I know I'm a looney. But if I just break down in tears for no reason (like I did today on the phone with my mother in law) please just take it as a phase of crazy. I have no real trigger for the tears. But it usually occurs when someone asks me directly how I'm holding up or speaks directly about what is going on. I have an unbelievable amount of stress on my head right now and I just can't help it when I lose it. And boy howdy, I seriously lose it. Trying to calm down, I tried to brush my teeth. (insane) And crying while brushing your teeth can be a very dangerous thing. Billy's not seen my moments of insanity. Thank goodness he's never here for them. I can't say I'll be able to hide it from him as next week comes and goes. But it is what it is. He knows I'm whacko. I don't think he expects any less. : )
So this is just me apologizing for making things awkward when I have my meltdowns. The best thing to do for me is to just ignore me. The more people try to calm me down, the worse I get. I'm going to miss him more than I think I even realize.
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