merry go round. When William got off, he was down right drunk. He kept falling over. It was hilarious!!!! On his third stumble, his face got in a fight with the mulch. The mulch won.

So to sum up the day... I got my cap and gown. I worked out and felt like a million dollars. I finally got my military ID. I sweet talked a young military fellow into giving my 8 year old an ID even though she doesn't need one. I took my kids to Chuck E. Cheese. And now everyone is home feeling just a little happier. If only we could hear from our soldier..........

Monday, May 2, 2011

More than one way to skin a cat

So, I didn't get Billy's address from him. But I still got it! If you want it, just send me an email. I ended up calling Fort Jackson directly and got his information from them. So, I mailed off all my letters today. Hopefully he gets them soon. Two of my envelopes were so thick I had to put two stamps on them. LOL!!

But today we started two new programs. I went to sign up Allison for swim lessons. AND, I signed up for the biggest loser at my sister-in-laws church. It was a very fly by the seat decision. It is a twelve week commitment and I have 9 weeks until I get to see Billy again. Hopefully, this will be able to motivate me into actually losing. But since we didn't start the swimming tonight due to storms, I did get to work out a little and man, I felt great! I sure do miss it. I can't wait to get back there tomorrow. : ) More than anything, I want Allison to pass her swim test so she can swim this summer without having to have me hold on to her. She and Emma can go swim while I workout.

Well anyway, this is just me rambling on. I don't have much else to report.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lady in Waiting

After all my precautions and efforts to keep my phone as close to me as possible, I still managed to miss his call today. The phone never rang. It chirped like it was about to ring. I pick it up to see 'one missed call' and a 'voicemail.' He was not too happy according to his message. So, I almost think why even bother? I've KILLED myself over this dang phone waiting on his call. Putting everything on hold in case I missed it. And then I miss it anyway.
So whatever.
Tomorrow I'm moving on. I can't be a slave to this phone. I will go work out. I will take the kids swimming. I will take a shower for longer than 5 minutes. I will sleep with my head on the pillow and I will charge my phone at night. I will turn the radio on in the car. I will do everything I haven't been able to do b/c I'm scared to miss his call. That is no way to live. I love him and I miss him more than he knows. And I can't help it when AT&T decides to drop my call. But I'm moving on. I will write him my 4+ page letters every day even though I don't have his address yet. And I will continue to send him every bit of love I can share in words. But I have a job to do here and unfortunately that job title is not "Lady in Waiting."

It's not been a good day.